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Thread: favorite coffee bean and roast

  1. #21
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by J_B View Post
    Ethiopia - Shakiso - Natural – Brandywine Coffee Roasters

    Having a go at this coffee this week. My favorite coffee I’ve had this year was roasted by Brandywine as well, and was a Costa Rica Cattleya, natural process. Making coffee is one of my favorite pre-ride ablutions, but when I tasted that, it was hard for me to set out as I made one or two more cups.
    Terrific endorsement.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 10-21-2019 at 06:14 AM.

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    there is currently a 93 point Guji at sweet marias i really want to work with. i mean this description gives me a boner...
    Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Gerbicho Rogicha
    City and City+ roasts show big fruits and clean floral aroma; strawberry lemonade, dried cherry, raspberry, pineapple hard candy, dried mango, orange and a jasmine nose. City to Full City.
    I just got a pound of this in a 4 pound sampler. about to give a quarter of it a go in the Behmor to City.

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by PDAR View Post
    I just got a pound of this in a 4 pound sampler. about to give a quarter of it a go in the Behmor to City.
    PDAR and others with Behmor Roasters. Start a Behmor roasting thread please. I'd really love to hear some recipes and methods.

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    I have a 6 year old Behmor. I roasted the 227g of Guji on P3, 18 minute start time, or default for 1 pound, because the roaster doesn’t quite have the oomph it used to, in spite of my replacing both the circuit board and motor about 5 years in. I hit first crack at 2:47, dropped it at 1:47 which was likely very near the end of 1C, then opened the door to aid cooling. I’ll let it sit 24 hours and give it a taste tomorrow. Sweet Maria recommends City to City+ on this one.

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    i dont even let mine sit, i drink it warm off the roaster. its really good this way, then just gets better with rest for about 4 to 5 days.

    PDARs roasts sound much like mine, my 3yo behmor has lost a bit of oomph too. i roast 240-250g on p2 setting i used to be done by around the 4:30 mark, or 13+ mins. now i have to manually hit p5 around the 10 min mark to keep the roast temp from diving and the roast stalling out, then i can still get it done around the 3:30 mark or 14+ mins. i get well past first crack but usually drop it just before second crack, i actually use an oven mitt to empty the beans into a collander and cool them with a fan.

    im not super fussed about replication.
    Matt Zilliox

  6. #26
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    You guys have inspired me to get my original 1600 out of storage and order a pile of Ethiopians from SM. Would like a plus panel but seems they are nla. Did order new elements as mine takes 15 min to reach first crack without preheating-it can only be that or the sensor, the machine is spotless. Voltage is good.
    Also going to do the needlevalve mod to my Breville DB to allow pressure profiling. Amazing that you can use a cheap machine in the same way as a Slayer or Lelit Bianca.

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    At 5 years my Behmor needed a circuit board, then a motor. DIY install, under 60 bucks. Good to go again.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    1, C, P4, (safety +10mins)

    Just finished roasting 2 lbs of Coffee Bean Corral Moka Java. First batch I added 10 mins. at the safety (4:20) and listen for first crack to finish than hit cool at very start of second crack. Result is a really really really dark roast. The beans are solid and not overcooked, I'm feeling positive this will settle down to become some great dark roast. The second batch I simply stopped / cooled immediately after second crack was finished.

    The CBC Moka Java blend is high quality. Kudos to them for making good choices...whatever they are ;)

    OK make with the methods. I'm eager to learn.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 12-07-2019 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    I’ve been home roasting for six or seven years. I now have two Behmors, one is a year or two old, the other has a new motor and controller so I can use the C button and the “profile” buttons on both but times vary because the machines roast slower as they age.

    Beans-wise: Yemen is a standard, Papua New Guinea and some Central American beans are also popular with us. Generally, we go for city to city+ and are drinking double shots made with a Duetto II and a naked triple basket.

    Our general routine for the Behmor is:
    - 16oz of green beans
    - 2min P1 (warmup), stop then
    - P1 and add all the time allowed to get to 20:30, set alarm on phone for 12mins
    - at 7:00 to go hit start to clear the “safety” timeout thing, start listening for first crack
    - 3:00 or 4:00 minutes after first crack go to P3 and keep hitting C every 3mins or so (you can keep these machines roasting forever this way but it will automatically start cooling at 330F)
    - hit cool about ~10 seconds before you want to stop roasting.

    The idea here is using P3 allows you to slide into second crack with a lot more control. I’ve tried using the D button to speed up the drum at the same time as P3 but it slows the roast too much for me.

    This gives us a full bodied and well rounded espresso, Italian style. The beans are mostly milk chocolate or slightly darker in color.

    With the C button and the P3 profile the roasts have gotten a lot more consistent and even if I make a mistake the result is a lot more drinkable than before those controls were available. I roast 32oz a week, I drink all my mistakes.

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Excellent clues Weavie. I'm only now aware that I can swap programs during the roast. Same here, I drink my mistakes unless they are flat out burnt to a crips ;)

  11. #31
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    I’m curious how you get on with it. I try to keep the roast consistent and somewhat simple, the grind and extraction seem to have a lot more variables.

    Two things I didn’t mention above - having a second machine is also a lifesaver when you sleep on the “safety” timeout, I’ve pulled a hot drum out and stuck it in the other machine to finish more than a few times and the beans weren’t that bad.
    And, sometimes it just feels like things are taking too long so I’ll go back to P1 rather than sticking it out at P3.

