Rant while I wait to hear back from a guy about doing a thing:

I've often been asked why I don't write a book. I feel like an ass just typing that. But its the truth.

There are several reasons:

1. Those kinds of books are for people who want to read bad shit about people they don't even know, and don't realize its none of their business.

2. Those kinds of books are for people looking to walk away from something; and are willing to turn on anyone who helped them get to where they are. Its not that big of a town. And the bridges in this city are too important to burn. Besides, some people are (to quote the hip-hoppers)unfuckwitable. You'd have to have a death wish. That might be an exaggeration. It might not. I don't want to find out.

3. The behavior people want to know about, the lying and cheating, the bitching and whining and temper tantrums; that's all done by regular folk. If you're going to get to be a movie star, or a rock star, or the owner nof a country that powers most of the world from holes you dig in the ground, you have to have a pretty good head on your shoulders. You have to surround yourself with good people. And you cannot be a stranger to adversity. Nope, its the regular fucks, you and me, who really feel entitlement.

And that's my harsh reality. In between living a fantasy life whenever I get the call, I work a normal 40 hour a week gig. I work for normal people. I do pretty boring shit. And while I work in a place where people are paying way, way more than me for a roof and four walls, I'm still sometimes taken aback by the sense of entitlement. Granted, they fall in line. The best way to make it these days is to become absolutely indespensible to someone who is relatively close to where you'd like to be. This takes time, of course. And sometimes you have to stand your ground. You have to get them to get on board.

"I thought you could do this." "I thought you knew someone." "I thought you had pull." Motherfucker, I just met you. I have no idea if you're nice and pay your bills on time, or if you're an asshole and screw people over as often as possible. You have to pay your dues, put in the time, and build the relationship. Businesses, or hostesses, or my friends, they don't give a shit what you pay in rent. They do for me. And I do for you. Because you will do for them.

"The art of good buiness is to be a good middleman. Welcome to the layer cake."

/End of rant.