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Thread: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

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    Default Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Perhaps a silly question, but I've always thought that the higher speeds (including highway commuting) and the heavier bike would make things potentially worse. Please enlighten me.

    I've been thinking about learning to ride one for as long as I can remember, but so far haven't gotten around to doing it. Recently it's been on my mind more and more often. If the level of risk to seriously messing up my body is about the same as riding a road bike (or less) then I don't think it's an issue, since I live with that all the time. If it's worse, them maybe I'll stick to pedaling for my two-wheeled kicks - being able to ride my bicycle is way more important to me than some fleeting fun on some moto-thingy.


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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Sometime in the spring of 1982 I decided to buy a used Honda Silverwing from a workmate. After considering the same things you are, I began to notice how many old effer's walking around with all their arms and legs who are lifelong moto riders. This convinced me that the risks are about the same.

    Take a State sponsored safety class, practice skills on a regular basis and you'll have a good shot at being safe. Honestly, I felt safer on a moto than riding a bike.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mabouya View Post
    Perhaps a silly question, but I've always thought that the higher speeds (including highway commuting) and the heavier bike would make things potentially worse. Please enlighten me.

    I've been thinking about learning to ride one for as long as I can remember, but so far haven't gotten around to doing it. Recently it's been on my mind more and more often. If the level of risk to seriously messing up my body is about the same as riding a road bike (or less) then I don't think it's an issue, since I live with that all the time. If it's worse, them maybe I'll stick to pedaling for my two-wheeled kicks - being able to ride my bicycle is way more important to me than some fleeting fun on some moto-thingy.

    I've been riding motos for most of a decade now and bicycles for most of 3. The biggest plus to a moto is you have the ability to get out of trouble with your right wrist. The downside is that you're just as vulnerable.

    If you can ride in a pack of cyclists and not go down, you'll be OK in traffic. Same skillset.

    I'm an outlier, I inherited my Dad's 82 Wing and hopped on it and started riding. Sandy Eggo traffic no less! Having said that, I probably should have taken the MSF course. AAaah well. Maybe I'll try the Advanced course here 'soon.'


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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Quote Originally Posted by Department for Transport-London
    Motorcyclists have an especially poor safety record when compared to other road
    user groups. Their killed and serious injury (KSI) rate in the UK, per million vehicle
    kilometres, is approximately twice that of pedal cyclists and over 16 times that of
    car drivers and passengers. Motorcyclists make up less than 1% of vehicle traffic but
    their riders suffer 14% of total deaths and serious injuries on Britain’s roads (DETR,
    Granted, that's the UK. Congress has been asked many times to update the USA's research, but has failed to fund any (along with basically everything else the NHTSA has asked for).

    Research does seem to indicate that ~3/4 of motorcycle incidents involve other 4 wheeled vehicles. Seems to reason that less dense areas would see lower rates of incidents. The other concern is the type of injury. My dad spent 9months in a spinal rehab hospital (medical, not due to trauma) and probably 3/4 of the patients were moto crash victims.

    All that being said, I climb rocks, outdoors, and the rate of major injury or death for that activity is waaaaay higher than motos. And heart disease is still the leading cause of death. So you should absolutely do it if it will bring you satisfaction. Knowing the realistic risk should only allow you to balance if the enjoyment is acceptably proportional.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Pretty much lifelong motorcyclist and cyclist here. I have no actual data, but my gut, personal experiences, and some anecdotal evidence tells me that motorcycling is safer. For starters, you at least get treated as actual traffic, for the most part. Now...the built-in assumption I will make is that as a motorcyclist you have skills, ride properly dressed, ride inside the limits your skills and equipment allow, and are not a fucking asshole on the bike. Hmmmm...that all actually applies to bicycles, too.

