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Thread: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

  1. #341
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by chasea View Post
    I shaved my 4-week beard. I'm a 32-year-old with a baby face, so I like to leave a little something. I haven't worked for Whitey since June 15, and I can rock one helluva Doc Holliday; so I thought why not?

    Here's why not. I started the beard in late August. My hair is sun-bleached. It looked even more ridiculous that usual. I had to give up, went scorched earth.

    Starting over. It has been 0 days without facial hair incident.
    Brooklyn problems.

  2. #342
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Idiots who can't drive.

    I'm rolling down the canyon in truckasaurus at 7:30am 200 feet behind another tacoma. Then out of one of the total of 3 sidestreets on the 18 miles of canyon a car comes pulling out right in to my lane from the side road on the left. I had to go off the road to avoid being tagged by that hippie. Luckily no damage to me or the car.

    And you want to know why? Medical marijuana. God damn hippies. I walk my dogs at 6:30 in the morning and can smell that shit from the street. How does half of my town suffer from "glaucoma"?

    Then when you are in a coffee shop and that patchouli reek comes in....

    Imma stop myself now.


  3. #343
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by xjoex View Post
    Idiots who can't drive.

    I'm rolling down the canyon in truckasaurus at 7:30am 200 feet behind another tacoma. Then out of one of the total of 3 sidestreets on the 18 miles of canyon a car comes pulling out right in to my lane from the side road on the left. I had to go off the road to avoid being tagged by that hippie. Luckily no damage to me or the car.

    And you want to know why? Medical marijuana. God damn hippies. I walk my dogs at 6:30 in the morning and can smell that shit from the street. How does half of my town suffer from "glaucoma"?

    Then when you are in a coffee shop and that patchouli reek comes in....

    Imma stop myself now.

    Was this post meant for the What's Harshin' Your Mellow Monday thread?
    Got some cash
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  4. #344
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    People who leave their vehicle idling.

    That is all... this week.

  5. #345
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Effing Bank of America.

    Two years ago, they somehow screwed up my auto-pay on a credit card I’ve had for around 15 years, and dinged my credit report with a 30-day delinquency. I know it was exactly 2 years ago next week because I distinctly remember the hotel room I was in when I was on the phone barking at them about it.

    The outcome of that conversation was very clear instructions to make damn sure my auto-pay was properly set up to pay the entire card balance every month. I very rarely use the card since they pissed me off last time, but I thought all was well…until yesterday. I’ve been on paperless billing with them forever, but I saw a letter from them in the mail. Hmmm, wonder what this is?

    It was an “attempt to collect a debt” for a……5-MOTHNS DELINQUENT payment! W T F??? I was in the LR with my wife and daughter when I opened the letter, and by the way I jumped up and ran for the phone swearing (my 3 yr old has now said “you’ve gotta be shitting me”), wife said “uh-oh, Dads going to yell at somebody…

    BofA guy tells me “the auto-pay we set up was only set up for one year.” What?? Nothing about that makes any sense at all. Screw them. I paid the whopping outstanding balance of $200 and cut the card into little bitty pieces. B1tches…..

    Can’t wait to see what this does to my credit score and the mortgage re-fi I was thinking about.

  6. #346
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    People that don't use blinkers. I live in a part of the country where no one uses blinkers, and no one has ever gotten a ticket for not using their blinkers.

    Whats worse is, when I am changing lanes I use the blinker, and EVERYBODY feels the need to speed up to fill the space I am going to. I have come to the point that - if I am clear to change lanes, I signal and change lanes. If your idiot-self feels the need to speed up, too bad I am coming over.

  7. #347
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by GAAP View Post
    People that don't use blinkers. I live in a part of the country where no one uses blinkers, and no one has ever gotten a ticket for not using their blinkers.

    Whats worse is, when I am changing lanes I use the blinker, and EVERYBODY feels the need to speed up to fill the space I am going to. I have come to the point that - if I am clear to change lanes, I signal and change lanes. If your idiot-self feels the need to speed up, too bad I am coming over.
    Isn't that everywhere?

    Re: cars idling... I was locking my bike up on a coffee run from work today and there was a pickup idling next to the pole I was using with one guy inside and another outside yapping on his cell phone leaning on the car. I get outside with my expensive yuppie pourover coffee (as in, it took a while to make) and they're still there doing the same thing. I bet they bitch about the price of gas when they talk politics like some a lot of people I know. Just gonna stop myself there.

