Exactly right Matt. Bob’S Red Mill Steel Cuts in my Zojurishi with some cinnamon, brown sugar, pinch of salt on the Porridge setting. Heaven
Exactly right Matt. Bob’S Red Mill Steel Cuts in my Zojurishi with some cinnamon, brown sugar, pinch of salt on the Porridge setting. Heaven
my wife is from Québec so we always have real maple syrup around; try that instead of the brown sugar--wow.
Now don't be contaminating a grit thread with talk of oatmeal. South of the Smith and Wesson Line it's OK to purchase and consume oatmeal but, like certain types of "personal" items, it's just not something you talk about.
Getting close to home:
I'll expect to see some of you there. I wonder if that coincides with any dirt/gravel rides in Middle/South Georgia?