    I have not been hit by a car while cycling in many years, but it *seems* to me that in recent years bicycling on the road has gotten a lot more dangerous. I am very lucky to have ready access to lots of backroads and little-used roads where I live.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    While not a motorcyclist (yet) my observations tell me that motorcycles get a bit more consideration from car drivers. Of course, neither get as much as they should.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Motorcycles typically have acceleration,braking and size. I can outrun,outbrake and zip through smaller places if someone is bent on destruction. However like a cyclist when riding I must remain vigilant for those who would do me wrong. Which as far as I'm concerned is every one of them. My old man told me a long time ago (he rode for 60 years w/o a "big one") "ride like they're all out to kill you-because they are whether they know it or not." That attitude has saved my ass many times. Sitting at a light is the most dangerous ATMO.

    I feel so much more vulnerable riding my bicycle than the motorcycle. No gear,no power (yeah I'm slow) and no visibility. Well that and I don't wear a helmet on the bicycle. That's going to change soon. They're finally making helmets with some real protection. I need to try a few on and see if they've gotten the comfort.

    On the motorcycle I wear an Arai Defiant helmet,Aerostitch Darien jacket/pants,Sidi boots and some sort of glove depending on weather. I also carry a small zip lock bag full of various size ball bearings for those who insist on harassing me at highway speeds. Only used them a couple times for several reasons. But they are always there. And they are brutally effective. Unfortunately not on a bicycle.

    All that being said over half of fatal bike accidents are single vehicle stupidity. 40% of them involve alcohol. Drunk,poor riding and low skill level individually and combined. Learning how to ride well will go a long ways in prolonging your stay on this rock. Your are always responsible for your own safety. Always.

    After all that being said I'd say it's about even. Take the MSF course and buy a bike you can handle. Riding an off road motorcycle teaches the needed skills at a lower danger threshold and allows you to get the skillset down w/o having to deal with traffic. In fact in all published accident studies state riders with off road experience are under represented in the statistics. It will also allow you to decide if motorcycles are for you. 'Cause they really aren't for everyone.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    I've had 4 friends who have spent much of their life on motorcycles. 1 was killed in a moto accident, another was injured horribly and will never be the same mentally or physically. 1 stopped riding all together, and 1 went into the military.

    I'm sorta inclined to think that you're more likely to suffer a devastating injury on a motorcycle, but more likely to be injured on a bike.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Quote Originally Posted by RickM View Post
    that as a motorcyclist you have skills, ride properly dressed, ride inside the limits your skills and equipment allow, and are not a fucking asshole on the bike. Hmmmm...that all actually applies to bicycles, too.

    This is the main bit for me. They both have inherit risks and I ride with margin on both. Learn the correct skills, use the right gear and don't be a dick. You can ride with some spirit when the roads and conditions permit and but there is fast and there is just reckless as well. Around town is just plain stupid and holiday traffic , peak hour etc. you have t be super vigilant. Same with the bicycle. The biggest thing I have learned and it was while I was working as a cycle courier in Sydney many years ago, is to give everybody else room to do their random shite. That way you aren't operating in the ignorant sphere and mostly out of harms way. Especially when you come up on their blind spot.

    Get a bike. It's fun.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    I don't remember where I read this and it didn't work on my wife but here it goes. If you subtract out fatalities for alcohol, men under 40 and high powered sport bikes the risk is near that of cycling. Also soldiers returning from combat are a high risk group but I think they hit all the previous categories.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    I don't remember where I read this and it didn't work on my wife but here it goes. If you subtract out fatalities for alcohol, men under 40 and high powered sport bikes the risk is near that of cycling. Also soldiers returning from combat are a high risk group but I think they hit all the previous categories.
    Sounds about right. IIRC the *California Highway Safety board/office had what are probably still the definitive studies on causes of fatalities. *Might be the CA Insurance Institute

    Take away??? Watch for left turning vehicles and don't fail to negotiate high speed turns. Seriously, I remember that like it was yesterday from the State run safety class...that and my pre-ride safety check.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Actually fatalities are going down for 1000-1399CC motorcycles. It's steadily climbing for 50+ males on 1400CC+ motorcycles.

