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Thread: Virus thread, the political one.

  1. #1141
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    Show me one example.

  2. #1142
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    Outside the time Hillary said that in anger about deplorables, I am not sure who the Democratic Messiah is? So who is the new Messiah? And show me examples where they bad mouth the Midwest?

    I grew up in Minnesota, and I do listen to Rush once every two weeks to take the temperature so do know that is some of the bull he shovels... You sound angry. If you want to engage in an exchange of ideas, happy to engage. Can you provide some links?


  3. #1143
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    Another insightful one from The Atlantic:

    With Each Briefing, Trump Is Making Us Worse People - The Atlantic

    The headline is a bit misleading. Yes, the author eventually gets around to explaining how he believes that is happening, and it's a plausible conclusion. But I think he hits his high notes earlier on, when he writes
    "[Trump] has no ability to understand anything that is not an immediate tactile or visual experience, no sense of continuity with other human beings, and no imperatives more important than soothing the barrage of signals emanating from his constantly panicked and confused autonomic system."

    And then "Trump begins every one of these disastrous briefings by hypnotically reading high-minded phrases to which he shows no connection. These texts are exercises in futility, but they at least show some sense of what a typical person with friends and a family might want to sound like during a national crisis. Once he finishes stumbling through these robotic recitations, he’s back to his grievances. Each of these presidential therapy sessions corrodes us until the moment when the president finally shambles away in a fog of muttered slogans and paranoid sentence fragments. In a time of crisis, we should be finding what is best in ourselves. Trump, instead, invites us to join a daily ritual, to hear lines from a scared and mean little boy’s heroic play-acting about how he bravely defeated the enemies and scapegoats who told him to do things that would hurt us. He insists that he has never been wrong and that he isn’t responsible for anything ever."

  4. #1144
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    Hi Bruce - a lot of forum members live on the east and west coast and don’t feel the way you describe. That may well be a view of some people on the two coasts, but I know it is not exclusively a view of Democrats. Lots of conversations among Republican elite about how to maximize the votes of people who they wouldn’t otherwise share space with. You must know that’s true. One way is by reinforcing stereotypes and underlining minority opinions among the particularly vocal members of the opposite party. All politicians do that. Most of us - and I am guessing you included - just want people to take voting seriously and choose carefully the people they think are best going to serve the interests of the nation. I would hope Democrats and Republicans are both doing that. And if you are doing that, great, good job. Just understand that there are people doing that on the east and west coasts too without thinking that everyone else is a deplorable.
    Last edited by j44ke; 04-12-2020 at 07:30 PM.
    Jorn Ake


  5. #1145
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
    Outside the time Hillary said that in anger about deplorables, I am not sure who the Democratic Messiah is? So who is the new Messiah? And show me examples where they bad mouth the Midwest?

    I grew up in Minnesota, and I do listen to Rush once every two weeks to take the temperature so do know that is some of the bull he shovels... You sound angry. If you want to engage in an exchange of ideas, happy to engage. Can you provide some links?

    Douglas, you really screwed this up. It's the Democrat Messiah. And undoubtedly referring to the Mooslim Kenyan Obummer. The "Democrat Party" is a pretty good tell of the Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, Trump viewpoint.

  6. #1146
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    I’ll respectfully disagree. Trump panders and incites. It’s actually horribly disrespectful. I’m not a big fan of either party right now, but I can spot condescension a mile away. And condescension is personified in Donald Trump.


  7. #1147
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    So what are some examples of this respect? The trade war with China that decimated farmers? The gutting of social programs that disproportionately the poor and working class in rural areas? The tax cut that did not benefit anyone in the working class but continued to deliver more largesse to the capital classes? The "everyone is on their own" response to this pandemic?

    Other than telling rural people it's okay to be racist as hell and their problems are due to foreigners rather than who actually has been causing their problems, I'm really having a hard time identifying these examples of respect you're talking about. So please, share with the rest of us.

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Are we really sure Bruce Day and Blue Jay aren't the same person?

  9. #1149
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    but at least he treats us with some respect.
    Ha! That's a good one.

