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Thread: Virus thread, the political one.

  1. #501
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    No, it's an example of the trouble you get into using the grammatical rules of Latin when speaking English.

    The logical thing to say is "Something I won't put up with" but that ends the sentence with a preposition. In Latin grammar that's a no no, so the sentence structure must be changed to "up with which I will not put". My recently departed Aged P used to use this as an example of when to ignore the rules.
    Mark Kelly

  2. #502
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kelly View Post
    That sentence is dreadful. Either say "446,00 people we know about" or "446,00 people about whom we know"*. Don't mix the two.

    * ending a sentence with a preposition being something up with which we shall not put.
    In for the debate over veracity of Churchill attribution.

  3. #503
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Walberg View Post
    I'm sorry,
    One more tonight.
    In case all of you health care workers aren't already scared shitless about this horrible virus,
    now we have the next wave of our own extremists to worry about:

    Timothy Wilson Planned to Bomb Hospital During COVID-19 Crisis: FBI |
    yes, they are here already, and yes, they are emboldened by Trump's foolish rhetoric.
    Matt Zilliox

  4. #504
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by King Of Dirk View Post
    In for the debate over veracity of Churchill attribution.
    No debate, for all his flaws he wrote really well. He was apparently very proud of the fact that when his political career went into a tailspin he was able to sustain himself and family on his writing. You and I would not consider his version of "bare sustenance" a hardship.
    Mark Kelly

  5. #505
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by crumpton View Post
    Proposition to no more posting of articles without a minimum 20 word thoughtful comment.
    Hear hear.
    Trod Harland, Pickle Expediter

    Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. — James Baldwin

  6. #506
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Fox View Post
    The whole of the western world fucked up the response to this virus. The response was not helped by the WHO, which as of Jan 30th, actively opposed travel bans (even with China), and refused to label it a pandemic.

    This is as of Jan 30th:
    Tedros (WHO director general), as he is called, said the WHO does not recommend limiting either trade or travel to China at this time. “In fact, we oppose it,” he said. The health organization said it would question border closures, quarantining of airplane passengers who aren’t ill, and similar steps

    So, please, regale me with tales of how well things are going in Europe. Yes, Trump is an idiot that I do not support, but please reserve a wee bit of criticism for the leaders of Italy, France, Brazil, Germany, the UK, etc, as well as the WHO.
    actually--and I haven't done the fact-checking but npr is generally not into making stuff up--Germany has a death rate that is 10 to 20 times lower than Italy/France (that's %1000-2000 for those who like to sensationalize) and it would appear that is because they were aggressively and widely testing early to isolate better. I have a couple of friends who were blatantly symptomatic and tried to get tested but because they had no contact with Chinese were refused testing. Same thing here in Louisiana where it now appears the virus had been present during carnival celebrations. I may have even picked it up since I got many of the symptoms of a minor (more common) case. The president says it will all be over for our Easter masses. Please, more like funeral masses. We had an idiot across the street throwing a party last week with at least 30 people. Lots of stupid here in Louisiana. And they blame the governor for aggressively shutting down schools first then business/parks because of this "Chinese hoax"--yes I literally heard that this week, even as the death toll doubled. That is my at-least-20-word introduction for this:

    Germany's Coronavirus Death Rate Is Lower Than In Other Countries : NPR

    sorry if this was already quoted, I haven't read the whole thread

  7. #507
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Somebody needs to go for a walk and lighten up yo. I give humanity ALOT more credit.
    A doctor friend sent that overnight. I have faith in humanity too.

    So I am out cutting trees today.

  8. #508
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Fox View Post
    The whole of the western world fucked up the response to this virus. The response was not helped by the WHO, which as of Jan 30th, actively opposed travel bans (even with China), and refused to label it a pandemic.

    This is as of Jan 30th:
    Tedros (WHO director general), as he is called, said the WHO does not recommend limiting either trade or travel to China at this time. “In fact, we oppose it,” he said. The health organization said it would question border closures, quarantining of airplane passengers who aren’t ill, and similar steps

    So, please, regale me with tales of how well things are going in Europe. Yes, Trump is an idiot that I do not support, but please reserve a wee bit of criticism for the leaders of Italy, France, Brazil, Germany, the UK, etc, as well as the WHO.
    Totally agree. Here in spain things are as bad as Italy 2 weeks ago. The actions should have kicked in as early as january but then we would have complained about our freedom being attacked for what felt to us like a regular flu.
    T h o m a s

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by HorsCat View Post
    In the next few days the United States of America will be leading the COVID-19 scoreboard: Coronavirus Update (Live): 492,25 Cases and 22,18 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer. At least in the total # of cases category; San Marino, Italy and Spain have the highest mortality rates thus far.

    MAGAmites - is that winning?
    Simply silly to blame the President for the outbreak, but since you asked: Ask again November 4th. And in the meantime, google his approval ratings.

  10. #510
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Simply silly to blame the President for the outbreak, but since you asked: Ask again November 4th. And in the meantime, google his approval ratings.
    how's your 401k doing?

  11. #511
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by zachateseverything View Post
    "'s your 401k doing?..."
    President Trump economy is so strong it took a global pandemic and United States shutting-down to return it to President Obama levels.

  12. #512
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Simply silly to blame the President for the outbreak, but since you asked: Ask again November 4th. And in the meantime, google his approval ratings.
    50% disapprove, 45% approve according to the latest daily aggregation from 538. And again, the levels he's seeing right now are the highest levels during his entire Presidency. The man is historically unlikable in the job. Course, if they were doing widespread polling with James Buchanan was in the job, maybe he would have scored lower during his term, but we rely on the data we have, right?

