This thread will be fun as it is always interesting to see how 10 people can see the same movie, 9 love it, and 1 thinks its the suck. We have all been there. We have all been that 1.

There are quite a few for me, but the one that sticks out most of all is American History X. I find this movie insultingly dumb. Mainly because they are trying to "keep it real" meanwhile making such an unrealistic movie.

1) That basketball scene is so stupid. Norton 360 dunks in Timbs to win the big game...sure thing. (why bother too? it added nothing)
2) Norton gets paired up with a happy-go lucky disarmingly hilarious cliché of a black man instead of...i dunno...a hardened criminal
3) Screen play writer never bothered to figure out the difference between a skin head, white supremacist, and the Nazis...writer just uses big ole clichés melding the three. A tiny bit of research and nuance would have gone a long way.
4) Armed thug in the bathroom excuses himself because he doesn't want to be late to class...something tells the kid is not trying to get into Harvard.
5) Back to the basketball game: they pass actually pass it to the fat!

Honestly, I cold pick on this movie for hours.

Anyway, the gist of the movie is all about racism and stereotyping, and how good people are good and bad people are bad regardless of skin color. But for me, the director is so dependent on stereo types to get his story across that I just can’t get past it to see the larger themes. Frankly, all I am left with is the fact that the only cure for racism is forced sodomy.

This movie made a lot of money, it was nominated for 10 Oscars and won 2...but it’s such a piece of crap.
