I recently visited a frame builder and saw on his rack an "interesting" frame awaiting painting. The frame was not his work, but that of another builder, apparently his first... Now, I will not name names, nor post a pick, to protect the innocent! So, a description must suffice.
It was a pretty straightforward disk-ready single speed. Except for holes drilled through all of the tubes except for the headtube. Each hole is roughly 1/3 of the diameter of the tube through which it passes and they're at about 50mm centres, and has a tube brazed into it. The entire frame is chromed, to be largely painted over; in my humble opinion, it looks awful! Horrendous! But aesthetics aside (being a personal choice) the potential for this frame to fail seems significantly higher than something more conventional and yet is heavier and more complex to build that without those holes.
So, where would/have you drawn the line in what you would build?