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Thread: Wade Patton Velo

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanrtaylor View Post
    Wade, do you think you'll have a CX frame out of your shop in time for any of this season's races? I would bring some foolhardy souls out to your area for some country 'cross anytime.

    I saw an Ira Ryan at the Fayetteville races this weekend and thought how cool it would be to have a local framebuilder and vsalonista getting muddy with us.
    Hey Nathan, I certainly hope so. I expect 10-days or more for electricity to be done. Won't take long (in WP terms) to build and paint, but then I'll need to rig it and this may be 100% new parts. I hain't had _all_ new since I bought for a SISS (about 800 for a complete atb-rigid steel ss) in 03.

    I'm eager as hell to get the torch lit again. Have new products to try and _really_ want to redeem some of my earlier work (and learn new things).

    Columbia races late. But there's the great Snake Creek Gap on their first weekend usually. Decisions...I certainly hope to have to struggle with that one this time. If I "race" this season it'll be to look pretty and wear embrocation...and earn a beer.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Ah snake creek gap. Me and Dug Mountain have unfinished business to deal with in the first part of the year. I still think the last place person should get a cold can of chili and a warm beer as a prize since the hot chili and cold beer was just about gone by the time I rolled in.

    can't wait for pics from the next build.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    I've not raced the Gap yet, but I've spent several post-race hours drinking with Rick Moon and his wife/crew. He had an Unknown Hinson t-shirt on at the Fool's Gold a couple years back. He is sitting next to me in my avatar shot above. He donated the PBR in that glass as we had consumed all the free beer for the event. Rick is the organizer of the Gap. I gotta get my butt back onna bike.

    I really expect the work to flow much nicer when I'm done "re" modeling the shop. It had become a collection of everything I work on, now being reduced to bike production--with anything else on "borrowed" time when it comes into the building. Thanks for your interest, and I'll kick out a "race history" next time I sit down here.

    But now time for more "framing" of electrons.
    Last edited by WadePatton; 09-27-2010 at 03:11 PM.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Hey, yo I did an FNL posting. Not one bicycle involved. But an entire whole freaking enchilada (now I'm hungry) bike shop. Viewers of this FNL can say years from now that, HEY I knew WP before WPV had lights or runnin' water. WPV may never have running water, but it does have a large dunk tank. The dunk tank is filled by the gutterless (and hence clog-free) roof system and the natural pissing down of precipitation from the lowest levels of our atmosphere.

    view it here in action!

    If I time it right, it stays _not so_ nasty.

    Last edited by WadePatton; 10-01-2010 at 10:09 PM.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Every freaking wire is pulled. Have to be inspected by the electrician who is "pulling a permit" for me and then get a "rough-in" inspection by the state guy. I can't get a permit to wire a new service because I have no license for connecting wires (and i don't want one). After the first inspection, I get to connect all the loads and switches and then apply (again through my friend) for a final inspection and pay that fee. Then we pays the cooperative some more fees and get the meter popped into place.

    That's when I get the tractor and load up the generator I've had borrowed for a month and haul it back home.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Dunno if my permit has been applied for or not...I've been all day collecting fuel for the heater. Rip-roaring with the chainsaws and putt-puttin' with the tractor-driven log splitter. And ran into lots of black next time. Never seen so many. 5 under one log. saw a dozen altogether.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    this one is for you, Wade: - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    More of "While I was out" the last couple of days:
    7 oct update - a set on Flickr

    thanks steve, cool tune (can't make out 100% of the vocals, but my youtube has taken a real nosedive recently. may have to listen to some more of them wrinkle necks.
    Last edited by WadePatton; 10-08-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Wade, I gotta say that so much of your story rings true with my heart... only I found out I was ADD as a child... and you just seem like a super chill cat! From aspiring esquire to a goat wearing, beer swilling, metal bending soul daddy of a bike builder! Props for staying true to yourself, I think it makes the world a better place and brings light to everything you do!

    Question: Do you feel that your active role in the industry, wether it be advocacy or racing etc. makes you (personally) a better builder? -Chris

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Hey Chris, thanks. In a bit of a rush here, (going to bike club officers' meeting yo) but wanted to acknowledge your kind words and give a stab at your question.

