As you've had all summer to perfect your grilled american favorite (with the german name), i must ask:
What's your trade secret?
What's your meat- beef, turkey, game, goat, mule? or non-meat?
Do you mix-in the seasonings or just a sprinkle on top?
me? I'm not real picky about a burger, 'cept that it's not overdone. And if i'm doing it at home, it's going to be venison. Quick and light and with toasted whole-wheat bread. Seasonings by the mood that strikes me. also, i blend in a bit of flour to "glue" the patties together as 100% venison is too lean to stick to itself, and i find the binding characteristics of flour to be plenty and not so fatty as ... adding fat.
right, i don't add "cheese" either. not much on kraft singles yo. save my cheese points for pizza.