    Sort of like Trump inviting evangelical pastors to the White House, allowing them to put their hands on him and pray and distributing the resulting photo-op far and wide.

    That isn't a sign of respect, in fact, it's the exact opposite.

  10. #1150
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    so in summary, you are a victim of the identity politics game. You are going to make choices based on the games played by the parties to make you feel certain ways rather than making choices for the health and integrity of the nation? Bruce, my wife is from Kansas and my entire family is midwest based. this idea you have in your head is a false narrative. By the way, Kansas got a bit tired of republican respect and has recently voted in quite a few (gasp) female democrats recently for governor. Its like they got tired of the games and thought maybe it was time to vote for results, for reality, for themselves, for respect.

    by the way, out here in Oregun, i think we cling a bit harder to the guns than even wherever you are from, we are more alike than different, you just heard someone say something one time
    Matt Zilliox

  11. #1151
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Who’s getting these hundreds of billions in the government aid? For now, the public may be in the dark | Washington Post

    "The names of businesses that collectively will receive hundreds of billions of dollars in coronavirus relief from the federal government may not be disclosed publicly, an omission that critics say could make the massive spending program vulnerable to fraud and favoritism.

    The $2.2 trillion Cares Act approved by President Trump last month requires that the names of recipients of some forms of federal aid be published, but those requirements do not extend to significant portions of the relief.

    Chief among the omissions is the $349 billion expected to be doled out to small companies in chunks as large as $10 million. The rescue legislation does not compel the Small Business Administration to disclose the identity of the recipients. So far, the agency has said it received about 487,000 applications totaling $125 billion in requests."
    Guy Washburn

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  12. #1152
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    If as some of you contend, the contemporary Democrat party is vastly different than the Democrat party of Lincoln’s time, then perhaps they should act differently.

    I am out here in fly over country, the area derided by the west coast and northeast coast elites as inhabited by deplorables , despicables, the uneducated , the rural buffoons, red necks and those who cling to their guns and religion in the words of the Democrat Messiah . We have been viewed as quaint inhabitants with customs and traditions unlike the sophisticates back east and way west. The states around here went about 55 percent Republican in 2016, my guess is that it will be higher this time. If anything, the way that Democrats have treated the president elected by us has hardened the resolve. Trump is not the perfect person , he is not one of us , but at least he treats us with some respect.
    I too am from "flyover country", having grown up in NE Wisconsin and currently living in Illinois for my work. I hate the term "Flyover Country" as it is often used derisively to imply folks here are a bunch of slow, unsophisticated bumpkins.

    But don't take this president's message as one of respect. It's one of pandering for vote buying. The Democrats do the same thing to their constituents, buying votes with promises they can't keep and their extreme use of identity politics. I don't like either party for these reasons.

    But Trump is nothing more than a bully. He's a class clown-like cult figure who is fundamentally weak minded and is doing irreversible damage to the nation, both internally and externally. Our standing in the world is dangerously weakened currently and another four years will make it worse. Do you remember any people like this from when you were in school? The class clown? Bully? Fundamentally they were insecure and would do anything or say anything for a laugh and to bring attention to themselves. That's what his rallies are. Bullying sessions.

    When you think back and remember the insecure bullies were they the ones we respected deep down inside? Hopefully not. The ones we had in my school have not gone on to great successes in life and in many cases that was the high point of their lives. This president continues to build his image on lies and deceit. Don't fall victim to this.

    Do not allow his pandering and bullying to be confused with respect. It's not the same thing.
    Last edited by Saab2000; 04-13-2020 at 08:02 AM.
    La Cheeserie!

