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Thread: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

  1. #101
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by guido View Post
    It is difficult when two liberal ideals come into opposition. The balance between workers rights and the rights of people not to be abused by those workers seems to be hard to make right now...
    I see it less as two ideas in opposition and more a failure of the union to have a spine and say these assholes don't represent us, and get them the hell off the force. The silence, instead, is deafening. It implicitly validates the idea that these aren't bad apples, they're just run of the mill cops, and so the blue wall closes around them.

    I get it's not all cops, but if it isn't, then the ones who don't want to be affiliated with this kind of stuff better start speaking up.

  2. #102
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by Saab2000 View Post
    That doesn’t mean all the troublemakers are outsiders though.
    You are correct. Up to 80% is not all. These were the words of Governor Walz and I assume at the time he had some reason to say it.

  3. #103
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by caleb View Post
    Will Stancil’s feed matches what I see on the ground. He knows this city as well as anyone.

    Will Stancil (@whstancil) on Twitter
    So that’s good. The more people who corroborate what is being seen and link together their information the better. The more of this information that gets collected and documented the easier it will be to bring pressure on city authorities to investigate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sbti View Post
    You are correct. Up to 80% is not all. These were the words of Governor Walz and I assume at the time he had some reason to say it.
    Not that I’m trying to get too deep in the weeds, but the St. Paul mayor mentioned arrests. Many of the arsonists and looters/thieves will never be arrested. It’s purely speculation on my part, but I’d think most of those are locals. That said, I can’t back that up with facts. It’s just my thinking, which may well be off base.
    La Cheeserie!

  5. #105
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Barr as quoted in NYTimes:

    Attorney General William P. Barr, who has vowed for a swift federal investigation into Mr. Floyd’s death, also weighed in on Saturday, issuing a stern warning to left-wing “agitators” who he said were exploiting the protests to pursue their own goals.

    Mr. Barr, at a brief news conference, said outrage over the death of Mr. Floyd, 46, was “real and legitimate,” but said justice must be served through the courts, not through the rioting that has overtaken several of the nation’s largest cities. Mr. Barr warned that protesters who cross state lines to “incite or participate in violent rioting” may be violating federal laws and that the Justice Department would pursue cases against them.

    “The voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked by violent radical elements,” Mr. Barr said. “Groups of outside radicals are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.”
    Of course who is deemed a “violent radical element” may be viewed differently by Barr than they might be by eyewitnesses on the scene. Or as is evidenced by arrest records.
    Last edited by j44ke; 05-30-2020 at 05:43 PM.

  6. #106
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by sk_tle View Post
    What about the other three policemen?

    Are police officers that afraid of each other to let their colleague decide on life and death of a civilian without interposing ? Or is it that in a group of 4 policemen you are likely to find 4 racists out of them ?

    Is there a vsaloner who worked in the police force that could give us an insight in the culture in the US police forces ? Can you actually report a colleague or will your life becomes miserable ? Are some of them openly racists or white supremacists in and out of the office without any consequences ?
    The goddamn Three Blind Mice. They're accessories to murder, and this anamolous "murder in the third degree" charge is tantamount to letting Derek Chauvin walk away scot-free. It's an insult to every victim and survivor of institutional violence for a state to press a charge that he acted "without intent to cause death" after he kneeled on a man's neck for twelve minutes.

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    Young Man that used to work for me is a County Deputy and he say's that they are taught NOT to do what that officer did. Once a suspect is in handcuffs you either sit them down or lay them on their sides. They have been trained NOT to use this hold because it can kill a suspect. In other words they are taught to not use that hold Because it will kill the suspect and have been taught that for years. The Officer knew what he was doing and knew what the end result would be.
    Frank Beshears

    The gentlest thing in the world
    overcomes the hardest thing in the world.

  8. #108
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    I am now also hearing reports that much of the chaos is being caused by outsiders. If so, I retract my earlier statements. It makes me even angrier.

    The whole thing is enraging.
    La Cheeserie!

  9. #109
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    Jay Dwight

  10. #110
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    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

  11. #111
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    And Trump has evidently boasted that tonight is "Make America Great night" outside the White House, which suggests he has been briefed in some manner on the composition of the crowd outside and has decided to provide them with some encouragement.

    Like I said before - a lot of interested parties focusing their manipulative know-how.

    Trump's vaccine for Covid19 appears to be violence.
    Last edited by j44ke; 05-30-2020 at 08:47 PM.
    Jorn Ake


  12. #112
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    The true criminals in this country show up to work in a suit and tie - and no mask.

    They spew lies and rape and pillage, forever above the law.

    Same as it ever was.

    "Yes, as through this world I've wandered
    I've seen lots of funny men;
    Some will rob you with a six-gun,
    And some with a fountain pen.

    And as through your life you travel,
    Yes, as through your life you roam,
    You won't never see an outlaw
    Drive a family from their home."

    - Woody Guthrie
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  13. #113
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by jclay View Post

    "I personally DGAF if the citizenry of the Twin Cities sets fire to every police station and squad car they can find."


    This is what you get when you spend centuries fucking over a people. This is what you get when police get away with unwarranted killings. This is what you get when you don't work your ass off to rid police departments of violent, racist cops, and a culture of violence where using a firearm is normalized.

    You don't want to see this shit? Then do something about it.
    "Sorry to report that the building housing Chris Kvale's framebuilding shop is gone as collateral damage. Embers and burning debris from the Hexagon bar across the street lit the roof of the Ivy Building on fire last night. It is an old 2 story industrial building, and Chris's shop was located on the ground floor. Fire took the roof, the second floor is a complete loss, and Chris's shop was flooded from the fire suppression effort above. Water literally raining down through the ceilings. He evacuated his space this morning. Given the nature of the building it is unlikely that it will be rebuilt. The cookie jar suffered no damage, but there is no idea of when it will be able to be put back in use."

