Did you read the title of the paper? It concerns MICROWAVE HEATING!!!! You don't stick the Aeropress into a microwave oven! In addition to that, it concerns food packaging, when was the last time you saw any food packaging made like the AeroPress with food packed inside? NEVER! They use a much thinner plastic for that which is not nearly as strong as an Aeropress.
I assume as paranoid as you are, you grow all your own food, because food is packaged in plastic containers, don't you dare eat any food packaged in plastic, so you need to grow all your own food to avoid the plastic packaging.
Oh, and by the way, don't eat anything out of aluminum, or cook using aluminum because aluminum migrates too, also don't use stainless steel either because it leaches nickel and chromium into foods, copper leaches copper into food, as does non stick cookware; the only safe cookware and drinking containers are Ceramic and glass. So, I assume everything you eat out of or cook in, or drink out of is strictly 100% glass or ceramic?