Why does this election feel so much like the running of the bulls in Pamplona?
I voted this morning. It was the first time at my new polling place, so all I can say is that it felt busy.
Go vote.
Man, I'm on the edge of my seat here. And I'm trying to write something complicated at work, which doesn't help.
I am terrified by this election. This is coming from someone who treats the word terrified in the same thread as my cancer diagnosis. Actually this analogy seems appropriate as our country will be in full on chemo treatments soon. Yes. I am a crunchy granola hippie who will always look for hope in every situation....but I am afraid---very afraid, for our future...and I am thinking Canada is looking pretty sweet right now. GO VOTE! (Our caucus was Feb 20th so I already did)
Joni Taylor * TEXmarket-USA * www.texmarket-usa.com
Build to order, European Production of Cycling, Running and Triathlon Apparel
I was at my polling place at 7:10 this morning. My SO was voter number 40, I was 41.
Feels like it is going to be an interesting day...
Guy Washburn
Photography > www.guywashburn.com
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
I voted early on Friday. 5 minutes and I was out the door. I voted for some national races but mostly it was local politics. I want the Commissioner who owns the part of the county containing the MUT to get replaced. He spent a ton of money doing chip and seal on a nice section that was packed gravel. No one wanted that. Now it's crap. He shut down the busiest section for resurfacing back in September, a 4 week project. It opened back up two weeks ago.
I'm concerned for our country as well. I'm hoping for a brokered convention on both sides. My dream ticket would be Joe Biden/Evan Bayh versus Mitt Romney/John Kasich. Neither one is as tragic a failure that we'd see with any of the current frontrunners.
Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps. www.farmsoap.com
A friend on FB posted something along the lines of "I can't tell if people are voting for who they want for president or against who they don't want."
Dustin Gaddis
Why do people feel the need to list all of their bikes in their signature?
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john
A vote for who won't ruin America the most.
i'm still waiting for Aston Kutcher to pop up on CNN.
I lectured on Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France," and left it at that.
I find the Democratic race energizing and well run, myself.
Un f'n believable - Donald Trump is going to be the nominee of the Republican party.
As little regard as I have for them, I would never, ever, have guessed that it would come to this. That they would actually choose this guy. But the GOP's brought it on themselves and they're now paying the price for the years of pandering to the worst instincts of so many voters. It all started with the "Southern Strategy" and now culminates in the person of Donald Trump. I guess all those folks listening to all those AM talk shows and watching Fox news didn't realize that it was all just a game to get their votes. They actually believed what they heard and now they have a candidate who really gives them what they've come to believe. No need to use code words anymore, just say what you like and the voters will love you for it.
And as horrible as he might be, apparently there are enough people out there who support him, so it isn't going to be an easy job for Hillary to take the general election. But she must win - the alternative is too horrible to imagine.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016, here we come.
This is what you get when huge chunks of the economy and politics rely on an unjustified culture of fear to make money and obtain power.
T h o m a s