Last edited by Sbti; 03-20-2020 at 04:43 PM. Reason: no message
And he responded like a raving loon to the slam dunk question of what do you have to tell people right now who are worried and scared?
Jesus H what a moron this guy is.
It's not a stretch to say people are dying due to his vainglorious stupidity.
He complains about ad hominem attacks while at the same time trolling the forum. Modeling behavior learned by watching national leaders on television. Sadly, all too common in our world today. Don't engage the trolls on their level. It only feeds their egos and sustains them. Instead, stay calm, rationale, and factual. It destroys them.
You have to hand it to whoever is writing his talking points strategy. I don't think he's smart enough to effectively get inside the heads of so many simpletons. "Tearing down barriers to vaccines" is good. As if these barriers were just excess flotsam that he's boldly brushing aside. Millions are nodding along, eating this stuff up.
Let me give you some color- I was just on the phone with a long term friend. He was having a twilight moment. He had just shipped a bunch of masks that his brother's construction firm had to his college classmate who is a doctor in Mass. The doctor said they didn't have any mask, aprons, goggles etc and had to use all old stuff. He already had several colleagues test positive.
In Italy, they were running out of medical staff so even if you tested, you worked until you couldn't. Seems like some States are headed in this direction.
Nurses and Doctors in NY have been saying the same thing.
I hope this doesn't end up like being a Katrina type FEMA response. They buy supplies, store the items and somehow never get to distributing the items.
I was hopeful earlier in the week, but after see the latest data and the task force press conference, I am in a dark place.
Someone please explain to me why 55% of Americans approve of 45’s handling of the pandemic.
Chikashi Miyamoto
November 3rd cannot arrive soon enough. I hope I live that long.
No, you don't understand.
My wife has me climbing high ladders to paint cathedral ceilings, and on the roof to readjust the weather vane, and swinging a very menacing ax while splitting next winter's firewood. This down time is slowly bleeding my soul. I may not be able to hand on.
Of course, @takashi. Thank you very much
We are all VSalon brothers and sisters who care for each other.
A substantial portion of Americans don’t realize how well they have been manipulated into believing a free press is dangerous. In fact, the Constitution protects a free press as one of the cornerstones of democracy. It’s truly remarkable how few people understand the roots of our free press. Perhaps a trip to the library to research John Peter Zenger would be helpful.
Guy Washburn
Photography > www.guywashburn.com
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
Genuinely, that’s not my perception. And clearly, given this (from Australians, thanks for the link Jon) Home - The Juice Media
i’m not alone in my view.
What have you seen that I haven’t?