  8. #348
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
    The large cat in my house who has now decided it is unnecessary to cover up after she craps in the box because after all her humans are going to clean it up anyway. Eye watering. I know it is the big cat because one that size would kill the little cat. I hope she doesn't do that before the mechanical contractors arrive today to continue the boiler replacement. That'll be some change order there, yes sir.
    I now have coffee on my keyboard. Thanks!

    "Even my farts smell like steel!" - Diel

    "Make something with your hands. Not with your money." - Dario

    Sean Doyle

  9. #349
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Fuck it. No more complaints. Life could be worse.

    For instance, this guy got a surprise wedding video from his new bride. Fresh market flowers, bike rides, the cat, LCD Soundsystem mention, pretty sure there was a Burning Man photo, the goddamned house.

    No more complaints today.

    And if you know dude, my condolences.

    Got some cash
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    'Cross the fields
    Lost Control
    Hit a wall
    But we're alright

  10. #350
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    1. High performance cars with low performance drivers.
    2. Emergency response vehicles that clog up every available lane, backing up traffic for miles, over very minor incidents.
    3. My new job that has the potential to make bike commuting almost impossible, subjecting me to 1 and 2 (above) on a daily basis.

  11. #351
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    1. Clusterf*ck projects
    2. Tracking down bugs that are not consistently reproducible
    3. Finishing a bike build only to discover that a there's a busted spoke on my rear wheel (looks like the head of the nipple sheared off somehow... possibly due to corrosion)

  12. #352
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    monitor died. Fully charged Kindle uses its battery up even when it's off

    Quote Originally Posted by ElvisMerckx View Post
    1. High performance cars with low performance drivers.
    7 hour trip back from a long ride a few weeks back, legs were tired, just wanted to put it in cruise and drive. First there was a BMW driver (temporary plates) that couldn't decide if he wanted to go way too fast or granny slow. Then a group of Z3's caught me, and wouldn't go away. Don't they come with a cruise control? Only good thing about that was it started pouring. Did I mention they were convertable Z3's?

  13. #353
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by ElvisMerckx View Post
    1. High performance cars with low performance drivers.
    2. Emergency response vehicles that clog up every available lane, backing up traffic for miles, over very minor incidents.
    3. My new job that has the potential to make bike commuting almost impossible, subjecting me to 1 and 2 (above) on a daily basis.
    As for #2 if there is a traffic accident that needs first responders then we are shutting down enough lanes to make it safe for us to work. I think its worse in rural areas because but we do it in cities too but unless there is a fatality we have the roads open pretty fast. I'll wait for next Thursday's bitch session if you want to hear about how nobody driving a car gives a fuck about lights, sirens, reflective vests or human life. Oh, then there are all the traffic accidents that don't even need EMS but everybody is going to get paid for that "neck injury" right?

  14. #354
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Thursday Grumps: Helmet threads, rain, impatience, owing SteveP $.
    Start slow, then taper off.

  15. #355
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Engineers who have no spatial awareness at all.

    "Just move it to the other side and it will be sweet. I'll be back after lunch and to get the new layout."

    "Even my farts smell like steel!" - Diel

    "Make something with your hands. Not with your money." - Dario

    Sean Doyle

  16. #356
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    I hate the lousy V Salon I pad app pop up button that shows up every time I visit (of late every damn time I move fro one forum to another).

    I tried the App. It sucks. I threw it away. If V Salon does not want people visiting via I Pad Safari, let me know and I will visit only on those rare times I am at a regular computer. But don't expect me to use an App that does not work.

  17. #357
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Fucking rain. 1 day is welcome relief; 2 days is good for the garden; 3 days we start watching Mary Poppins and talking about London a lot; 4 days there isn't enough coffee in the world, 5 days there isn't enough zoloft in the world, 6 days there aren't enough razor blades in the world.

  18. #358
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Helmet threads.
    Flying with F/Os who crush my ego because they are better than I ever will be.
    lack of good aluminum tubular rims.
    Political debates without the common sense third party candidate.
    hall monitors.

  19. #359
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Leaf peepers and generally anybody in front of me taking all the pleasure out of a car that really likes twisty two lane at speed on the way up to and back from Vermont to see my Dad on his 89th birthday. That and returning to an email in box filled up by people that can't read an out of the office notice so they send follow up emails inquiring why I haven't responded to their first emails or whether I "reached out" to someone on the issue that has their knickers in a twist.

  20. #360
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Me being a pussy. Got kitted up, put the temporary fenders on, then decided to just drive because it was already raining. Traffic made my 15 mile commute just as long as it would have been if I had sucked it up and ridden. Plus, I now have to go running instead.

    Americans who insist on spelling tire with a Y. If you wanna do that, then start recording your weight in stones too.

    Oh, and people who insist on saying how great tubular tires are.



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