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Thread: Richard Sachs Cycles

  1. #581
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by chancerider View Post
    Ahem....Bilenky has been in business since waaayyyy before the Interwebs. They also make way more then 8 bikes a year..and they make bitchin' shit of all stripes. Utilitarian? Any bike can and should be such...but Bilenky? That stuff is beautiful. And I am not sure how Vanillas can be blithely written off as utilitarian either. IMHO..Flanagan"s Amish-inspired design themes for the ANT bikes is a direct reaction to the garish rolling billboard schemes employed on almost all "racing" bikes.

    The point of my post is that many of these newer builders seem motivated by a "the bicycle is the future of urban transportation" ethos, and in that context expensive, elaborate designs don't make much sense.

    Also that I think their inspiration comes from America (the builders that I mention above being a small sample of influences) not Europe.

  2. #582
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post
    But there's no denying that bicycles exist for purposes other than "to make fatigue." I even have two or three of them; I just don't see paying thousands upon thousands of dollars for them. Diff'rent strokes.
    I think this is where I am. Yeah, all these super-fancy delivery bikes, etc are nice looking

    ...but where are you going to ride em?! Certainly not as intended! Too expensive. Think truck-cycles in MEX or other 'developing' countries. :nod THOSE are the bikes that get ridden (to death) because they're tools not toys.

    I saw lots of toys in the pics from NAHBS. :nod

    Hopefully someone's got the dosh to pay for the artsy fartsy cargo bikes. Otherwise, its a waste of time and money.


  3. #583
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Gee guys, maybe we should wait until the horse is sick before we take it out back and shoot it.

    Despite concerns of the path NAHBS has/will travel and the shape of that arc, the fact remains that over 8,000 people plunked money on the barrelhead and strolled through the door. As far as the bikes built and displayed, yeah, there were very utilitarian, some over the top, and a couple Rube Goldberg tribute bikes. But, I for one like the diversity of thought and construction. If for no other reason it reinforces what people like and don't like.

    I took deposits, I met new friends that I am already looking forward to seeing again in Denver, and caught up with old friends. If the price I have to pay for all of that is to suffer being in the room with some bikes that I don't agree with philosophically then I for one find it a bargain.
    Tim O'Donnell- Shamrock Cycles

  4. #584
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    One of the concerns I expressed to Don and a few others who foolishly choose to listen to me is that the percentage of builders vs. periphery is getting a little out of whack. I really noticed it this year. Not sure if the data supports that or if I was just a bit more sensitive to it this year but it leaped out at me this year.
    Tim O'Donnell- Shamrock Cycles

  5. #585
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    I look forward to this inevitable thread each year even less than I do the first 'who's going/whatcha doin?!' thread.

    People who don't or can't make shit for themselves (and even some that do) will never understand what it's like to create for creations sake.

    Every bike doesn't need a 'target market', the pleasure that bike brought to the person who dreamt it, made it and then showed to others is hard to put into words.

    This was after all, a handmade bike show.

  6. #586
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    Just a quick data point, and one that is relevant to some of the "are they being used" questions/doubts, think back to the bike that Tim (Shamrock) presented last year with the removable fenders. I looked at that damn thing in pictures and the video DarrenCT posted more times that most people pull up thier favorite pern sights. I recalled Tim, in the video, stating that it would be something that could be ridden to the race and then raced. I'm sure that many sat and thought, "sure, sure, whatever. . . But, it WAS raced, and heavily. And judging from the looks of that same bike at the beginning of the cross season, it wasn't the first time it was hammered on. Not that it was abused, but it was used as it was intended. In talking with Tim on this build it and beat it subject over the phone, and then seeing the bikes that Tim builds on a regular basis, I can see there is a twin purpose to the show bikes. This is a good thing. A very good thing.

    The fringe bikes. . . not so much.

  7. #587
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by bellman View Post
    I look forward to this inevitable thread each year even less than I do the first 'who's going/whatcha doin?!' thread.

    People who don't or can't make shit for themselves (and even some that do) will never understand what it's like to create for creations sake.

    Every bike doesn't need a 'target market', the pleasure that bike brought to the person who dreamt it, made it and then showed to others is hard to put into words.

