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Thread: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

  1. #4921
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    Quote Originally Posted by devlin View Post
    Started chemo a two weeks ago. Had another lot today. Last Sunday my ex-wife (separated at Xmas just gone) told me she had been seeing someone for the last two months. Really? You wait till now, in the middle of the worst shit imaginable to tell me that, which basically tells me we are done and dusted? Hopefully that's the last of the sucker punches I've been copping for the last two years.
    That sucks. Hope it gets better.


  2. #4922
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I cling to a very small thread of hope which unfortunately is beating me up. I've been angry and a little hostile to try and cover my true feelings to cope with being apart and it has obviously pushed her away. I wish I could take it all back and start again. Gut wrenching.

    "Even my farts smell like steel!" - Diel

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    Sean Doyle

  3. #4923
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Lord, have mercy. Sorry to hear.

  4. #4924
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Shower door glass is at the shop, but not the hardware.

    Best Buy is competing with Comcast on customer service - Dishwasher scheduled for delivery Saturday between 10-2. Call to confirm time received at 5pm on Friday. Call from poor schlub in the warehouse, telling me they don't even have the machine in stock, received at 9pm Friday. His ability to help me get in touch with anyone who might be able to help me id a different machine? Nonexistent.

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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Hang in there Devlin.

    My out of turn grump seems petty but just found out we're having an "announcement" at 1:30pm CT - I already know it's because owners finally sold the company. The new buyer is having us meet off-site for face-to-face introductions. Should have brought my 1TB portable hard drive in today.

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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by mnoble485 View Post
    Umpqua Community College. Another sad day in our country.

    I hate that I did this before.
    San Bernardino, Calif.

    Mike Noble

  7. #4927
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    How Often Do Mass Shootings Occur? On Average, Every Day, Records Show

  8. #4928
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    First-world grump: So after the week-long freezing spell, and now with rain coming down for about the next 10 days, they've decided to regrade many of the fire roads that lace the site where I work. Yup -- scrape the existing hard-pack and lay down some fresh (soft) gravel. Rendering them pretty much useless. Unless I have a fat bike, which I don't. The only saving grace is the half-mile or so (so far) of new single track that I've cut in the last two months.

    All this in the name of eating up "some money left over in the budget"...

    Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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  9. #4929
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    I am working hard at just say no to grump. Coming up with another narrative isn't always easy, but I find myself less overwhelmed by what looks an awful lot like collapse in the world around me.

  10. #4930
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    My OCD, self-righteous, soon-to-be-ex neighbor, from whom I need two signatures on two pieces of paper in order to sell my condo. I asked on Saturday if she could do this by Tuesday. Sign her name. Twice.

  11. #4931
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    We are moving into a new apartment in the same building because the reality company has refused to deal with the neighbor above us who wakes us up several times in the night with dropping things on her floor (our ceiling).

    We have been asking for for several weeks to have access to the new apartment Thursday evening 12/3 (to move the stuff we can carry) and all day Friday (so the movers can move the heavy stuff) and they kept saying no.
    The new apartment has been ready and empty for a few days and they still say no. We can only move on Friday when they will allow access.

    Today, they asked when our movers would be done in the old apartment on Friday so they could clean/paint because they have a new tenant moving in on Saturday.
    They have made our lives difficult so now we need to help them out? WTF!

  12. #4932
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    My grump was typed up Tuesday, but I held off thinking I'd get over it. I haven't. And every time I clock in at work, I'll be reminded of the fact that I had to chip in on a $4000 chair for business owner. $4000. Chair. Singular. That was more than my entire bedroom set, including $1000 king mattress that wifey wanted. Why is this a grump? Because the person who purchased this chair did so without first asking for people to pitch in, then went around saying she didn't want to have to pay for the whole thing and hoped people would help her out, then went around talking about how much people making 6-figures were pitching in. She seems to have forgotten that the people in offices right next to her are lucky to make 1/5 what she does. Hell, the business owner's wife is on payroll and she makes more than we do, despite not actually working for the company.

    I just really don't enjoy it here. The way it's run, the management. The guys out in the field busting their ass are treated as disposables. The guys upstairs are treated like gods, despite consistently making foolish mistakes.

