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Thread: 2020 Political Chatter

  1. #401
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    We need something that’s to the traditional debate format what Pecha Kucha* is to a standard PowerPoint presentation.

    Fixed and short time to respond, with a hard cutoff. Then go back to your darkened corner (or the lights and mic go off in your booth) while the other candidate gets a crack at it.

    But hey just because tRump shit all over it doesn’t automatically make it bad. He’s shitting on and has shit on a lot of things that we will clean up and rebuild.

    I’m betting that Vladimir Putin enjoyed the heck out of that debate. His investment is paying off handsomely.

    * Pecha Kucha format is 20 slides, hard timed to advance every 20 seconds.
    Trod Harland, Pickle Expediter

    Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. — James Baldwin

  2. #402
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by jclay View Post
    And now I will turn that into a letter to the editor.
    Done, though it's a more general address of what both parties offer. Submitted to the Pensacola News Journal and the Panama City News Herald, both conservative bastions.

    The rest of you, get writing.
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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  3. #403
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    That was not fun to watch.

    I like the PowerPoint idea. It would be nice if Biden actually had a chance to lay out his plans, qualifications he'd be looking for in appointments, etc. And it would be nice to have it fully shown how incompetent of a leader tRump is and has been, and how he has no plan other than to destroy the country and allow the republican senate to consolidate judicial power for the next few decades.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

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  5. #405
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    "The “parking lot” is an empty gravel patch with a noticeboard that warns visitors to beware of ticks."

    Utterly on brand!
    Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast

  6. #406
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Shit show indeed. Exactly as expected.

    Moderators shouldn't debate with the candidates.

    Moderators should have a button connected to electronic collars to zap the candidates when they act up, like puppies.

    Our Moderators here do a better job. ;)
    This collar you speak of....
    Jorn Ake


  7. #407
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by j44ke View Post
    This collar you speak of....


  8. #408
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    The next Debate, Star Trek TNG version this time:


  9. #409
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I watched the whole thing. Here's the entire transcript:

    Trump to white supremacist groups: "stand back... and stand by!"

  10. #410
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter


  11. #411
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by bcm119 View Post
    I watched the whole thing. Here's the entire transcript:

    Trump to white supremacist groups: "stand back... and stand by!"
    Coming soon, the Gofundme page for some black shirts, shiny boots and a lot of drums.

  12. #412
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Read this; it's short. I don't know the author, have read nothing else but the "about" section, but I have this crappy unease that there is more truth to it than is comfortable. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    A little (tiny) more reading and I don't know if I'd really dig the guy, or his views on civilization; maybe se, maybe no. Dunno. Not much into prepping, arming up and trying to roll my own "basic"; I hope and still think we can avoid catastrophy, as a country. His LAR buddy that's in the hiring process for the Portland PD; he'd been smarter to have stayed home in front of the tube (diff article). Like I said, dunno....but the description of collapse....well, I don't think we're there but it sure seems that we're flirting with it, or a lot closer to flirting with it than is healthy.

    It's a weird perspective.

    Edit - Yeah, prob wouldn't be my bestie and they shoulda stayed the F home. Better to ask why the BLM protests are occurring and try to remedy the root causes than be a tough guy and hang with the Proud Boy types. And at this point I see him and his buddies, or at least folks who seem to be on that side of the street, to be part of the problem that's causing whatever you want to call what we're going through.

    So, maybe this post was a pointless exercise or ill considered? Maybe shoulda deleted the post. Still, weird and maybe enlightening in a perverse way? Maybe useful in terms of seeing what the hell the white nationalist authoritarian types are doing? Shoulda checked the larger context out before posting but I'll leave my premature foray into this arena here for the reason just mentioned. Sorry about that.

    I do know this: Root causes of social unrest; address those. That's what all of us need to be doing; not loading ammo and getting into situations where we might need to use it.
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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  13. #413
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Among the many horrible things that spewed forth from the font of much uncouth, let's not forget that he celebrated and endorsed the extrajudicial killing of a US citizen alleged to have been responsible for the death of a Proud Boy... A nation of laws in the pursuit of order indeed.

