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Thread: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

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    Default Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    My contract with AT&T is up in 24 hours.

    Love my iPhone. Bad marriage with AT&T. Actually, I don't really mind AT&T. The plan provides what I like at what I consider to be a reasonable cost for what I get.

    What I really, really mind is the dropped calls (possibly the fault of the iPhone itself? I have heard as much) and the spotty connectivity, even in big cities like Washington and Philadelphia and Charlotte. And I spend a lot of time in these places. And at my folks house I can't reliably make a call without people telling me I have a bad connection. And about a half block away it just drops off as the phone displays the message "No Service".

    It seriously sucks.

    I used to have Alltel, which I liked but they didn't have a good smartphone at the time and have since been absorbed by Verizon. I don't ever remember getting a dropped call on Alltel and the signal was always good. Very reliable stuff there.

    I can wait for January or February for a possible Verizon iPhone. Lots of rumors, as we all know. But until I see it, it doesn't exist.

    So considering my dislike for my AT&T coverage is probably greater than my like of my iPhone handset I am strongly thinking about getting a Motorola Droid X or Droid 2.

    Has anyone here made the switch? Been happy? Or does Verizon have their own issues too?

    Let's have a cellular smart phone smackdown, specifically Droid v iPhone and Verizon v AT&T, as those are the only real contenders in my world.

    Is this OK here? If not, that's alright too. I know there's opinions on interweb. But this group travels well, is articulate and likes fine things, even if phones have a real world life of about a year or two tops.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    turn 3g off. problem solved. I never ever have a dropped call. I use wifi for the internet stuff at home and usually can find it out and about. The 3g network gets bogged down (esp in larger metropolitan areas) with all the idiots texting and using their phone as a computer. The cellular service (not 3g) is good for everything besides web browsing (texting, mapping, email).

    iPhones are the best. Period. Everything is just trying to be one. Switch and find out.
    Last edited by lavi; 12-11-2010 at 06:18 PM. Reason: typing

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Another iPhone user here. Service around DC is pretty bad, especially on the 3G network in any semi-congested area. The ability to do anything on my phone when I'm at work, data wise, is hit or miss. Luckily, its not too bad for me at home.

    The Android phones have come a long way since their inception. The newest ones don't give up much to the iPhones, and those I know that have them have been pleased.

    And who knows about the VZN iPhone. I'd like to see it, even though I have to stay with ATT for the next year. There will be a ton of defections to VZN (thank god for mobile number portability!) which will serve to relieve a ton of congestion on ATT's network. A win for users, but a hit to ATT's bottom line, for sure.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    I switched to AT&T from Verizon when I bought my iPhone 2 years ago and now I can't make a reliable phone call from my house, whether 3G is on or off. With Verizon I never had dropped calls but, to be fair, I (obviously) switched phones when I switched providers. Now, I use the land line if I'm home. When my phone goes tits-up, I'll probably just get the newest iPhone because I like my 3G enough; but I'm not sure it's the absolute best phone out there.

    Lavi - why are people who use the 3G network for texting and internet idiots?

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Quote Originally Posted by m.pewthers View Post
    Lavi - why are people who use the 3G network for texting and internet idiots?
    Harsh language. Forgive me. 3G simply isn't necessary for anything other than web stuff. With the network (3G) being congested, maybe mainly due to texting and web use (specifically in your zip), I can see how maddening it must be. Turning off 3G maybe takes 5 seconds and relieves many headaches. ATT also probably doesn't care due to the monopoly they've held in the past. Competition is a good thing and should lead to faster network for ATT and slower for Verizon. The basics are that the phone networks' infrastructure isn't yet built to the level it needs to be. In time.

    The idiocy comes in where the network slowness can pretty easily be avoided...also folks who feel the compulsion to use a phone as a computer...I guess that's where we are headed though. At least we don't live in Africa though right? We are fortunate to have such stupid problems in our day to day lives.


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    Ducking? I wasn't picking a fight; I'm not that kind of a drunk.

    I've got no problem with what you're saying. Any time I use Safari with 3G on my phone I just end up wanting to hurl it against the nearest wall. I like the iPhone's 3G internet function when it comes to apps like Google Maps, Yelp, IMDB, USGS, and email, but I feel like I dork if I use my phone for more than a couple of minutes in public, and if I'm home I just use my computer because it just works better for that kind of stuff.

    Despite my disappointment with AT&T's coverage in my neighborhood (1 mile outside of downtown LA), I'll probably stick with them because I have no other complaints and they're my home phone/ internet provider. I hope (and believe) that you are right about competition making AT&T up their game, though.

