question 1 the bags are not reusable. but you can order a vary of sizes.
question 2 it is very forgiving in timing. because the item is at a set temperature it doesn't really hurt it to go to long. I wouldn't go to long maybe a hour at the most. There is a great iphone app that gives you times and temperatures. I use it as a resource.
question 3 you 1 bath per item but that's not to say you could make your completed potatoes in a warm water bath then cook your meat. I would make the protein if I had to choose one item.
question 4 This is the beauty of sous vide you actually cook your protein in marinade. We made tacos al pastor. We cooked the pork tenderloin in its maranide came out tasty. Artichokes we cooked in a cusion, which is a flavorful broth.
no I have 4 units and its not that rare we have them all going at once.
a side note we put our potatoes in one of these
it adds a really crazy texture by injecting co2
we hold the canister in a water bath at 60c
Hope that helps