    I don't blame Biden for not being able to have a retort to every vile statement made but man, that would have been a good one to follow up on.

    I sincerely hope that the Biden campaign pivots to describing a vote for him as an opportunity for moderate republicans and conservatives to hit the reset button. If we could get like 5-10% of the country that is center-right to wake up and realize they no longer recognize their country, maybe there's a chance this doesn't end tragically.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  14. #414
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by jclay View Post
    Read this; it's short. I don't know the author, have read nothing else but the "about" section, but I have this crappy unease that there is more truth to it than is comfortable. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    A little (tiny) more reading and I don't know if I'd really dig the guy, or his views on civilization; maybe se, maybe no. Dunno. Not much into prepping, arming up and trying to roll my own "basic"; I hope and still think we can avoid catastrophy, as a country. His LAR buddy that's in the hiring process for the Portland PD; he'd been smarter to have stayed home in front of the tube (diff article). Like I said, dunno....but the description of collapse....well, I don't think we're there but it sure seems that we're flirting with it, or a lot closer to flirting with it than is healthy.

    It's a weird perspective.

    Edit - Yeah, prob wouldn't be my bestie and they shoulda stayed the F home. Better to ask why the BLM protests are occurring and try to remedy the root causes than be a tough guy and hang with the Proud Boy types. And at this point I see him and his buddies, or at least folks who seem to be on that side of the street, to be part of the problem that's causing whatever you want to call what we're going through.

    So, maybe this post was a pointless exercise or ill considered? Maybe shoulda deleted the post. Still, weird and maybe enlightening in a perverse way? Maybe useful in terms of seeing what the hell the white nationalist authoritarian types are doing? Shoulda checked the larger context out before posting but I'll leave my premature foray into this arena here for the reason just mentioned. Sorry about that.

    I do know this: Root causes of social unrest; address those. That's what all of us need to be doing; not loading ammo and getting into situations where we might need to use it.
    Take my post^^^as a wrong turn into an undesirable intellectual neighborhood. My fault. I had assumed different attached perspectives and didn't check to confirm. While the linked article seems a good warning I can't go along with the larger framework of the website. It's focus is on the wrong elements; maybe read the article, maybe not, but then I'd turn around and do something productive. I feel a little nauseous.

    Edit: A bit more reading and what a MFing disturbing website. So...and I'm really stretching for the throw to first here, given that some of the best discoveries were made by accident while looking for something else, maybe it was good to see. We, the blogger and I, agree on one thing; we really are in deep shit....but he and his "guys" are part of the problem.
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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  15. #415
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Clean39T View Post
    Among the many horrible things that spewed forth from the font of much uncouth, let's not forget that he celebrated and endorsed the extrajudicial killing of a US citizen alleged to have been responsible for the death of a Proud Boy... A nation of laws in the pursuit of order indeed.

    I don't blame Biden for not being able to have a retort to every vile statement made but man, that would have been a good one to follow up on.

    I sincerely hope that the Biden campaign pivots to describing a vote for him as an opportunity for moderate republicans and conservatives to hit the reset button. If we could get like 5-10% of the country that is center-right to wake up and realize they no longer recognize their country, maybe there's a chance this doesn't end tragically.
    That's kind of happening. The Biden campaign has been playing up a lot of endorsements he's received from more reasonable republicans. Not even necessarily people that are moderates, rather the ones that are at least going to act in good faith like Kasich, Powell, etc. Basically every former republican party official from a decade ago that you'd think of as a reasonable human being short of Bush has come out in support of Biden.

    Outside of the formal Campaign, the Lincoln Project is a group of Republicans releasing pretty amusing Pro-Biden attack ads.

    But I can't fathom how anyone is an undecided voter at this point.

  16. #416
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Shit show indeed. Exactly as expected.

    Moderators shouldn't debate with the candidates.

