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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #341
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    ragweed and mold drove me inside during the first week of august -- I'll get off the trainer in late september or october. racing is over, so no bike deal. the focus now is the gym.

    last five weeks:
    warm up:
    2 sets of 15 single legs hops (2 sets for each leg)
    2 sets 10 double leg hops

    squat: 3 sets 4-6 reps, each set followed by 10 double leg hops with a 12lb medicine ball
    dead lift: 3 sets 4-6 reps, each set followed by 5-6 jumping squat presses with a 25lb plate
    romanian dead lift: 3 sets 6-8 reps, each set followed by 20 jumping step-ups on a low box
    hamstring curl: 3 sets 6-8 reps

    bench press: 2 sets 10-12 reps
    seated row: 2 sets 10-12 reps
    abdominal pikes: 2 sets 10

    will switch to bompa's power-endurance next week squat and dead 3 sets of 1min @ 40% of 1RM. rhythmic, as many reps as possible in 1 min; hamstring and upper body the same as previous cycle.

  2. #342
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Last night-

    3x10min of 1min 80-85%FTP, 1min 115% FTP, 3 mins rest in between....usually do 4 sets but it was f*cking hot and humid and first cross race of the season is this weekend.

    tonight skills practice.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    2am 2-11 alarm and my workout for the day is done. Forearms are toast.

  4. #344
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Z5 Low cadence/tension work.

    2 sets of (2x seated, 1x standing) at 120%. Efforts about 4min each.
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  5. #345
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Back from the dead....

    Full on Base and Strength phase which will run to February then build begins for the 2017 TT season. Will be 50 in a month and making a concerted effort to gain muscle and power before I'm too old to do so. Also fun to move iron around. Even in small amounts.

    Last year I started lifting and upped my core routine to a new level. Had a goal to bench press my weight (135). Achieved that several months ago and set a new goal to to 3 sets of 8 reps of body weight before New Years. Am at 3x8 x 125 solid now so should hit that goal. Next objective will be 3 sets at 150 then 175. I'd like to max at 200 pounds again eventually. A weight I haven't rolled around the floor since college let alone pressed.

    Past years I've avoided doing leg workouts with weights but have decided to give it a go. Dead lifts and Squats along with low cadence + high power work on the bike. Am working on form for the leg lifts and being careful not to go too high too quickly.

    Anyway, here is a Strength / Power session from last night:

    10 minute warm up on rollers
    5 x 1 minute Grinds with 3 minute recovery (Grinds are biggest gear, high resistance efforts)
    5 min spin before hopping off for weight work

    ** This ends up being a TSS of around 40 and an IF around 0.9 Fairly stout efforts. I'll build up to 10 of these per session through the Base period.

    Dead lifts 4 x 8 reps 100 pounds
    Squats 3x8 reps, 1x15, 1x5 (Increasing the weight 10 pounds per for the 15 rep sets. Still light, 125 pounds for the last set. Focus on form, finding center before going heavier).

    Bench 3 x 8 125 pounds
    Lats 3 x 8 90 pounds (we added a small cable machine to our gym this summer - works great)
    Overhead Press 3 x 8 50 pounds
    Upright Rows 3 x 8 50 pounds

    Standing chops with resistance band 3 x 10 each side
    5 x 60s Bosu Ball planks

    Tonight I'll do a 2 x 20 Sweetspot workout and hit the weights for arms.

    Thursday will be an easy day. Friday more power / strength work

    Sat/Sun hope to get outside for some easy tempo on the roads. Maybe connect with some teammates for a fall group ride. Probably about 5 hours total.

    The weeks are basically working out to be about 3 hours weights and core with another 7-8 hours riding. 10-12 hours each week of fairly focused workouts. As winter sets in an roller boredom happens I'll work in the Concept 2 more often just to break things up.


  6. #346
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    After about two months of prep starting to get to some real work again...

