The world needs more of this.There is a nice fella down there in your orbit who can build a smart machine for you if you ask nicely and then kick him in the chestnuts. His machine will allow you to expand your saddle time beyond your five hour window, and not have to put a foot down. The only downside will be an indiscriminate, and uncontrollable urge to speak French. You will begin to cross-pollinate with other like minded individuals who wear French berets on a Saturday in October and discuss such esoteric topics like low trail, riding through rainstorms for five days straight as you marvel at the water cascading from beneath your Honjo fenders. You will become fascinated by generators, wires and lights, scrum with neophytes over front loads versus rear loads, and you will engage in these discussions with a straight face. I've seen this happen to others. It has happened to me.