So our town chip sealed the shit out of a bunch of the roads, including mine.
The tar they lay down first won't even come off a bare ti frame with acetone.
I picked up at least a hundred of these metal "bristles" from the road in front of my house before they laid down the tar and chip seal...they are VERY stiff and would no doubt puncture any pneumatic tire, be it bicycle, motorcycle, car, or truck...
These come from a giant roller brush on a machine they use to "sweep" the road in preparation for the chip seal.
August 19, 2021 by
SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr
And, I woke up to a flat tire from yesterday's ride. Fully expected to find a piece of that wire in there, but....
nope, it was a piece of the chip seal embedded in the casing.'
There's gotta be a better way, cause this is bullshit.