    This was after all, a handmade bike show.
    Weeellll...No on 1 and Sort-of-Yes on 2, in my opinion. Respectfully;

    1) I think plenty of people who don't create anything can appreciate craft...and maybe even Art. People aren't completely stupid.

    2) Every bike may not need a target market, but don't you think it's safe to assume that for anyone who goes through the trouble and expense to display at NAHBS that they want to make some dinero at the end of the day? If you just wanted to build a few could be a talented amateur who makes bikes for their own interest an use. Think: Alex Wetmore.

    Anyway...with all that blather being said..I think this bike of yours is frickin' cool...just what I'd like to own;

  8. #588
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    "In the karaoke hall that we all occupy, the microphone that is being passed clearly needs a mute button. Perhaps it would make more sense to cut the power source completely."

    So, are you going to Denver next year? While "the show must go on", you don't have to subject yourself to the noise.
    Or, to paraphrase Woody Allen in Hannah and her Sisters, "What if the worst is true, don't you still want to be a part of it?"

  9. #589
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    It's almost too bad that it's taboo to call out the specific instances of shoddy work you see at shows like this. There's ALWAYS going to be new builders who without the chops to braze a clean shoreline, file a smooth fillet or lay down a flat TIG bead. I saw plenty of bikes from builders, heralded in this very forum, that had hasty finish work, lumpy welds and seat stays attached one higher than the other (a personal pet peeve). I hope in some way that NAHBS, and everything it attracts, serves to educate consumers. I'd love it if every builder brought a bike in progress...untouched by paint, file, sandpaper or scotch brite.

    On the other hand, there are some superstar new guys there. Chris Bishop is killing it and damn if you all shouldn't be scrambling to have Eric Rolf build you a bike before he puts a well deserved price hike in place. While not exactly a new builder, John Caletti doesn't get the recognition he deserves, nor does Rody Walter. The Illuminati on this board haven't blessed every knowledgeable builder in the states and it would be a shame if they get lumped into the do-not-want category because of it.

    FWIW, I went but did not exhibit and I had a great time. I think every one of my good friends either sold a bike at the show or took orders this weekend. It was nice to have the time to see the sun during the day but also to actually have the time to socialize with old friends and builders I admire very much. From all appearances, the show went very well and Don should be applauded for pulling it off again.
    Sean Chaney
    a peek behind the curtain

  10. #590
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by devlin View Post
    As someone who likes to think he is involved with 'the scene' but in reality is very much an outsider, and looking at a lot of the posted pictures, I think NAHBS has somewhat lost it's way. If it's meant to be a 'concept bicycle' showcase then I suppose it's a success. If it's meant to bring all of cycling sub cultures together then I would say it's successful as well to a point. If it is to present the finest builders and their finest machines then, to me, they get lost in the noise. It's obvious that to make an impact and to be taken notice of, many of the newer builders think they need bling and gimmicks. I find, for me, looking at the photosets the bikes that stand out the most are the tools. No gimmicks, properley proportioned and expertly built.

    As someone who some days entertains the idea of being a fulltime builder, I get scared. As I see it the bikes I would build would offer nothing over what you could get elsewhere other than being local. I wouldn't have the reputation to stake a business on and without the gimmicks I would easily get lost in background. Plus as Dazza, pointed out one day when speaking to him on the phone, I have a mortgage, wife and four kids. I would love to be the new kid working under a master. Learning the skills and mastering the basics. That is something I am going to have to do in isolation.
    Then do it. I'm being serious not smart-ass.
    Tom Palermo

    Palermo Bicycles
    steel bicycles & frame repairs
    Baltimore, MD

  11. #591
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    It's all rock and roll. Some do it b/c of the music; others do it b/c they want to be rock stars. I have a strong preference for the music lovers; but, I can better appreciate them b/c of the rock stars. I'm glad there is a place for all to be on full display. Love the debate though...

  12. #592
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    I am still on the road and also reconciling the weekend. The message that is buried in my text is so much less about who makes what, and how, and more about that the niche no longer has a thread running through it that connects each of us. Some folks have little experience and use the show and the trade as a creative outlet and a way to have a small business with no real long term plan or goals. Others have a target that includes a career.