    Sled Leg press -- 12 x 195 warmup. 5 x 8 x 465lbs main set
    Deadlift 3 x 8 x 90lbs(plus bar).
    Step-ups 3 x 12reps each leg
    Abduction/Adduction 3 x 8 x 140lbs on machine...
    Back/Side extension 3 x 12 each
    Slant board situps 3 x 12 reps
    Plank 3 x 30sec
    Balance ball work
    Low rows 3 x 8 x 45lbs(each side)
    Chest press, flys, back flies, lateral lift, forward lift 3 x 8 x assorted weights on machines and free (shoulder much recovered from a couple of years of rotator cuff issues but still a long way to go...)
    Guy Washburn

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  7. #347
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I'm going to do my best to stick to the DOOFUS method this winter:
    Quote Originally Posted by DOOFUS
    the Doofus training method may work for you:

    Ride every day. Two days a week, go hard. In Base, hard means zone 4. Outside of Base, hard means sprints or zone 5 or 6. Every other day, ride low zone 2. After 2-3 days, you should feel good enough to go hard again.

    Whether I'm training 9-10 hours a week, or 18 hours a week, this is what I do. Not fancy, but it does work....
    I rode to and from work yesterday, grabbing an extra 30min on my way home. 2:15 or so for the day.

    After getting home, I did a set of 2x20s... That's two 20 second side planks. I just wanted to test myself and see what this plank challenge is going to feel like.

  8. #348
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I'm changing it up this winter slightly. Not going as hard on the hard days for Oct-Dec, but going a little harder on the fill stuff. Lydiard's "bread and butter" pace was essentially what Joe Friel calls HR zone 2, what for Coggan power levels is about 76-80% of FTP. Lydiard's "effort" runs were in the range of Friel's HR zone 3, or around 88-92% of FTP.

    Two "effort" days, and a lot of 60-90min rides at "bread and butter." My Saturday ride is basically two hours close to "effort" pace the whole way. 10hrs for the week.

    FTP is 330 right now, but weight training has me up to 78kg. 330 and 75kg used to be my benchmark for being fit. Looks like I'm going to have to add about 12-15 watts -- I'll see if the Lydiard-style aerobic build does it.

  9. #349
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    this is my gym joint these days -- I finished a power cycle in Oct, so now back to strength for 8 weeks, then 5 weeks of power before the race season starts in Feb.

    warm up:

    1 set 8 box jumps on a low, 10 inch box. I hold a 10lb medicine ball and do a broad jump, then take that into a hop on the box, then follow the box landing with a vertical jump+ball thrust. Rationale -- the broad jump is actually using your muscles a little more like pedaling, and the two reactive jumps (the low hop to the box then the vertical one after landing on top of it) ask the muscles to work in a manner that is better for a closed-chain activity like cycling.

    My vert is maybe 12 inches. I'm an old endurance dork. There's no reason for me to try to jump on to a 20 inch or higher box. You land like you take off -- if you're having to bring your legs up with your hip flexors, and you land with more knee bend than you took off with, or your feet "slap" the box when you land, the box is too high, dude. Eat some ego and train on a proper box.

    Box Jump Main Set:

    15-inch box: hold a 10lb medicine ball in a deep squat (ass-to-grass) position. Explode from that position on to the box. Follow the landing with a vertical jump and ball thrust from the top of the box, land back into a deep squat on top of the box. Soft landings on all foot contacts. Step down from the box. 2 sets 6 jumps.

    Squats: 3 sets 4-6 reps to failure
    Deadlifts: 3 sets 4-6 reps to failure
    Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets 4-6 reps to failure
    Hamstring Curls: 3 sets 4-6 reps to failure
    Bench Press: 2 sets 8-10 reps to failure
    Seated Row: 2 sets 8-10 reps to failure

    I've gone from 170 to 172, and body fat has gone down. I'm ok with that. I'm going to be 50 in a few weeks, and I'd rather not have scrawny old bike racer bod when I'm 60. If I can start adding some muscle for aging starts to take it away, the more the better.

  10. #350
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Friday: Weight / Strength Day Legs, chest, back, arms, core

    Saturday: 3.5 hours on the road with a few buddies. 35 degrees at the start and 55 at the end. 1:45 into the ride we picked up one of the local juniors (18 years old) who was out training alone. The young man spun around to join us and pulled the train for an hour or so. I remember when he started racing as 12 year old and he's off to college next year. And they say youth is wasted on the young...