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    I wasn't picking a fight either. I was just concerned I'd piss someone off. I'm kind of a prick, at times.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Quote Originally Posted by lavi View Post
    Harsh language. Forgive me. 3G simply isn't necessary for anything other than web stuff. With the network (3G) being congested, maybe mainly due to texting and web use (specifically in your zip), I can see how maddening it must be. Turning off 3G maybe takes 5 seconds and relieves many headaches. ATT also probably doesn't care due to the monopoly they've held in the past. Competition is a good thing and should lead to faster network for ATT and slower for Verizon. The basics are that the phone networks' infrastructure isn't yet built to the level it needs to be. In time.

    The idiocy comes in where the network slowness can pretty easily be avoided...also folks who feel the compulsion to use a phone as a computer...I guess that's where we are headed though. At least we don't live in Africa though right? We are fortunate to have such stupid problems in our day to day lives.

    In my experience, the wireless telecom networks in many parts of Africa are actually pretty darn good.

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    Much of what is referred to negatively as the Third World in aviation actually (greatly) exceeds the levels of service and reliability and cleanliness we experience in the US. I digress.

    My biggest gripe isn't with the internet service. And I refuse to apologize for using my iPhone as a computer. That's what it is. It is advertised as such, AT&T advertises the fastest 3G network in the country. So it must be meant to be used. I understand it can get congested. Such is life.

    My biggest gripe is the dropped calls and spotty service or spotty connectivity. At my folks house for example I get one bar and if I walk a couple hundred feet down the road I lose the signal completely. Then it will pick back up a block later. Dropped call. And when I do manage to keep the signal it will rise to 3 or 4 bars of strength but it still sounds like this...

    Mainly I just want to use it as a phone. But I got it specifically because I want access to weather radar for my job. AT&T advertises the availability of internet access via the iPhone so I expect it. I also expect to be able to reliably make telephone calls with intelligible sound quality and without dropping very often. I think for my $100/month that is not too much to ask. Which is why I am strongly considering Verizon as they seem to have a reputation for greater reliability.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    I'm stuck with ATT for another eight months. After that, I'm going elsewhere. My wife and I pay $180/mo for data devices that don't work way that's continuing.

    The ATT/iPhone product doesn't do what it claims to do, namely work as a phone and data device. It did fifteen months ago, but no more. The 4g update was the straw that broke our phones' ability to do the job properly.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Been a customer of both companies. I think a lot of people are gonna be disappointed by Verizon's skeevy customer service and the sneaky way they disable phone functions. If and when they ever get the iPhone.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    FWIW, current rumors place Verizon iPhone sales beginning shortly after Xmas. Supposedly, Verizon is already stockpiling inventory. 4G Verizon iPhone to Debut After Christmas? - Mac Rumors

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    as stated above, it seems like there are some interesting options coming for the iphone and this market. i say hang tight for a few months and see what comes available.

    if you are itching to try something new, get a droid and put that on your att plan. the GF got one for $70 via amazon and is test driving it. with sprint rolling out 4g etc. etc, the next few months look interesting.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Anyone try the Virgin mobile plan with one of their smart phones?

    25 bucks per month for 300 minutes of calls plus unlimited text and data is crazy cheap compared to most companies these days...

    Just gotta pay for the phone.

    Perfect for my oldest son. Only wants to text and surf/chat anyway... no contract either.

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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    The new Verizon "4g" isn't really 4g, but if you live in one of the areas that they are rolling it out, you will get speeds well above cable. No kidding. Of course that will only last until enough folks get on the new service to bog it down. I have an HTC Incredible and its pretty incredible. The only time I dropped a call was when I was riding down the north mountain to Franklin Forge. the ride down the gravel descent takes you back a century or so. Guess that caused it. Other than that, Verizon's 3g speeds are good enough that I never bother turning WiFi on when I am using my phone for a computer. It really is good.

    The current crop of high end Android phones (Incredible, Droid x, Droid 2, etc) are really good phones. Using some of the common apps, you can customize the way your phone works and looks way beyond anything that an iPhone is allowed to do. And that's really the difference. Apple's products are really excellent, but you are forced to drink the cool-aid. If you want to use your pone differently than Apple wants you to, you are out of luck. Verizon too, attempts to limit what you can do. For example; tethering is not permitted unless you pay an extra pretty steep monthly fee. But unlike iPhones, there are workarounds for most current Android phones. Rooting your phone lets you access all the features that the hardware is capable of. Tethering, changing clock speeds, voltages, etc. Not that this stuff is for everyone, but because Android is a Linux based open source OS, there are thousands of developers out there opening up the possibilities.