    I think the longest roast I’ve done is 32mins, first crack was about 20. It’s not a bad result but a shorter time between the end of first crack and the start of cooling is supposed to be better - I think I read 4-8 mins?

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    im pretty surprised at the length of some of your guys' roast times. coffee should not be roasted much longer than 18-20 mins. at that point you are baking and flattening flavor. im shoopting for 12-15 mins tops.

    preheating the roaster for 2-3 mins helps shorten roasting times as does using less coffee. The behmor cant properly roast 1lb. Using the manual functions to keep the machine from dumping off heat when the fan kicks on also helps to not stall a roast, but i cant help but think some of these roasts mentioned are "stalling out". Behmor also mentions not to do dark dark roasts on their machine, FYI. if i take a roast even to second crack, the roaster will impart a "roasty flavor" to the next batch of coffee. this flavor is bitter and offensive, so if i do accidentally take a coffee this far, i make sure to clean the roaster with simple green and run it 3 times to remove the odor.

    interesting how different we all are in our coffee needs. I started to roast specifically because i could not find coffee that i like to buy locally. folks here do dark roasting just fine, its the light stuff one cant find.
    Matt Zilliox

  13. #33
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by weavie View Post
    I’m curious how you get on with it. I try to keep the roast consistent and somewhat simple, the grind and extraction seem to have a lot more variables.

    Two things I didn’t mention above - having a second machine is also a lifesaver when you sleep on the “safety” timeout, I’ve pulled a hot drum out and stuck it in the other machine to finish more than a few times and the beans weren’t that bad.
    And, sometimes it just feels like things are taking too long so I’ll go back to P1 rather than sticking it out at P3.

    I think the longest roast I’ve done is 32mins, first crack was about 20. It’s not a bad result but a shorter time between the end of first crack and the start of cooling is supposed to be better - I think I read 4-8 mins?
    I've been fiddling with my roast recipe for single origin espresso and have settled on the following, if anyone tries it please let me know what you think.
    This is on the Behmor with the updated panel that allows for programmable settings, two drum speeds and the C button for adding time.

    15oz beans
    2min on the 1 (1lb/P5 equivalent)
    1lb, P4, + all the time allowed (24:30 I think)
    Safety countdown will be at 11:00 to go
    call first crack with first "set" of pops (so, after the outliers)
    2min after first crack, P2 and D
    3min later turn off roaster, dump beans into cooling tray, hit cool on roaster

    For example: if you call first crack at 15min, hit P2 and D at 17min and pull the beans at 20min

    This gets me a solid full city to full city+ and has been very consistent across beans from Central America, Yemen and Indonesia.

    Same recipe but 2min after first crack for City+ and 3:30 after first crack for denser beans and/or darker full city+

    (My cooling tray is a stainless colander sitting in a 5gal bucket that has a shop-vac hose inserted into the side. With stirring, the beans are cool within 2min.)

    * I've decided pulling the beans and cooling them is a huge part of getting better results. It's been a huge improvement in flavor and consistency for me.

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    Weavie, that is nearly the same as what I'm doing with the exception I keep adding time until I am positive 1st crack is 100% done and start to see a wee too much smoke than straight into a wire sieve and I toss them in the air (outside) until the chaff is gone. Getting outstanding roasts. Agreed, getting the beans cool as fast as possible is key.

  15. #35
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    Great minds! Good coffee! Crazy world!

  16. #36
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Totally agree about Kenya AA. I have it at home right now.

    Try Papua New Guinea if you get a chance as well. I really like it.

  17. #37
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    im pretty surprised at the length of some of your guys' roast times. coffee should not be roasted much longer than 18-20 mins. at that point you are baking and flattening flavor. im shoopting for 12-15 mins tops.

    preheating the roaster for 2-3 mins helps shorten roasting times as does using less coffee. The behmor cant properly roast 1lb. Using the manual functions to keep the machine from dumping off heat when the fan kicks on also helps to not stall a roast, but i cant help but think some of these roasts mentioned are "stalling out". Behmor also mentions not to do dark dark roasts on their machine, FYI. if i take a roast even to second crack, the roaster will impart a "roasty flavor" to the next batch of coffee. this flavor is bitter and offensive, so if i do accidentally take a coffee this far, i make sure to clean the roaster with simple green and run it 3 times to remove the odor.

    interesting how different we all are in our coffee needs. I started to roast specifically because i could not find coffee that i like to buy locally. folks here do dark roasting just fine, its the light stuff one cant find.
    Matt, those are good points I'll take to heart. I'm guilty of not pre-heating long enough.

  18. #38
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    im pretty surprised at the length of some of your guys' roast times. coffee should not be roasted much longer than 18-20 mins. at that point you are baking and flattening flavor. im shoopting for 12-15 mins tops.
    Although you and I disagree about many things relating to coffee, I decided to try your idea and increase the heat gain in the early part of the roast. I reduced the time for phase 1 (60o to 180o from 10 - 11 minutes to about 8. I left phases 2 and 3 the same.

    I am most impressed with the improvement in flavour, thank you.
    Mark Kelly

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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Weavie, I followed your version to the letter with a reliable Ethiopian bean with terrific results. Thank boss.

  20. #40
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    Default Re: favorite coffee bean and roast

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Weavie, I followed your version to the letter with a reliable Ethiopian bean with terrific results. Thank boss.

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