    Sunday: 75 minutes with 3 x 15 90% sweet spot (Pouring on the SS work this fall to go with all the strength work)

    Sunday Bonus Core: 2 x 5 min Plank Sets on the Bosu ball.

    Bosu Ball Plank sets go as follows:

    1 min straight arm
    1 min elbows
    30 sec left side
    30 sec right side
    30 second straight arm
    30 second elbow
    30 sec left side
    30 second right side

    Take a couple minutes of rest and do it again. Finish with a set of kettle ball swings.

    Note: The Planking stuff started about a year ago with a Plank Challenge similar to what is going on in the Vlad thread. One buddy and myself have kept at it. Now the primary component of my core routine.


  11. #351
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Wrong thread...

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  12. #352
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    More 2x20's and similar.

    I've been commuting to work most days, so that's ~2hrs/day right there. I'll drop by the park on the way home and get another 20-30 min.

    I'm starting to feel like a bike racer again. It's a good feeling.

  13. #353
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Here are two workouts I like to do back to back during the week. Often Tuesday and Wednesday. They represent the bread and butter of my Base training each week. This was Wed and Thurs last week. Am lagging on VS WOD posts.

    Workout A: Leg Strength / Cycling Force workout

    This workout has four segments. It's cool to do Part 1 and Part 2 for a big leg strength blast. Then do the upper body strength part on a different day.

    ** Part 1 - On Bike Force Work **

    Warm-up on Bike for 5 minutes. Can go longer depending on how long it takes your legs to get moving.

    10 x 30 second low cadence, high wattage Grinds. 1:30 recovery between efforts (20 minutes).

    Cool down 5 minutes

    Total Bike Time / Work = 30 minutes, TSS between 40-50, IF approx 1.0 Fairly difficult effort but it is over quickly.

    As a reference: A grind effort for me, with a base FTP of 250w works out to 400-450 watts, cadence around 70-75 RPM. After a couple months of adding these into Base training will be up in the 500-550w range. My best 1 min efforts are typically 500w outdoors.

    ** Part 2 - Weight Lifting - Legs **

    Squats 5 x 5
    Dead Lift 5 x 5

    Note I just do these two basic lifts for the legs. Mass lifted is up to you. Start slow if new to lifting. Be careful, good form, all the caveats. I'm a fan of the 5 x 5 routine and relatively heavy weight. These two lifts, coupled with the grinds makes a difficult day for the lower body.

    ** Part 3 - Upper Body Weights **

    Bench, Incline press, Curl, Tri, Lats, OverHead Press, Upright Row, Seated Rows, Dumbbell flys. Again with the 5 x 5 for most. I always do Bench, Curl, Tri, Lat then work in other exercises for variety.

    ** Part 4 - Core - 10 minutes **

    As per other posts, at least 5 times a week I hit the core. Typically a combination of Bosu ball planks (straight, elbow, sides) + some torso twists / chops with rubber band resistance + mountain climbers + kettle ball swings + stir the pots

    I plank almost every day for 6-8 minutes then add in a few other exercises to taste and to mix it up.

    NOTE: The leg work + the Core work takes about 50-60 minutes total. If you want to add the upper body with workout A that is great and will take another 30-40 minutes. Or do next day with Workout B below.

    ****** Workout B: Sweetspot ....the bread and butter of Base training ******

    Warm up 10 minutes. Legs should be tight from strength day but will loosen up nicely.

    3 x 15 @ 90% FTP 2-5 minute recovery between efforts. Take what you need for recovery depending on your fitness and mental toughness and focus. Most folks will be indoors so focus on quality work.

    Cool down 10 minutes.

    Total time about an hour. TSS will be 70-80 and IF around 0.8

    Add Upper body lifting if not done day before.

    You should feel awesome after completing those two workouts back to back.

    ****** Bonus Workout 30/30 ******

    Big fan of 30/30s. I'll throw it in on a weekend to break up the trainer monotony once we can't ride outside and get the long endurance rides in.

