My whole family has the flu. This really sucks. It feels like my whole body has extreme arthritis. The weather has been clear for a few days but riding doesn't even sound appealing. Anybody else down for the count?
My whole family has the flu. This really sucks. It feels like my whole body has extreme arthritis. The weather has been clear for a few days but riding doesn't even sound appealing. Anybody else down for the count?
I was down for 5 days late december. The real thing that transform you into a zombie. I only started getting better on christmas morning.
I hope I'm clear of it for a few years and wish you and your family a fast recovery. It sucks not being able to ride.
Hope you all feel better soon. I woke up with a bad head cold and sore throat last night... Hope it doesn't get any worse.
I hope it doesn't progress either. You don't want this. My knuckles ache! I feel like a whiny baby.
Curious, did you all get the vaccine? We did, and have escaped it so far, with many associates at work going down.
I did not. The rest of my family did.
Update. My flu has turned into strep throat. Now it's a party.
This is some serious shit: Public Health Emergency in Boston
I heard earlier today that police are investigating a 4 year old's death last night as potentially caused by the flu.
If you haven't been vaccinated, please get it asap.
Seems like half of New York City is sick. I mean actually sick, not just the usual psychoses.
Just got home from the doctor ... Diagnosis: Wicked case of Influenza B. I'm dying here, with no end in sight. May the gods of tamiflu work their magic.
hope it passes quickly
I flew back from NYC on new years eve and came down with it within hours of landing at SFO. Bed-ridden sick for a good 5 days and I still have a cough. I was going to get a flu shot, but just never got around to it. Seems to be worse on the east coast so far; no one else around here I know has the flu.
Surrounded here inside the Missouri Methrodome.
im getting a flu shot tomorrow.
I feel the pain
had that shit 2 yrs ago
knocked me back HARD
get better, it gets better
Got my shot for the first time this year based on reports that it was gonna be gruesome. I've read that the shot this year is particularly effective - researchers "guessed" the strain pretty accurately, apparently.
Getcher flu shot. Herd health and whatnot. Best of luck to those beplagued.
Edit: I've been telling everyone here in my practice (psychology not medicine) to get the shot, especially our receptionist, who comes face-to-face with everyone who walks in the door. She refuses to get one because "I've never had the flu before." Pretty rock-solid logic, huh?
I told her that I've never been infected with HIV before, so I'm going to go out and share some needles with junkies.
She didn't get it.
flu shot gotten. hope it works.
I got the vaccine. I currently have chills, a fever and a sore throat. However, my Rheumatoid Athritis medication supresses my immune system, so I am probably not a good person to go by.
life is too short to drink bad wine....
Stuart Levy