Perhaps you've noticed? It seems one can't swing a mouse without hitting a new frame builder's website. It appears the market has grown for the hand built segment of the bike industry. That's cool and certainly I've benefitted from that. But there's something that bugs me about this boom. It seems to me many have entered into the frame building biz way too quickly. Historically folks came up through the ranks whether through a production shop or a job shop or through an apprenticeship or some combination of those. But now it seems one makes a frame, gets a website and voila... they're living the dream! The internet is full of bike forums some of which are focused on frame building. Folks can ask questions and that's awesome. These forums have helped to dispense advice and I would never argue that this is a bad thing. What happens a lot on these forums that I find disturbing though is when a very basic question is asked by someone that already has a website that touts one's abilities to produce works of art or some other crap like that. Perhaps I'm too close to the situation to look at it objectively but I don't see this sort of thing happening in other industries. Do electricians have a forum where they can ask the difference between amperage and voltage? Do accountants have a forum to ask about debits and credits? Not that I know of. I don't have a solution but I have a feeling the frame builder boom will produce a large supply of used building equipment for sale in the future. Also I think the boom has the potential for giving established builders more credibility or it could give the hand built segment of the bike industry a black eye. Either way I find the growth in number of builders going into business before having a rudimentary mastery of the basics difficult to stomach. I don't really have a question for anyone. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest amongst friends.