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Thread: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

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    Default The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK


    So this is my friend, Mr. Edward Charter.


    He's currently employed at a country house in Oxfordshire. He's willing to answer questions. I'll email 'em and you'll get an answer. Ask away.
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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Since I asked the question about nannies in NY that appears to have led to this Q&A, I'll throw out a couple:

    1. Presumably you've got to have some modicum of social graces and intelligence (and higher education?) to be a butler these days...what happens if you find yourself at 35 years old and realize you hate all the tossers you've been working for the past ### years? Do you have the connections to break into something else? Not that you'd likely be the type to abruptly want to go work in a cubicle, but I wonder what comes next? Manage The Ritz?

    2. Second, I recall reading something a few years ago that butlering was on the wane. Is this across the board? Or are the old rich downsizing their staff while the newly stinking rich go out and hire a butler because they can? I know Chase has worked for some families whose money probably comes from oil. How about hedge funds, silicon valley rich, and the like?

    3. If hack financial advisers go around quoting "Boiler Room" what is your profession's reference point in pop culture? I'm guessing it's not Mr. Belvedere.
    my name is Matt

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Are extra legal activities, such as scoring hookers and blow, considered to be an expected duty of a butler?

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    These days, is a butler seen as a professional doing a job that allows their employers to best utilize their time or is there still a class based view of "service" workers?

    I realize that this question may be answered differently by Chase than Mr. Edward Charter, so go to it.

    Everything else I know about butlers I learned from Movies, TV, and board games. Some of those notions I would rather not be disabused of.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Someone ask Chase about what happens when you catch celebrities in bed with odd bedfellows.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    I sent Edward an email with a bunch of questions. I'll start with these and follow up with him as well. I think, given our different experiences, that the answers will be quite different.

    Quote Originally Posted by robin3mj View Post
    Presumably you've got to have some modicum of social graces and intelligence (and higher education?) to be a butler these days...what happens if you find yourself at 35 years old and realize you hate all the tossers you've been working for the past ### years? Do you have the connections to break into something else? Not that you'd likely be the type to abruptly want to go work in a cubicle, but I wonder what comes next? Manage The Ritz?
    There are a variety of field that you can go into. Many have, in essence, replaced the bulter's profession, albeit never entirely. I'm currently working for a private concierge firm. I work in a luxury properties that can have anywhere from tens to hundreds of units. Each resident dictatesw my level of involvement in their lives. I currently have 134 units in my new property. I start by getting them moving quotes and transferring all of their utilities. I also coordinate all of the insurance between the delivery companies and the building. The basic, tedious stuff no one wants tro do. After the residents have moved in, I set them up with whatever services I think they'll require; housekeepers, baby sitters, dog walkers, electricians, contractors, etc. From there its all dinner reservations, car services, theater and concert tickets, travel arrangements, etc. There are other fielods, if you're willing to adapt. Or you could go the hotel route, which we both have. I'd say its 50% novelty and 50% working for people who've come to expect that level of personal service.

    Quote Originally Posted by robin3mj View Post
    Second, I recall reading something a few years ago that butlering was on the wane. Is this across the board? Or are the old rich downsizing their staff while the newly stinking rich go out and hire a butler because they can? I know Chase has worked for some families whose money probably comes from oil. How about hedge funds, silicon valley rich, and the like?
    Its still big in Asia and the Middle East. The western world is dominated by personal assistants, who fill a different role in my opinion. they are there more to take orders and less to provide a quality of life.

    Quote Originally Posted by robin3mj View Post
    If hack financial advisers go around quoting "Boiler Room" what is your profession's reference point in pop culture? I'm guessing it's not Mr. Belvedere.
    The problem with pop culture is the idea of a butler is so foreign to most people that the character is best used as comic relief. The smart-ass butler. Something I'm not entirely apart from. Although, there are good examples of the serious side. Downtown Abbey is pretty damn good, and pretty damn accurate. Remains of the Day is another great example. The author had previous written about the life of the samurai. How to tell a similar story with new characters? The butler was the only profession that mirrored the samurai's level of dedication to both ritual and service. We actually had to watch it in butler school. Yes, at least one guy fell asleep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanrtaylor View Post
    These days, is a butler seen as a professional doing a job that allows their employers to best utilize their time or is there still a class based view of "service" workers?
    In my experience, the wealthy today are mostly concerned with convenience, which translates (to them, at least) to expedience. A good example of would be the time "Benny" was brought in to afill a position in the Royal Suite of the hotel. For any other guests, Benny would have been the ideal butler. For this particular group, however, he was a terrible fit. For him, a simple request like a cup of coffee, begins with polishing a tray. It also probably involves a vase with some sort of flower and a napkin with a complicated fold. I think he only made the one cup of coffee before he was relieved of his duties.
    Last edited by chasea; 03-23-2012 at 12:11 PM.
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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Quote Originally Posted by maunahaole View Post
    I want to know what goes down when a bunch of butlers get together to drink a few. Also, is it proper to drink in the butler uniform?
    Its never proper to be anything but attentive in the presence of your employer. In your pantry (that's what a butler's office is called), however, you may relax. I've poured myself a drink a time or two. Never enough to get a buzz. That is for after work only. We do often get together. Its just like when anyone else gets together with their coworkers.