  13. #1153
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief | The New Yorker

    "The Senate Majority Leader’s refusal to rein in the President is looking riskier than ever."
    Guy Washburn

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  14. #1154
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saab2000 View Post
    I too am from "flyover country", having grown up in NE Wisconsin and currently living in Illinois for my work. I hate the term "Flyover Country" as it is often used derisively to imply folks here are a bunch of slow, unsophisticated bumpkins.
    It's also worth noting that terms like "flyover states" or "coastal elites" are used by politicians to sow distrust and derision. Most people, particularly those who are being intellectually honest, don't think in those terms.
    "I guess you're some weird relic of an obsolete age." - davids

  15. #1155
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Strongin View Post
    It's also worth noting that terms like "flyover states" or "coastal elites" are used by politicians to sow distrust and derision. Most people, particularly those who are being intellectually honest, don't think in those terms.
    You are correct. But I've heard the term "flyover country" for years before I started paying attention to modern politics. My old college roommate thought very poorly of Midwesterners but came to that school because his grandfather was footing the bill. The irony was that he stayed for decades and never returned to his native California, finally leaving Minneapolis about three years ago for a job opportunity in Seattle, twenty seven years after we graduated from college together.

    But your point is taken. There's plenty of dog whistle language used in political discourse and these terms are absolutely used.
    La Cheeserie!

  16. #1156
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    11 ideas for economic stimulus to save the US from unemployment and recession - Vox

    "The American economy is in crisis, with record-setting new unemployment insurance claims likely pushing the overall jobless rate to its highest point since the Great Depression.

    And even as President Donald Trump talks optimistically about “opening up” the economy again, the serious plans for doing so make it clear that even under the best-case scenarios, there’s going to be no rapid return to normal.

    Developing and distributing a vaccine for Covid-19 will likely take at least a year, and until that happens, no edict from the White House is going to change the fact that significant sectors of the economy are going to be hamstrung by either state and local closure orders or basic individual or community-level caution about avoiding crowded places and unnecessary outings.

    Meanwhile, the recession itself can easily become a self-propelling machine. People who lose jobs can’t spend money, which reduces others’ incomes. State and local governments are strapped for cash and need to cut back, which creates another cycle of falling incomes and spending. Since the virus is global, the United States can’t export its way out of the problem. And since this collapse is happening with the Fed’s main policy rate already at zero, there’s no easy lever to push to generate an automatic bounce-back."
    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
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  17. #1157
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    "As he promised, Idaho rancher Ammon Bundy – who once led an armed occupation of federal land in Oregon – organized an Easter Sunday church service in violation of a statewide order on mass gatherings.

    A livestream of the service showed dozens of people in folding chairs sitting together in Bundy’s industrial warehouse in the small city of Emmett, about 30 miles northwest of Boise, where a handmade sign reading "Defy Martial Law" was placed in front of the speaker’s podium.

    After the group watched a precorded praise video, Bundy briefly addressed the group, saying, "When you believe in Christ ... you will never infringe upon your neighbor's rights."

    There were no signs on the livestream of anyone attempting to challenge or interrupt the service. Wayne Hoffman with the conservative Idaho Freedom Foundation – a group that has called the ban on gatherings unconstitutional – also was invited to speak.

    We certainly don't have to continue to live in a world where a church service is considered a big church service in America," Hoffman said. "That's not who we are. Americans don't in fear. They don't give up their rights."
    Bundy did not officially announce the venue for the service until just hours before it started. He told CNN last week he wasn’t concerned about getting coronavirus.

    "I'm healthy, my family is healthy. I'd rather have it now so my body is immune to it," Bundy said."

    I'd pay money to watch that reality show.
    Jay Dwight

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    I wonder if McConnell and Trump want to leave the USPS to go bankrupt because they don't want mail in ballots in November.
    Just say-in

  19. #1159
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
    I wonder if McConnell and Trump want to leave the USPS to go bankrupt because they don't want mail in ballots in November.
    Just say-in
    Anyone who thinks Wisconsin wasn't a dry run for suppressing turnout come November needs to drop me a line, I have a bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn for sale.

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
    I wonder if McConnell and Trump want to leave the USPS to go bankrupt because they don't want mail in ballots in November.
    Just say-in
    That, and Trump is still pissed that a real billionaire, Bezos, uses the USPS Bulk rate for Amazon deliveries. He tried to push the postmaster to double the Amazon rate. His go to.... retribution.

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