    Looking for 15 minutes of "on" time. It's hard to do 30/30 for a half hour straight so break it up into three ten minute chunks or two 15's. I've also done 15/45 for variety. Even as a TT guy, 30/30 or a variant of this theme is a year round staple. Not as frequent as SweetSpot, but in constant rotation.

    Mid-Atlantic so far this year we've been lucky and the weekends have been great for those 2-4 hour endurance rides. Knock on wood it'll stay that way for a bit longer before the long trainer sessions take over.


  14. #354
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I did some of the DOOF's suggested (in another thread) 2:00/0:30 efforts. 2:00 at 95% FTP, 0:30 at 150% FTP. Repeat. Do it for 20mins. I obviously need to do more of these.

    Some more 95% FTP efforts in there. I haven't been on the weights this winter. Not sure if I will or not. I guess I need to see what my 5s looks like.

  15. #355
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Great weekend in training land here.

    Two-plus hours or zone 2-3 Friday, Sat and Sun. Additional hour of weight on Friday after the ride and core work work day.

    With the holiday this is a recovery week. Will do short ER then hit the weights again tonight. Sweetspot on tap for Tuesday.

    Wed-Thurs looking forward to recovery riding with my Dad and whatever Mom decides for food on Thanksgiving.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    my moronic trainer setup has actually work all right. 48x17 single speed on a kurt kinetic trainer, using the InRide app. Tried the InRide several times against PT wheels, and it's in the range, watt/HR numbers look the same as on the road.

    it's been Lydiard base. Twice a week, 45min to an hour at 94-95% FTP, the rest of the time just putting time in between 75-85%. FTP up 10w since the start of October. switching to a 16 cog this week.

    changed up weights this week -- just 2 sets of 8-10 reps. squats, single leg dead lifts, single leg romanian dead lifts, abs, done.

    hopefully I can tack another 5w on FTP during December with more steady aerobic work, then start doing some zone 5 bits in January. Season starts mid-Feb.

  17. #357
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Did an FTP test last night. It's the highest I've pushed since breaking my collarbone (and the ensuing laziness and loss of fitness) so that was nice, but it's not what I'd like it to be. Still about 10w shy of my best. Still, I reckon I've got at least another two months to focus on threshold work before I need to start tuning up other things.

    The aerobic engine is there. I did a way-too-long ride on Sunday and power/HR/RPE didn't start to go wonky until the last hour or so.

    BTW, anyone have any anecdotal experience about returning to fitness after a loss of fitness? Is it any easier to get there having once been there before? Do you approach things any differently?

  18. #358
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by defspace View Post
    Did an FTP test last night. It's the highest I've pushed since breaking my collarbone (and the ensuing laziness and loss of fitness) so that was nice, but it's not what I'd like it to be. Still about 10w shy of my best. Still, I reckon I've got at least another two months to focus on threshold work before I need to start tuning up other things.

    The aerobic engine is there. I did a way-too-long ride on Sunday and power/HR/RPE didn't start to go wonky until the last hour or so.

    BTW, anyone have any anecdotal experience about returning to fitness after a loss of fitness? Is it any easier to get there having once been there before? Do you approach things any differently?
    If it's any consolation, the 3 times in the last 7 years I've had to regain fitness I've ended up stronger than before the incident (two crashes with jacked up collarbones and one severe bought of bronchitis). My approach was to be disciplined, patient, and willing to endure some suffering. What I mean by that last point is that group rides that were previously easily doable became hell. But I figured that the only way I'd get them to be "easy" again would be to suffer as much as necessary to stay with the group. Eventually I stopped getting dropped. And then I eventually started hanging near the front. And then before I knew it I was back. Just give it time.
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  19. #359
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Power is coming up nicely. Training sure isn't much fun, but seeing results makes it worth it.

    Keep on keepin' on, y'all.

  20. #360
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    You guys know that feeling where you're almost done with that last interval? You can see the light and the end, but you're not sure you're going to be able to make it... and then you do? That's a good feeling.

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