Okay, I'm joining the fun.
196 lbs
Goal 180 lbs, lean.
Four years ago my son was born preemie and spent 3 months in the NICU. If I wasn't working, I was at the hospital. I lived on Taco Bell and pizza. When I thought to step on a scale again, I was over 230 lbs. With the help of friends, peer pressure, and constant bike commuting, I'm down more than 30 lbs and shooting for another 15. Up until now, I haven't been too serious about intake, just output. I'll change that. And I'm about to start swimming laps now that we are heading into Autumn. We'll see what that does for me.
And for those of you that are over 200 . . . can't tell you how good it feels to see the scales dip below 200 lbs. 199 = elation. You feel like you will never get there, but you will. Keep up the great work.