    The show was conceived so that those on the inside could mentor, nudge, hand-hold, and encourage those on the outside. The very notion of a get-together that would allow some face time with peers, resource sharing, and some form of passing the torch now seems a distant memory. As a matter of fact, it's near to impossible to accomplish this now. The NAHBS weekend has evolved into a commerce driven one. My feet are straddling a line between what was once planned for and the result that it morphed into. If it's all about the money (for lack of a better way to phrase it...), I certainly can roll with that. But my heart remains in the original mission of giving back to those who desire a place in all this. I'll have to find another venue in which to get that done.

    I did have the idea that those of us with X years in the trade, OR those of us with X years at NAHBS, OR both, should not be invited back. If the goal is to grow the community and nurture its players, those who already are on the scoreboard really shouldn't be in the way. If the focus of the weekend were about those on their way up, it might allow them a better chance. And what about those X years cats I reference? Well, I thought maybe our presence at the event should be limited to giving seminars, or maybe each of us being assigned to a grouping of newer cats in order to plant more seeds that might help the newer folks grow a viable business. They need this more than those who fit the X years thing need the weekend. Regardless, I think NAHBS is good, but the show itself serves a different master than the one it was conceived for.

  13. #593
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    coco chanel-nice! i'll take it.
    you're not the lord of the flies

  14. #594
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Its a Show..... which means many things to many people.

    an Industry pat on the back? a chance to flog some new kit? a chance to show off? a chance to meet some old friends? make some new ones?

    I'm sure the exhibitors have some different expectations than the 'guests' but also some common goals.

    Whatever, its still a great thing cause its all about bikes.

  15. #595
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Richard - great insight. I am new to the show, having attended my first one this weekend. It was almost too much but I was able to meet some great folk that take a lot of pride in their work. Also, met some that seemed to be there purely to hock their wares. Most of all I enjoyed my time with RS and Deb immensely. And the package I brought home.

  16. #596
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by chancerider View Post
    Sounds like show cars or motorcycles to me. Big deal. If some framebuilder wants to be the cycling equivalent of Arlen Ness or Ed Roth, then have at it. If noone buys the poncey'll fade away on it's own. People are never happy....ranting about the boring mass-produced product that the Trekalized shoves down their throats, but conversely ragging on builders who try to catch someone's eye. I agree with a lot of what RS writes about learning one's craft or business, but there are after all many ways to skin a cat and perhaps some these young framebuilders that everyone seems to be so ready to rip apart are just trying to do the best they can given the circumstances. Let's not help doom them and by extension the handbuilt scene by engaging in negative groupthink.
    Was there something negative in what I said? No judgement in my note,just an observation,my own observation not groupthink at all.
    -Eric Z

  17. #597
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post
    But there's no denying that bicycles exist for purposes other than "to make fatigue."
    This made me laugh. Loudly.

  18. #598
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Indianapolis- one and done.

    everything else has become a "#"
    "make the break"

  19. #599
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    From the spectator/general public standpoint, if all those "guys with X years" weren't showing up, I would have a lot less desire to attend. I realize that the show serves other industry purposes, too; but those "guys with X years" are often the best part of the show for me.

    I managed to slip away from work for a couple of hours to the show on Friday afternoon. My take:
    (1) I still want a Steve Rex fillet-brazed bike;
    (2) I still really want a Bruce Gordon;
    (3) I still want a Gaulzetti.

  20. #600
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    Default Re: my SAC weekend atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by VertigoCycles View Post

    On the other hand, there are some superstar new guys there. Chris Bishop is killing it and damn if you all shouldn't be scrambling to have Eric Rolf build you a bike before he puts a well deserved price hike in place. While not exactly a new builder, John Caletti doesn't get the recognition he deserves, nor does Rody Walter. The Illuminati on this board haven't blessed every knowledgeable builder in the states and it would be a shame if they get lumped into the do-not-want category because of it.
    That's not a fair comment. We have reached out and invited any builder to contribute, to be part of Smoked Out and to show their stuff in our weekly FNL. And no one (to my knowledge) has stated or implied that if you aren't here, you aren't worthwhile.

    The shadowy minions behind Velocipede Salon may be a cabal, but we don't really have any powers worth mentioning and barely any influence.



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