Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
According to Boeing, this is where they are in the process. It seems only #1 is completed. In part five, there is a period for public comments which delays the process. Longest scenario given the circumstances, regulators will require full 737 simulator training for crews before certifying them for flights.

At what point does the BOD fire the CEO or he resigns? If he resigns or is fired before the process is finished, the situation is really FUBAR because the next CEO will need to sign off on the process greatly delaying the approval process.

1.Simulator Certification Session: A multi-day simulator evaluation with the FAA to ensure that the overall software system performs its intended function. COMPLETED
2.Line Pilots Crew Workload Evaluation: A separate, multi-day simulator session with airline pilots to assess human factors and crew workload under various test conditions.
3.Certification Flight Test: FAA pilots will conduct a certification flight(s) of the final updated software.
4.Final Submittal to the FAA: After completion of the FAA certification flight, Boeing will submit the final certification deliverables and artifacts to support software certification.
5.Joint Operational Evaluation Board (JOEB) Training Evaluation: The JOEB, a multi-regulatory body, conducts a multi-day session with global regulatory and airline pilots to validate training requirements. Following this session, the Flight Standardization Board will release a report for a public comment period, followed by final approval of the training.
self made disaster by cheaping out in the design phase. Quick solution to a complex problem.
Once a great American company.