    Here's the most current statistics.

    However like I alluded to earlier my father went 60 years plus w/o a debilitating accident. You don't have to be a statistic. Skills and good old common sense goes a long way. Same thing in a car. Hundreds die daily in automobiles. Rarely is it actually an accident. More often they're not fatal. Many incidents go unreported skewing the stats. So if you possess some skills,above average perception and common sense you're equipped to ride a motorcycle safely. Go to your local Harley dealer and ask if they provide the Rider's Edge course. If they do pay the bill ('bout $300 or so) and take the course. In most states you'll get your license if you pass the class. Do it. Motorcycles are fun.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Quote Originally Posted by -Dustin View Post
    I'm sorta inclined to think that you're more likely to suffer a devastating injury on a motorcycle, but more likely to be injured on a bike.
    i'd agree with this. i've been bikin for 7 yrs, moto'ing for 2 (im 25). the times where i've been threatened with a crash are usually someone not checking their blindspot and making an aggressive lane change, or someone running a light while i'm about to cross. my acceleration ability and horn saved me in the first instance, and my acceleration almost ruined me in the 2nd. i use my moto almost exclusively to commute thru rush hour on boston's highways and surface streets, and for a year in cincinnati.
    edit: as a cyclist, i am extremely confident that i am a more capable motorcyclist than most because of the tempering to traffic's nuances that i've already received.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinclair View Post
    Give up cycling, keep riding the bike.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Everyone knows that the most dangerous part of a motorcycle is the nut that holds the handlebars.
    Bill Fernance
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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Don't drink, be over 25, and wear appropriate safety gear, and the risks approximate the reasonable. But statistically, yes, riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than riding a bicycle. I love it, and don't plan to stop, but I am realistic about the risks of an accident.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Just remember, safety is about what you do and how you comport yourself BEFORE the unscheduled get-off. Gear (helmet, armored jacket, etc.) is all about damage control once safety has failed.

    I don't think the risks of having an accident are any higher for a motorcycle than any other vehicle IF you are appropriately aware and ride within your abilities. But the risks of bodily injury are higher mainly due to speed and exposure.

    In a crash, you are supposed to separate yourself from the bike. If you're doing that, then the size of the bike makes no difference in level of injury.

    Never ride tired, angry, impaired, or in a hurry.

    And lastly, it's way more fun to ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Strange as it may be, I feel safer on a motorcycle than on a bicycle or in a car. On the motorcycle I'm focused 100% on what's going on around me and on what I'm doing....which is not always the case on the bike or in a car. But if I lived where there was a lot of traffic that might be different. As some of the others have said, I figure that everyone else is out to get me and I'm always ready for them to make a stupid move.
    Eat one live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you all day.

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Thanks guys.

    The plan now it to take the MSF course offered by a local community college or other such group. They provide the bike and two full days of instruction, in-class and on-bike. You provide the appropriate clothing and helmet. If that goes well and I decide I want to continue I'd then buy something like a used Honda Rebel which doesn't have a whole lot of power, is light, and well-mannered (but no ABS).

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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    In two years of commuting I've probably seen it all, and I'm pretty sure what will kill me is what I don't see. You learn to anticipate, and recognize driver signs and intentions. On the days I don't feel sharp I work from home because you can't let your guard down. I'm going to order one of these too. If I were doing a first bike over again I'd get something mildly powered but enough bike to make longer day trips or short overnights.
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    Default Re: Overall, are motorcycles more or less dangerous than road cycling?

    Near any big city, you'll get overtaken by cars like a hundred times during training. That must be more dangerous than riding a motorcycle at normal speeds.

    You can't prevent a distracted car driver not looking up the road and hitting you from behind. On a motorcycle, you can more or less anticipate possible blindspot line changes. Crossroads impact must be equally probable.

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