Fintan O’Toole, Irish Times, Dec 26, 2020: "Trump has unfinished business. A republic he wants to destroy still stands. Donald Trump will continue to unleash racism, nativism and a fear of government"

Fintan O'Toole nails it like nothing else I've read. Where I have to content myself with merely noting that Trump is fundamentally an extremely corrosive, destructive autocrat who would enjoy burning the nation down to cement his dominance, O'Toole is able to parse his behaviour into finer grain sizes and render sharper focus on the broader fetid cesspool that is Trump's mind.

Having just read it, I am seething and not particularly hopeful for our future; a future that will be monstrously difficult to navigate even with the most well intentioned and capable leaders. That some 70 million people, who populate the spectrum from those energized by the worst, most base of human instincts, through those short sightedly focused on cultural/religious wedge issues, to people who are ideologically blindered and/or intellectually lazy, and finally to those who just aren't very bright, chose to vote for someone who relishes in destruction as obviously as Trump does, is maddening and worrisome for our future.

Decorum, clinging to the precipice by it's fingernails, prevents further comment.