Quote Originally Posted by dgaddis View Post
Big Mouth is awesome/terrible. It's SUPER NOT kid friendly. You'll often feel bad for laughing. But....a lot of it is relateable, and laugh you will. My wife watched all of them with me, and wasn't proud to do so, but she couldn't turn away LOL.

"What do you want to watch? How about Big Mouth?"
"Oh that show is terrible!! You can't get a pillow pregnant! .....yeah, lets watch it."

There's a new series that looks really great called Altered Carbon. Futuristic sci-fi where, if you have enough money, you can transfer your conscience to a new body, so *you* will never die, you can outlive your own body by simply moving to another.

New season of Black Mirror comes out Dec 29th - we can't wait! Really fantastic series, it's sort of a modern day Twilight Zone. For anyone who hasn't watched it yet...I always recommend starting at Episode 2 in Season 1. Skip episode 1, come back to it later. It's a little hard to watch and if you're new to the series it could put you off - we didn't watch any more after the first one for over a year. Each episode is a different story, so you don't have to watch them in order.
I binged all of Big Mouth on a rainy Saturday when I was sick. So bad and so good.

And that's good advice on Black Mirror. I love the series but that first episode was nuts.