  13. #4933
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by dashDustin View Post
    My grump was typed up Tuesday, but I held off thinking I'd get over it. I haven't. And every time I clock in at work, I'll be reminded of the fact that I had to chip in on a $4000 chair for business owner. $4000. Chair. Singular. That was more than my entire bedroom set, including $1000 king mattress that wifey wanted. Why is this a grump? Because the person who purchased this chair did so without first asking for people to pitch in, then went around saying she didn't want to have to pay for the whole thing and hoped people would help her out, then went around talking about how much people making 6-figures were pitching in. She seems to have forgotten that the people in offices right next to her are lucky to make 1/5 what she does. Hell, the business owner's wife is on payroll and she makes more than we do, despite not actually working for the company.

    I just really don't enjoy it here. The way it's run, the management. The guys out in the field busting their ass are treated as disposables. The guys upstairs are treated like gods, despite consistently making foolish mistakes.
    welcome to corporate life. it sucks. but you shouldn't have to pay a dime for it as you had described it. I personally don't get very involved in donations for things, especially for the things that only contribute to more foolish behavior.

    I had a friend like that. (had) There are those people everywhere and I don't let it affect me. in this particular scenario, he threw down a bunch of money one night for no reason on things the group wouldn't have done and expected reimbursement. sorry buddy, your a good friend but that doesn't mean I will let you be reckless with my earnings.
    Matt Moore

  14. #4934
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Burying my step-father today. Worried about my mom going forward.
    Kyle Olson

  15. #4935
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCfixie View Post
    We are moving into a new apartment in the same building because the reality company has refused to deal with the neighbor above us who wakes us up several times in the night with dropping things on her floor (our ceiling).
    I know her! We all know her!

  16. #4936
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    sometimes I wish I was more anonymous so I could grump better. But I find affirmation in the grumps of others.

    Quote Originally Posted by davids View Post
    Best Buy is competing with Comcast on customer service
    I actually get customer service from Comcast. Best Buy has seen the last of my money, i don't really care how much I'd save. They lied to my wife about a cellphone insurance policy, and when we actually had to use it, they wanted money when they said a replacement was free. Then they blamed the charge on ATT. Then they charged us the outrageous fee a second time. ATT actually has much better insurance with no outrageous fees, unfortunately we have used it

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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    I don't know how verbiage in a legal document can be interpreted one way for 15 years and today they are interpreted in another way. Actually, interpreted is the wrong word. It's like the words changed meaning over night.

  18. #4938
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by EricKeller View Post
    I actually get customer service from Comcast. Best Buy has seen the last of my money, i don't really care how much I'd save. They lied to my wife about a cellphone insurance policy, and when we actually had to use it, they wanted money when they said a replacement was free. Then they blamed the charge on ATT. Then they charged us the outrageous fee a second time. ATT actually has much better insurance with no outrageous fees, unfortunately we have used it
    Dishwasher delivery is now "scheduled" for this Saturday.

    Stand by for next week's grump.

    Quote Originally Posted by davids View Post
    My OCD, self-righteous, soon-to-be-ex neighbor, from whom I need two signatures on two pieces of paper in order to sell my condo. I asked on Saturday if she could do this by Tuesday. Sign her name. Twice.
    She called me back, finally, and says she will meet me tomorrow. After this ordeal I still will need her to sign (this time in front of a notary) one final legal document before I am rid of her forever.

    Stand by for next week's grump.

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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Felt like the Hunger Games in the office the other day when we all simultaneously clicked on the live video link and the CotB and president of my former co announced the sell off echoing across my cubicled floor. I could see our (ex) pres was choking up a little bit when thanking us all which almost felt sincere before she ruined it by signing off that she'd be retiring to Florida next week. May she suffer a 5hr layover in Atlanta and sit next to large smelly people and colic-y babies. Or large smelly colic-y babies.

    Anti grump about the situation tomorrow.

  20. #4940
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by davids View Post
    My OCD, self-righteous, soon-to-be-ex neighbor, from whom I need two signatures on two pieces of paper in order to sell my condo. I asked on Saturday if she could do this by Tuesday. Sign her name. Twice.
    I feel your pain. I had a similar issue when we sold our condo. You'd think a downstairs neighbor would be doing cartwheels when a family with 2 small active boys want to sell and facilitate the process.



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