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Thread: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

  1. #381
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    WFH. Meeting just got cancelled. Its 60 degrees. Hmmmm.... I think its time for a ride.

  2. #382
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Craven Moorehead View Post
    The most rewarding thing as a father is to sit back and watch with joy as your children discover new things. My son is almost ten, and only yesterday did he find out that "Dick" is a nickname for Richard. His best friend at school is named Richard. My son couldn't wait to get to school today.
    I know I'm replying to my own post, but I'd just like to point out that today is Friday and Dick is coming over after school.

  3. #383
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    I am skipping a wknd of Skiing and Reggae to work on my boat, which will feel good when it's over! She'll be splashed nxt week and sailed w/in 2. Not bad. The elusive sail/ski wknd may just happen this year. Truth be told, w/the exception of good skiing, Reggae Wknd at Sugarloaf is a shitshow and very much a deterrent, but the skiing is good right now and all kinds of friends etc...are going, so I'm feeling it, but not complaining. I have a list a mile long for the boat and am very enthused. Tmmrw at this time I'll be slaving away and deeply engaged in what my buddy calls "mental boating", which is exactly what it sounds like. If yer bored, check these two out, they are heroes. fortgeblasen - cruising off track
    you're not the lord of the flies

  4. #384
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Craven Moorehead View Post
    I know I'm replying to my own post, but I'd just like to point out that today is Friday and Dick is coming over after school.
    I'm playing the conversation between your son's principal and "mr. morehead" about your son's Dick joke in my head, think it would make a great SNL skit. I have the mind of a 10 year old it seems.

    Back to friday, daughter has a tennis match at 4:00 so I'm busting out of this place early. Weather is perfect, might even ride after the match. Have a great weekend folks.

  5. #385
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Speaking of kids: Daughter will be interning in DC this summer, participating in a program run by the 'social justice' arm of the Reform Jewish movement. Her actual internship will be at a small organization working to promote peaceful solutions in a number of high-conflict arenas. She's pysched to learn about tools to mobilize and organize. Then she goes to Jordan for the fall.

    Hebrew, Arabic, Middle Eastern History, Conflict Resolution, Political Organizing. Maybe she'll actually be able to get a job when she graduates?

    But hey, the Dick story is good too! (Insert winky-face here)

  6. #386
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Press conference today: I’m tired of our leader “spiking the ball” about the 7.5 million (not accurate, when you count the millions who LOST their original plans) number of people signing up for healthcare…it’s a fn’ LAW (that he keeps changing, thus breaking the law at the same time) so why not thank the billions of drivers who stop at red lights every day while you’re at it?

    Bragging when people actually follow a law, how unique.

    I guess the fine print of insurance companies not having to allow you to join a plan until next January (if you missed the March enrollment) message even if you sign up now hasn’t sunk in yet...

    So I took it upon myself to THANK those during my ride this am, thanking those SUV-drivin-moms-cell-phone-glued-to-the-head-no-blinker-pretending-not-to-see-a-rider, drivers in encounter every day…for not running the light and wrecking my Friday.

    Although I think some mistook my THANK-YOU for another 2 word greeting...

  7. #387
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Day 2 of antibiotics. Excited to drop this sinus infection. Ready to feel good for vacation next week!
    Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast

  8. #388
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Sun is out, the temps are up and just wrapped up a few hours of trail maintenance. One of our local trails has emerged from the polar vortex and is actually dry enough to ride :big smile: Headed back later for some dirt time!!!

    All good stuff. Also fresh back from a warm and sunny time in Tucson. Nice!
    Aiming to KICK cancer's butt this time around
    Dancing with NED, raising funds for METS research

  9. #389
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    So, it's probably been pretty crazy at the Boston Athletic Association HQ with all the new rules and regulations they need to enforce. These change by the week it seems! It's pretty crazy. One recent change I am totally elated about was this recent posting:

    QUESTION: Can I leave the Athletes’ Village to visit friends or my charity location in Hopkinton?

    ANSWER: Yes, if you are part of a charity team and going to a designated location, you may leave the Athletes’ Village go to that location. However, please expect delays. By leaving the Athletes’ Village, you may have to walk more than a mile to be directed back into the secure start line system.
    Originally, once a runner was in the Athlete's Village, you were stuck there until your wave start. So if you were on a charity, as I am, you wouldn't be able to join your team. What this means is rather than having to take the BAA DFMC team bus at 5:15AM, that I can rather take a normal BAA bus at, say, 8:00AM and have more than enough time to get to the DFMC Hopkinton Refuge @ St. John’s Parish Hall. Wicked happy about that!

  10. #390
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Press conference today: I’m tired of our leader “spiking the ball” about the 7.5 million (not accurate, when you count the millions who LOST their original plans) number of people signing up for healthcare…it’s a fn’ LAW (that he keeps changing, thus breaking the law at the same time) so why not thank the billions of drivers who stop at red lights every day while you’re at it?

