Quote Originally Posted by Dave Kirk

* so if I can round this back to the beginning and ask a non-rhetorical question for a change................ how can we help educate folks both new and old how to better use the bikes they own?
it's not an education issue; it's a culture issue. some folks consume simply to
appropriate and/or co-opt something they are not (nor may ever be...) ready for,
but do it because it involves a label, a consumer good, or a hobby. atmo that's
life, and trying to find ways for everyone to ride the types of bicycles we make
is not reality. the reality is that the different cultures don't mix, but should find
ways to play well, even if it's a chore. personally, i have no problems with opinions
about bicycles. i like what i like, and i also know no one bicycle (or position) suits
all, yet these message boards are primarily about racing and racing type bicycles
rather than comfort bicycles or that ilk. many of the detractors would be better
suited on "other" types of bicycles. the education you mention would be about
letting them know as much, and courteously at that atmo.