    Of course with all these developers out there with no Mother Steve to keep them in line, some of the Apps and OS kernels floating around are pretty crappy. Most of them are good, but Big Brother is definitely NOT watching this part of the market.

    Having said that, if the iPhone was usable on the VZ network by now, I would likely be using one. I'm glad that I got a killer deal on my Incredible (eBay) a few months ago. Verizon charges way too much.

    If you are one of thems that hate other people telling you what you can and can not do, get an Android based phone. Otherwise, you will love your iPhone ... when you have a good signal.
    Last edited by Tom Kellogg; 12-13-2010 at 06:23 PM. Reason: clarity
    Tom Kellogg
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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Kellogg View Post
    The new Verizon "4g" isn't really 4g, but if you live in one of the areas that they are rolling it out, you will get speeds well above cable. No kidding. Of course that will only last until enough folks get on the new service to bog it down. I have an HTC Incredible and its pretty incredible. The only time I dropped a call was when I was riding down the north mountain to Franklin Forge. the ride down the gravel descent takes you back a century or so. Guess that caused it. Other than that, Verizon's 3g speeds are good enough that I never bother turning WiFi on when I am using my phone for a computer. It really is good.

    The current crop of high end Android phones (Incredible, Droid x, Droid 2, etc) are really good phones. Using some of the common apps, you can customize the way your phone works and looks way beyond anything that an iPhone is allowed to do. And that's really the difference. Apple's products are really excellent, but you are forced to drink the cool-aid. If you want to use your pone differently than Apple wants you to, you are out of luck. Verizon too, attempts to limit what you can do. For example; tethering is not permitted unless you pay an extra pretty steep monthly fee. But unlike iPhones, there are workarounds for most current Android phones. Rooting your phone lets you access all the features that the hardware is capable of. Tethering, changing clock speeds, voltages, etc. Not that this stuff is for everyone, but because Android is a Linux based open source OS, there are thousands of developers out there opening up the possibilities.

    Of course with all these developers out there with no Mother Steve to keep them in line, some of the Apps and OS kernels floating around are pretty crappy. Most of them are good, but Big Brother is definitely NOT watching this part of the market.

    Having said that, if the iPhone was usable on the VZ network by now, I would likely be using one. I'm glad that I got a killer deal on my Incredible (eBay) a few months ago. Verizon charges way too much.

    If you are one of thems that hate other people telling you what you can and can not do, get an Android based phone. Otherwise, you will love your iPhone ... when you have a good signal.
    Listen to Tom, I got an HTC Incredible and it is the best phone that I have ever bought.
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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    I just divorced AT&T and iPhone. Final straw was when ATT refused to allow me to upgrade to iPhone 4. Said too many of my calls were off network. I explained I used cell from home as my primary business line (I'm self employed) & in light of being an ATT customer for 4+ years, could they make an exception? No dice. Only option offered was a microcell for $150 that ATT said "might" make ATT signal strong enough at my home so my calls would be on their network. But even if this worked, ATT wouldn't approve phone upgrade for 4 months. And no discount on microcell or rebate on any future costs.

    I told them they gave me no option. I signed up with Verizon with an Android phone. So far, not a single dropped call - used to have at least one a day with ATT/iPhone. Plus I'm enjoying the flexibility of the Android platform.

    If ATT customer service had been more flexible & worked with me, I probably would have stayef with them. As it turned out, I'm glad they didn't as I believe I now have better phone with far superior phone coverage.


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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    I have an HTC Hero Android phone on Sprint. I get a good signal pretty much everywhere I go. About the only place I get spotty reception is at work, but that's either the crappy metal building or the 8 Synchrowaves running in there. As soon as I step outside it's golden. The plans are cheaper than AT&T, and since it includes free roaming anywhere I can't remember a time when I've been without signal unless I was so far out in the boonies that no one had any. Sprint is supposed to have bad customer service, but in 8+ years, I've never called them.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
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    Default Re: Can we talk about phones and companies here?

    verizon has issues almost never. in ten years of service, i've had a good strong signal and no issues with the other side hearing me or dropped calls probably 99.99999% of the time.

    regarding iphone vs. ?, let me just say that the htc incredible is the phone the iphone dreams of being. it's to the point where i actually find the ios interface annoying as hell. also, what the frik is up with just one button? sure it looks cool, but my preference is for function over form. ymmv, of course, and the form factor on all apple products is, admittedly, very high.

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