Re: Anyone look into "concierge" doctors
I did this with my doc for a few years until he retired. He did it while grouping with a bunch of others so that odds were there was still a specialist for my needs. They somehow priced that into the single concierge annual fee. Back then (maybe 10ish years ago) he charged me 5 per year in Manhattan which included the other guys too. I got a sort of catastrophe insurance because my fear was the hospital and all of those types of facilities and docs/ services there if needed. I am not sure that it saved me much money overall nor did it cost more (although I had no major hospital etc needs over that time). I just really liked and trusted that doc and he was in a group with like minded/ like personality other docs. After he retired I went back to the usual US method of insurance with its fights and copays because I couldn’t find a similar situation.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel