Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john
Ask this guy about handling skills impressive
Andrea "Gattonero" Cattolico, head mechanic @Condor Cycles London
"Caron, non ti crucciare:
vuolsi così colà dove si puote
ciò che si vuole, e più non dimandare"
Oh, I know exactly which fall to which you are referring.
I'm just saying that is not a high-side. Watch frame by frame at 0:20-0:21. Yes the rear end does swap sides but that is not a high side. First he falls off on the low side (the inside of the turn; his right). Second, the rear end never hooks ups so hard that it lifts the bicycle/rider off the ground and then pivots around the headtube to toss the rider over and off to the left.
Still, a pelvis was broken.
These are highside 'saves' but a good illustration of what is happening.
It's possible...
Terceira, Azores...coming down Sierra de Cume. Back tire caught something coming around a corner...leaf, cow shit, whatever. Slid long enough to wipe off the tire and then threw me off the bike. Luckily my nurse was Brazilian. Made recovery mobetta.
Insubordinate. And Churlish.
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john
You can definetely high-side a bike, though it is hard. I've done it a few times on my MTB. Rear wheel slipped, got waaaaay sideways (well over 45 degrees) while managing to stay upright somehow, and then when the tire hooked up I got tossed. Both times it happend really, really fast. Usually though, to get sideways enough to get tossed you've got to be going pretty fast, and usually you just slide out first.
Never done it on a road bike, but I don't push through the corners that hard on the roadie. Crashing on pavement really really sucks.
Dustin Gaddis
Why do people feel the need to list all of their bikes in their signature?
Road bike high-side crash is definitely do able. Here is one from this weekend that the guy saves and causes a crash behind him.
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john