Huh, the cost explanation makes a little more sense than the tale about the foundary burning down, but how expensive and/or difficult can it be to get some cast iron handles knocked out to spec? Both the sourcing and cost explanations seem a little strange. The
Smith Foundary is maybe a half mile down the Greenway from me here in Minneapolis, and they could probably have a container of cast handles waiting at the factory in France when the workers get back from their August vacation. I have to imagine there are places in France that could do it too, and it seems odd that they'd be any more expensive than the stainless handles that Mauviel has gone as far as to color black to look like cast iron. Anyway, the whole anti-cast handles thing seems weird to me, especially since a good one conducts less heat than a stainless equivalent.
I sure don't need another crepe pan, but if you have an extra 28cm frying pan with a cast handle that hasn't been sprayed with oven cleaner around, I'm your man.