    Bragging when people actually follow a law, how unique.

    I guess the fine print of insurance companies not having to allow you to join a plan until next January (if you missed the March enrollment) message even if you sign up now hasn’t sunk in yet...

    So I took it upon myself to THANK those during my ride this am, thanking those SUV-drivin-moms-cell-phone-glued-to-the-head-no-blinker-pretending-not-to-see-a-rider, drivers in encounter every day…for not running the light and wrecking my Friday.

    Although I think some mistook my THANK-YOU for another 2 word greeting...
    This meeting was yesterday in a different thread.

  11. #391
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Nice to be back on familiar roads and a familiar bike this week



  12. #392
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Quote Originally Posted by boxerboxer View Post
    This meeting was yesterday in a different thread.
    My mistake, it’s been one of those weeks! I’ll pay closer attention next time!

  13. #393
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    My mistake, it’s been one of those weeks! I’ll pay closer attention next time!
    No big deal, mistakes can suck it as well

  14. #394
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    my good deed for the day:

    Found a bag with a $700 paycheck, wallet+cash, cards, ID, social security card, android, and sweater on a bike path that i am never on. the only reason i was there was because i had just gotten off a plane from cincinnati, got on the T and went straight to a station [stony brook for the locals] where i was going to meet up with a guy about a bike i'm looking into buying.. still had my luggage with me even. and as i'm walking over to where i'm going to sit and wait for the seller, i spot the bag, open it up and see the paycheck, and say to myself, "you're so fucking lucky i'm the one who found this", because it's not in the best of areas to just drop something and expect to find it later.
    so i call his girlfriend with his phone, she doesn't pick up, so i leave a voicemail.
    call his mom, her phone "isn't receiving calls at this time."
    call his most recently texted friend, his mailbox is full.
    call his "home" number, no voicemail hooked up.
    sitting there mumbling "seriously??"
    send him a message on facebook, no response.

    well, 15 minutes later, talking with the seller about the bike, girlfriend calls me, says thanks in a surprisingly calm and "this is no big deal" manner, said she'd try and get in touch with her boy.
    15 minutes later, he calls me from his work phone, explains how he has been freaking out and couldnt figure out where his bag went (it was in his basket and bounced out without him noticing somehow), until his gf called and gave him my number. said he'd come meet me wherever. i tell him i'd sit tight at the t-station because it's a nice day and a good people-watching spot anyway.
    30 minutes later, pulls up and tries to pay me/buy me things/give me a ride, but i don't need anything, so i tell him he may want to think about wearing the back next time and hop back on the T to head home to the other side of the city.

    best part though is this. so, i clicked on the guys profile facebook profile from the message i had sent him earlier to see if we had any mutual friends because he bikes and i bike and ya know, small world (we don't), and i saw that his status is:
    "My bag with my phone, keys and wallet (containing my debit card, ID, social security card and a bunch of cash) fell out of the basket on my bike while I was riding home and I didn't notice. Then when I get home this dude contacts me and says he found it and is waiting with it until I can come get it. So I go get it and try and give him money or buy him pizza or anything and he just says "nah, it's cool."
    I think he might have been Jesus or some shit."

    moral of the story, "i'm jesus or some shit."
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinclair View Post
    Give up cycling, keep riding the bike.

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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    also want to add this exciting development...
    while i was in cincy my boss let me take a day to do apartment hunting, which saves me money by not having me pay to fly out there and rent room/car for hunting, and then get reimbursed minus income tax.

    but i found a place!
    got a hardwood 1br apartment with an eat-in kitchen in oakley outside of cincy.
    rent will be approximately 43% of what I'm currently paying, for approximately 60% more room (not including the 400sqft 2-bay garage that's coming with it for only an extra $65/month).
    and it's 3.5 miles away from a 120mile bike path to Columbus.
    and it's 8.5 not-terribly-dangerous miles from work via bike.
    and I get pool access at their sister properties.
    and it's super close to a park that may as well be an arboretum (ault park).
    and it has a dishwasher!
    super excited to actually be able to save some money once i move.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinclair View Post
    Give up cycling, keep riding the bike.

  16. #396
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Seanile, that's awesome.

  17. #397
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    I washed a crankset in the kitchen sink last night and have yet to catch any shit from the missus. That's a win imo.

  18. #398
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Job interview in 90 minutes. "Fabricator" is the good part. "Diesel Mechanic" is the other part. Regular income will be the ultimate part.

  19. #399
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Good luck Wade!

    First bicycle commute of the year, it was splendid.

  20. #400
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    Default Re: Grumps can suck it, it's Friday!

    Saw at least 3 nose pickers on my drive in. Fourth was possibly an itch. Two were archaeologically delicate but the third was full on drilling for oil. All female.

    A Good Friday.

    ps - best of luck WP!

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