    How Popular Is Donald Trump? | FiveThirtyEight

  13. #513
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Jays View Post
    President Trump economy is so strong it took a global pandemic and United States shutting-down to return it to President Obama levels.
    Yes, it should take a global pandemic to wipe out 3 years of sustained growth. but let's be honest, we saw 11 years of steady and consistent growth. Trump had little to do with that.

  14. #514
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

  15. #515
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by zachateseverything View Post
    Yes, it should take a global pandemic to wipe out 3 years of sustained growth. but let's be honest, we saw 11 years of steady and consistent growth. Trump had little to do with that.
    Are you willing to bet the farm on Biden winning?

  16. #516
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    A jobless rate up 1500% in three weeks is not an indicator of a strong economy.
    La Cheeserie!

  17. #517
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    "Heck of a job Brownie"...
    Guy Washburn

    Photography >

    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  18. #518
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Are you willing to bet the farm on Biden winning?
    Biden won't be the candidate.

    You can quote me.

  19. #519
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Simply silly to blame the President for the outbreak, but since you asked: Ask again November 4th. And in the meantime, google his approval ratings.
    Show me where I blamed the schmuck for the outbreak, sport.

    I concede my post didn’t age well. Turns out the USA overtook China hours after I posted, not days.

    If that’s his version of winning, I’d hate to see what losing looks like.

  20. #520
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Simply silly to blame the President for the outbreak, but since you asked: Ask again November 4th. And in the meantime, google his approval ratings.
    you miss the point when you say this Corso, but i think you know this and proceed anyway. nobody is blaming trump for covid, that would be pretty silly wouldnt it? you and i both know this, so playing baby games around that is unproductive. whats also unproductive in the covid thread is your further trolling when you put forth this utterly unattractive and juvenile nonsense of deciding the election before we have it. i dont know if you think this trolling behavior is cute, or welcome, and i cant speak for others, but i find it to be the most offensive behavior in the room, just so you are aware. now moving onto the topic:

    People Are criticizing his poor response, they are not blaming him for the virus, be clear in your language. i will outline this for you one more time and i will let you know right now that i am sitting next to an actual expert in this, please do keep that in mind, because sometimes people actually are the experts, even on the internet on a virtual group ride with bicycle enthusiasts. she is after all in charge of writing the policy and structures for an entire hospital system and valley. That many people trust her expertise. shes not sleeping much, because shes busy reading articles, speaking to experts around the country on the phone, and ive been calling people on the telephone to help track the spread of the disease here in our valley while you have been reading breitbart to find a win you can get in this room.
    I will outline this for you simply so you can see the places where there is fault with trump. Obviously not all of the fault is his, again, that would be foolish to suggest, and nobody here has suggested such a thing.

    back in the last week of January, Trump began by offering the idea this was a hoax, a democratic one even. so to begin, he offered nothing but division, right? instead of seeing this as one true opportunity to bring sides and people together, he decided it would be better for tv to call the democrats the enemy and the virus a hoax.

    Trump also said there was one case, we have it under control, its not anything to worry about. this is another lie, and another delay.

    when asked about masks and protective equipment in one of the first interviews, he lied and deflected about companies prioritizing the manufacture of those at the time, perhaps that has since changed, but at first it was a lie and a delay.

    Trump has made false claims about the medicines that may or may not be used to fight the disease, as well as lies about testing, lies about vaccinations, and lies about timelines. one of this helps any health care worker treat patients nor curb the virus.

    The coronavirus is under control and the stock market is looking great to me (literally this is when everyone found out he was lying, and his lies created uncertainty causing even more chaos in the financial markets than necessary.

    the 15 cases will soon be zero

    we are going down now, not up.

    one day it will be like a miracle, it will disappear.

    we re ordering a lot of supplies, we are ordering elements that we would not normally order.

    take a flu vaccine, dont you think that will have a little effect on the corona virus?

    anyone that needs a test gets a test, and the tests are perfect! (people here, doctors that work at the hospital are having trouble getting tested. and the tests are not perfect, they take 8 to 10 days and many of the intial test kits were incomplete and non usable. just more lies.

    i like this stuff, i really get it, people are surprised i get it. he doesnt get it, but if he did, yes, we would all be shocked.

    we have a perfectly (theres that word again, anything anyone claims is perfect is a lie by default, no such thing) coordinated and fine tuned attack on corona. (this isnt a war, you dont attack it, its attacking us)

    the fake news media and the democrats are doing everything they can to make corona virus worse. (this is actually insane and dangerous)

    march 10, stay calm and it will jyst go away

    March 13 more than 6 weeks after saying it was a hoax, he finally declared national emergency.

    Now i am not allowed to talk trump around my wife since monday, since her safety was put in danger by a person repeating the rhetoric of trump's hoax. her job is harder than it needs to be because of trump, period. because he delayed, and because he pits us purposely against one another. and people are now seeing enemies in this instead of allies, because instead of offering words of togetherness, your current choice for leader offers nothing but divisive words. he could have called o an end to petty partisan nonsense and been an adult, but he choose not to, he choose to be himself, a provacateur and showman, and conartist and salesman.

    Im not gonna pretend like im trying to convince you of anything here, despite your previous hints, your mind is obviously made up. you apparently still thinking winning is the point.
    Matt Zilliox

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