    We worked for Saudis so long that we actually became like family. We'd hang out with their staff often. I remember taking out 4 guys from the Saudi group out one night -none of these were royals- and the five of us spent $15,000 in two clubs. We drank the equivalent of a Kia.

    Quote Originally Posted by maunahaole View Post
    Are extra legal activities, such as scoring hookers and blow, considered to be an expected duty of a butler?
    Discretion is an expected duty. Want more? Read my book, which I'll never write.

    Quote Originally Posted by BestDeathEver View Post
    Someone ask Chase about what happens when you catch celebrities in bed with odd bedfellows.
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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    this is news for a bumpkin
    way cool chase. the only personal staff i ever knew belonged to a southern blue then-governor. they were cool.

    what are your hours?
    does a personal butler assume roughly the same awake hours as his client?
    what kind of time is spent personally with them versus working apart?

    thanks for sharing


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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    This is so foreign to me that I can't seem to form any reasonable questions, but I love reading the responses. Great thread, thanks Chase.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    How do you delineate butler vs. non-butler tasks? Like, if a client asked you to weed the garden, how would you respond? Or is that just not done among the butler-employing class?

    Are most of your clients friendly/aloof/chummy/demeaning/___________ ?

    Given the things that butlers must see and hear, and given that there is no such thing as butler-client privilege, have any of the butlers you know been subpoenaed to testify about things their clients said or did in their presence?

    If you could butler for anyone, living or dead, who would you choose and why?

    What's the single biggest misconception people have about your job?

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Meant to add - v. cool thread. Thanks.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Mr. Charter if you ever wish to visit our less than noble Provence Washington, DC than Mi Casa Su Casa. I've only three requirements, no smoking, be kind to our dog and bring Chase. -J

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Has this thread died? I hope not.

    (And if so, the butler did it.)(Please forgive me.)

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben View Post
    Has this thread died? I hope not.

    (And if so, the butler did it.)(Please forgive me.)
    Got an email a few days ago that he's had an emergency of sorts, and due to some personal issues, will have to delay his responses. I'm going to give him some time to work things out. I'm happy to answer questions in the meantime. And hopefully Edward will join us soon.
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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    i know not enough to ask, but I am fascinated. I like the question about 'butler-client' privilege. I would love to hear more about this.
    Insubordinate. And Churlish.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    This thread is 'almost there'... Don't let it die. If only the question about odd bedfellows got answered.

    Seriously, this has the potential to be a fascinating read. I've never thought of the profession in this way. Funny, because I've personally hired a nanny. Worked out great until she began a family of her own and having to deal with four kiddos plus another on the way was too much. Anyway, she had such interesting stories to share about past employers. Stories ranging from family conflicts to odd requests. I could sit and talk to her for hours. Made me feel a bit less interesting.

    Now that I think about it, having a few drinks with folks in this profession must be more interesting than the celeb or rich. But I do have one simple question regarding jealousy. Is there jealousy of the money they waste when you're busting your ass to fill their needs?

    Nice work Chasea. Thanks!

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Due to Edwards situation, we're going to have to get back with him later.

    I've got a pinch hitter on deck, though. Lives in NYC, but used to butle at Buckingham Palace.

    That is, of course, unless I announce this one and the cosmos align to bite me in the ass yet again.
    Stay tuned....
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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    I think I speak for V Salon when I say that we'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on our various questions.

    Besides, all those European butlers would probably answer in metric or whatever.

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    Default Re: The Art of Wardrobe Interview #1- Mr. Edward Charter, Butler, Oxfordshire UK

    Friends, Salonistas, effete elitists, lend me your ears;
    I come not to bury this thread, but to bump it
    in the hope that Chase will get off his ass and satisfy my idle curiosity.

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