Airstream Bambi vs. Class B Thor
Getting pretty serious about securing a small RV setup going into spring and how others have weighed the relative merits of a small towable vs. a Class B all-in-one?
For a towable, I'd probably look at an Airstream Bambi or similar smallish-format, basic two-person setup. For a Class B, most likely a new Thor Sequence or Tellaro, or Winnie Solis. The main things I'm after are a bathroom and a basic kitchen, plus a place to sleep. My goal is being able to drive down to CA, NV, UT, etc. to set up basecamp for solo exploring classic climbs and road routes over long weekends, as well as some coastal trips with my better half.
Towable Pros:
- can park it and drive the truck/SUV away
- when stored, have the truck/SUV as a second car
- less expensive overall depending on cost of truck/SUV
Towable Cons:
- have to store it somewhere (at least w current rental home)
- can't stealth camp as easily
Class B Pros:
- stealth camping almost anywhere
- can park in driveway at home
- easier parking in general on trips
Class B Cons:
- probably $20-30K more expensive
- driveable part may degrade faster than liveable part, or vice-versa
- seems more complex
- design/storage may be better on towable
So, anybody else weighed the merits here or have other thoughts to help inform my decision?
The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.