I am currently spray painting a bike (2 pack paint) with two stripes that flow between the head, top and seat tube ( to make the bike faster)- pictured. In this case I painted the white first, applied the masking film and then sprayed the blue over the top. I am not very happy with the result as the lines are not very crisp and blue bled under the mask onto the white- this is as good as I could get it after cleaning it up somewhat.
go faster stripe.jpg
Does anyone have any good techniques for doing this as I have struggled with exactly this before? The problem is that I found it very difficult to get the tape to stick where there is the compound curve of the two tubes and the fillet braze. My technique here was to use a vinyl - Oramask 810, cut on a vinyl cutter- to do the stripes either side of the fillet braze and then use a few strips of fine lining tape (3M blue) to do the line over the fillet braze. Often the tape looked like it had stuck but came away when I sprayed over the top. I also found it very difficult to keep the width of the stripe even as it went over the curve. It's all a bit difficult to put into words.
Any tips would be much appreciated!
Jake Rusby