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Thread: Aeropress safety

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kelly View Post
    That is easily disproven.

    The migration of antioxidants from polypropylene follows standard Arrhenius kinetics, as shown by this paper by Jonas Alin. He derived his results at 80 oC, moreover the activation energies he gives in the discussion after table 4 would give Q10 values of 2-4, so migration at room temperature would be slower but still present. Note that the solubility is highest in non-polar solvents, a good analogue for the oils in coffee.
    Did you read the title of the paper? It concerns MICROWAVE HEATING!!!! You don't stick the Aeropress into a microwave oven! In addition to that, it concerns food packaging, when was the last time you saw any food packaging made like the AeroPress with food packed inside? NEVER! They use a much thinner plastic for that which is not nearly as strong as an Aeropress.

    I assume as paranoid as you are, you grow all your own food, because food is packaged in plastic containers, don't you dare eat any food packaged in plastic, so you need to grow all your own food to avoid the plastic packaging.

    Oh, and by the way, don't eat anything out of aluminum, or cook using aluminum because aluminum migrates too, also don't use stainless steel either because it leaches nickel and chromium into foods, copper leaches copper into food, as does non stick cookware; the only safe cookware and drinking containers are Ceramic and glass. So, I assume everything you eat out of or cook in, or drink out of is strictly 100% glass or ceramic?

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    The microwave is a convenient way of heating things. The data stands.

    Your original comment was that polypropylene doesn't leach and your support was an unacknowledged quote from a mummy blogger. I pointed out this was incorrect, with three references to published research on the subject by polymer chemists. If you can find any published research to support your position, please post it, otherwise the subject is closed.

    By the way, most people where know me by now so I don't normally have to do this but here I will make an exception. I am the nominee on a patent for a technology based on permeation through polymers. It is a subject on which I have some expertise.
    Mark Kelly

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kelly View Post
    The microwave is a convenient way of heating things. The data stands.

    Your original comment was that polypropylene doesn't leach and your support was an unacknowledged quote from a mummy blogger. I pointed out this was incorrect, with three references to published research on the subject by polymer chemists. If you can find any published research to support your position, please post it, otherwise the subject is closed.

    By the way, most people where know me by now so I don't normally have to do this but here I will make an exception. I am the nominee on a patent for a technology based on permeation through polymers. It is a subject on which I have some expertise.
    I'm done with you, you want to go around and around about something so stupid, yet I bet you use all those metal things I listed but you won't comment on those. And to finish this conversation, NO ONE PUTS THEIR AEROPRESS IN THE MICROWAVE, so no, your comment does not stand. I'm finished with this, if you want to respond go ahead have fun, I won't be the person to go on and on with you over something so trivial, with no health warnings whatsoever, and no proven health hazards. I'm moving on.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Man I love a good spitting match ;)

    Mark Kelly's science is not to be questioned. We all can disagree about style and form however on this matter I'll take your light weight work.

    Froze, you been out gunned bigly. xxoo

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Man I love a good spitting match ;)

    Mark Kelly's science is not to be questioned. We all can disagree about style and form however on this matter I'll take your light weight work.

    Froze, you been out gunned bigly. xxoo
    I don't think I've outgunned at all! This was a nonsense debate, nobody puts their Aeropress in the microwave, and you know that. So if you want to stick up for nonsense that's entirely up to you, but if you do stick up for this sort of nonsense then I hope that you and him don't use stainless steel, aluminum, or copper cookware because all three of those leach crap into your food, so if either of you is that concerned then why aren't you concerned about the other materials? Oh, is it for the sake of convenience to win an argument?

    You're going to take my lightwork? LMAO!!!!

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Are there currently any conspiracy series related to the Aeropress?

    Asking for a friend.


  7. #27
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by SlowPokePete View Post
    Are there currently any conspiracy series related to the Aeropress?

    Asking for a friend.

    I expect they'll get to that on page 3 or 4.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Same first four letters (A-E-R-0) as in the Russian airline Aeroflot...just an observation.
    rw saunders
    hey, how lucky can one man get.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    And Aeroflot's planes are made of aluminium, which leaches. The plot thickens.
    Mark Kelly

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by zambenini View Post
    Ultralight and cheap - untying the Gordian knot!

    I got an aeropress for Christmas, though, and I just love the coffee it makes, whereas I've never been as impressed as I should with a pour-over even from a fancy coffee shop. Coffee and a book (and frequently a hammock) are luxuries I'm willing to take on a camping trip, no matter the weight or size. I haven't tried a truly minimal bike camping trip, though, so I suppose I'd have to reconsider if I got in a jam. Currently, however, my next "tour" is liable to be a family S24O with the whole fam dam in baby trailers, so I'd have 100lb carrying capacity, anyway, haha.
    Do you stick your Aeropress in the microwave to heat up the water with?

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    I picked up an Aeropress Go recently.

    The end result is quite tasty for such a simplistic device and money well spent I think.

    I haven't put the Aeropress in the microwave. I haven't put a Russian plane in the microwave either.

    I plan to take the Aeropress hiking next weekend. I'll leave the microwave home though. Might be a bit heavy in my pack...

  12. #32
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    Default Re: Aeropress safety

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    I picked up an Aeropress Go recently.

    The end result is quite tasty for such a simplistic device and money well spent I think.

    I haven't put the Aeropress in the microwave. I haven't put a Russian plane in the microwave either.

    I plan to take the Aeropress hiking next weekend. I'll leave the microwave home though. Might be a bit heavy in my pack...
    This is the most intelligent thing I've read on this thread!

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