-- thank you for all the encouragement, e-mails and text over the past few years relative to my heart condition..

-- i "should have, could have, would have" related to years back when:
failure to ride like i use to
failure to meet specs at d2r2
failure to meet specs at head of the charles masters
failure to play tennis like past
-- tammy always reminded me that i thought i was in my thirties and wanted to compete the same..
i never would admit within to growing older.., my ego and norm for success and achievement would not mentally allow..

-- my life has always been achievement, success and recognition ---- a real mental stigma.., now that i look back..
i believe viet nam played a part.., my own failure to let it go..
corporate life played a part.., my failure to not fail..

then the "big kahuna" hit catching my life off guard ---- 95% heart blockage..
no by pass for me --- stents.., leaving me a "touch me i bleed" mare of the night..
no riding, no rowing --- just financially strong, time on my hands, mentally unable to accept and putting something under the pillow every night for the
good fairy wake me up fixed..

-- a life-long friend "but, ronnie" helped me out of the past and into family, friends, helping/assisting with sunrises and forgetting sunsets..

by the way.., Cleveland Clinic believes they can do a by-pass without me bleeding to death ---
d2r2 here i come
velodrome here i come
cx riding here i come
"just fucking living in the future with smiles here i come.."

Moral to my story --- thank you to all my brothers & sis and that special pal that reminded me.., "when the going gets tough the tough get going.."

ronnie with a new smile