    So you're ok with Chris losing his shop? How would you feel if this was YOUR shop? Or are you saying arson & destruction of public property, violence and death should only apply to the Police? Which is just as insane. Please tell me this is simply emotional and not what you stand by.

    For Christ sake, John, violence is never the answer, violence (via that cop) is what started this mess in the first place.

  14. #114
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    I use the, “violence is not the answer” line all the time...but it’s violence against black and brown bodies that got us to where we are today. We have a four hundred year history of violence towards slaves and their descendants, towards non-white immigrants and refugees, towards LGBTQIA folks, towards religious minorities...if violence is not the come we keep using it against people. Why did a bunch of white idiots protest with their guns on capital steps (without the National guard being called in)?

    Maybe there is something to violence...and I’m ready to burn it down.

    Let’s start with the vote. If for some reason Trump loses and that still doesn’t work to rectify things, then let’s get all Marie Antoinette on some assholes with billions. Zuckerberg and Trump can be first as far as I’m concerned.
    Jason Babcock

  15. #115
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    "Sorry to report that the building housing Chris Kvale's framebuilding shop is gone as collateral damage. Embers and burning debris from the Hexagon bar across the street lit the roof of the Ivy Building on fire last night. It is an old 2 story industrial building, and Chris's shop was located on the ground floor. Fire took the roof, the second floor is a complete loss, and Chris's shop was flooded from the fire suppression effort above. Water literally raining down through the ceilings. He evacuated his space this morning. Given the nature of the building it is unlikely that it will be rebuilt. The cookie jar suffered no damage, but there is no idea of when it will be able to be put back in use."

    So you're ok with Chris losing his shop? How would you feel if this was YOUR shop? Or are you saying arson & destruction of public property, violence and death should only apply to the Police? Which is just as insane. Please tell me this is simply emotional and not what you stand by.

    For Christ sake, John, violence is never the answer, violence (via that cop) is what started this mess in the first place.
    What happened to Chris's shop is a tragedy, no doubt. The GoFundMe set up to help with expenses is already halfway to it's fundraising goal and I get the sense the community will rally around him given what's happened.

    But let's not get it twisted, what happened to Chris pales in comparison to institutionalized state sanctioned violence against minorities in this country. If that cell phone video didn't exist, none of us would know George Floyd's name. And he'd still be dead.

    I refuse to have the missteps in a visceral, emotional reaction from the community overshadow the real crime here. Cops have two different sets of rules for white and minorities in this country, and increasingly police communities through violence and intimidation, leading to horrible, completely avoidable deaths for a not insignificant segment of our country.

    And as much as we are loathe to admit it, yeah, sometimes violence is the answer.

  16. #116
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Walz and the National Guard have done a great job tonight. It's 3am, and the only real sound is helicopters. They've been using helicopters for firefighting and to drop tear gas. They've been controlling the bridges to keep people from moving. Bravo.

    As for any larger meaning of any of this, when there's smoke in your nostrils, the fire is everything. It's a basic human instinct to react to fire. It's not a theory, it's all event. The theory can wait.

    At least I think we turned a corner tonight.

  17. #117
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    "violence is not the answer."

    While I tend to agree with this, let's admit it - sometimes, violence is the answer. Or, at least, has been the answer, historically and politically.

    I'm not going to say that "violence is not the answer" in the context of people rioting who have been victims of violence in this country since its inception. It feels kind of patronizing to me.

    I NEVER hear the "violence is not the answer" line in response to black men and boys being murdered by state-sanctioned violence.

  18. #118
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by theflashunc View Post
    But let's not get it twisted, what happened to Chris pales in comparison to institutionalized state sanctioned violence against minorities in this country. If that cell phone video didn't exist, none of us would know George Floyd's name. And he'd still be dead.

    I refuse to have the missteps in a visceral, emotional reaction from the community overshadow the real crime here. Cops have two different sets of rules for white and minorities in this country, and increasingly police communities through violence and intimidation, leading to horrible, completely avoidable deaths for a not insignificant segment of our country.

    And as much as we are loathe to admit it, yeah, sometimes violence is the answer.

    Policing in the US is not about enforcing law. It’s about enforcing white supremacy | George Floyd | The Guardian
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
    My Framebuilding:

  19. #119
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Quote Originally Posted by theflasunc
    I refuse to have the missteps in a visceral, emotional reaction from the community overshadow the real crime here. Cops have two different sets of rules for white and minorities in this country, and increasingly police communities through violence and intimidation, leading to horrible, completely avoidable deaths for a not insignificant segment of our country.

    And as much as we are loathe to admit it, yeah, sometimes violence is the answer.
    My thoughts too.

  20. #120
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    Default re: Minneapolis Social Injustice and Related

    Literally, metaphorically - burn them all down. They have to go. They completely lack the moral authority to wield the power they are in possession of.

    When one cop is in the process of killing a guy, and three cops are standing their watching and do nothing - what exactly does "protect and serve" mean? At some point, you gotta care more about the guy being killed than the accusation that he may have passed a counterfeit $20, right? If you don't, you don't deserve the badge. You barely deserve to call yourself a citizen.
    "As an homage to the EPOdays of yore- I'd find the world's last remaining pair of 40cm ergonomic drop bars.....i think everyone who ever liked those handlebars in that shape and in that width is either dead of a drug overdose, works in the Schaerbeek mattress factory now and weighs 300 pounds or is Dr. Davey Bruylandts...who for all I know is doing both of those things." - Jerk

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