    Moderators should have a button connected to electronic collars to zap the candidates when they act up, like puppies.
    it shouldn't be necessary to put on the guest invitation: please do not take a shit on the dinner table, the carpet, in the kitchen, or any location at our event.
    And when it happens, the course of action is to put the responsibility where it lies. I'm of the opinion that when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
    Blame the moderator? That's blame the dog shit.

    Trump is a giant entitled man-baby. He has the weakest character of anyone to hold his office, he is a disgrace to the country. The fact that he touts his
    support by law enforcement demonstrates how fucked up America is right now. Draft dodger, coward, bully, charlatan, huckster, scumbag, criminal.
    The world is baffled how such a large number of Americans still support this windbag, everyone knows who the man really is.

    EPOst hoc ergo propter hoc

  17. #417
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Two words...Rob Ford.
    Jason Babcock

  18. #418
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    In almost every State of the Union, 40% of Americans (60% of white men) support DJT. Less than half of these people are toothless and on meth, right? As a Neo-Marxist, I tend to not be interested in politics. Why and how did the nice Republicans get so angry and vindictive? I think I'm more scared of my 75 year old neighbor who watches political conventions on Fox and has about 20M in assets than I am of DJT. I'm weird that way.

  19. #419
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I watched this yesterday:

    Waking up this morning I thought about the saying, "it could happen here."

    Depending on where you are on the socioeconomic spectrum, it already has.

    This too is worth thinking about:

    "But the people who run our great institutions do not want trouble. They fear controversy. They lack faith in the intelligence of their audience. And they realize that to remind museum-goers of white supremacy today is not only to speak to them about the past, or events somewhere else. It is also to raise uncomfortable questions about museums themselves—about their class and racial foundations. For this reason, perhaps, those who run the museums feel the ground giving way beneath their feet. If they feel that in four years, “all this will blow over,” they are mistaken. The tremors shaking us all will never end until justice and equity are installed. "
    Jay Dwight

  20. #420
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by jclay View Post
    Read this; it's short. I don't know the author, have read nothing else but the "about" section, but I have this crappy unease that there is more truth to it than is comfortable. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    A little (tiny) more reading and I don't know if I'd really dig the guy, or his views on civilization; maybe se, maybe no. Dunno. Not much into prepping, arming up and trying to roll my own "basic"; I hope and still think we can avoid catastrophy, as a country. His LAR buddy that's in the hiring process for the Portland PD; he'd been smarter to have stayed home in front of the tube (diff article). Like I said, dunno....but the description of collapse....well, I don't think we're there but it sure seems that we're flirting with it, or a lot closer to flirting with it than is healthy.

    It's a weird perspective.

    Edit - Yeah, prob wouldn't be my bestie and they shoulda stayed the F home. Better to ask why the BLM protests are occurring and try to remedy the root causes than be a tough guy and hang with the Proud Boy types. And at this point I see him and his buddies, or at least folks who seem to be on that side of the street, to be part of the problem that's causing whatever you want to call what we're going through.

    So, maybe this post was a pointless exercise or ill considered? Maybe shoulda deleted the post. Still, weird and maybe enlightening in a perverse way? Maybe useful in terms of seeing what the hell the white nationalist authoritarian types are doing? Shoulda checked the larger context out before posting but I'll leave my premature foray into this arena here for the reason just mentioned. Sorry about that.

    I do know this: Root causes of social unrest; address those. That's what all of us need to be doing; not loading ammo and getting into situations where we might need to use it.
    My brother who has lived in Italy for just about ever pointed out that the article I linked appeared here, first:

    Someone who contributes to the "Defensive Training Group" incorporated it into their destructive and disturbing website.

    So while it can be interpreted in a number of contexts, some of them (like the DTG people) being perverse and destructive, it appears that it wasn't intended to be a call to arms for white nationalists. I feel better about my first instincts. In the context I assumed it is worth reading but I hope and think that we aren't quite "there".
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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