    In a word, no. But, in the "all things are never equal" reality, I have to qualify that response with the fact that advocacy and racing, etc. make me a better bike _person_. And that person is inseparable from the builder.

    (edited in--some time later) So--it's no and yes.

    Spending a lot of time training makes one a stronger racer/rider. These strengths and intimacies (otherwise possibly under-developed) may help one understand better the needs of his/her clients, but I don't think it is necessarily so. The stark reality of all that is, that we're working in a very narrowly defined (tradition and rules yo) set of parameters to create these "safety bikes". That said, the understanding of the complex interplay amongst the myriad of parameters which all shuffle at each change of measure, cannot simply fall out of the sky into one's head. (Nor does it magically appear after brazing x-number of same joins.)

    The head must be prepped. Turning the cranks in anger is a fine way to prep the head. Whilst one is lying spent on the ground post event, the endophinolic flood washing over the brain often brings discovery*. And with that, one more ratchet click up the ramp of enlightenment.

    or something like that.

    *and besides that, it always feels better when it quits hurtin'.
    Last edited by WadePatton; 10-26-2010 at 11:27 PM.

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Quote Originally Posted by WadePatton View Post
    Rody and Tim, feel free to confirm or deny my statements, but remember--first in time! (oh wait, that's a law school reference.)
    Sorry for the delay in responding. I need to keep up with my correspondence.

    I seem to recall finding a homeless but polite hillbilly in my booth and benevolence got the better of me. Like a stray dog you feed, I couldn't shake him. It was, and I am sure will be, a blast hanging with WP. While the details are a little fuzzy (113 Guinness will do that) I believe we all had a good time the last night in Richmond at the hotel bar.

    It has been great to watch your progression and wish you all the success in the world.
    Tim O'Donnell- Shamrock Cycles

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Quote Originally Posted by hmbatrail View Post
    While the details are a little fuzzy (113 Guinness will do that) I believe we all had a good time the last night in Richmond at the hotel bar.

    It has been great to watch your progression and wish you all the success in the world.
    Thanks Tim. I've been preoccupied with effing wires and the proper placement and orientation and terminations thereof. Also been trying to do more and talk less. My "cult of personality" is established. I have to back that up now.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    From the latest set at Wade Patton Velo | Facebook

    My new glamour shot:

    One of my gal, who is excited and requesting that I move all those splits of wood around so that she can find the thing her nose assures her is _in fact at this moment_ hiding in and amongst those very splits.

    or How a Lab points(and then breaks point to request assistance with the apprehension of her target.

    Shop is coming around:

  14. #74
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    The nicest day I've ever had pushing paperwork around was today. In my shop with a cool rain, wet dogs, hot fire, and the 60hz buzz of electrons changing directions in the recently installed circuitry. Had a good commute home too--all 150 yards of it. The dogs got wet again, the cat teased them, and I made another fire.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Product Testing:

    Where it's tested:

    View from Cumberland Plateau over Highland Rim--There's a 50' drop on all sides of that rock in the foreground. We're riding the top of a cliff. Anyone familiar with SE 24 in TN will know of "Monteagle", truck drivers call it "the Rock". We're basically riding the top of that. It's 900' down to the lower elevation. Roark's Cove Road is the road ride up to where we are--it's a great climb for this area.


    Last edited by WadePatton; 11-05-2010 at 01:59 PM.

  16. #76
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Wade, in '76 I came off the southbound side of Mont Eagle in a '68 Autocar with a drop deck flatbed. Over length, over weight, and over height with a load of bee hives we never hit a scale from Minnesota to Palm Beach. Crappy brakes, a broken Jake, small trailer wheels, all had that 290 Cummins screaming by the time I was halfway down that grade. I used every inch of road, it was still two lane then. I figured if I used the runaway ramp I'd be dead anyway hauling bees. Lots of memories of Coffee County, Tiny Town truckstop, and running around the Manchester scales... You live in a really cool place! I'd love to go riding there.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Hey Craig, that's a hoot. And them's a lot of beez. "The Rock" makes an impression (for anyone hauling a load, not so much these "4-wheelers") even though it's a tiny bump compared to the western grades. I can get over it without moving my boost needle (goes to 48 at max demand).

    I'm 18 miles north of the interstate where it goes by Manchester. 42 miles to the Monteagle exit for me. I don't get down there enough, we have three different places to trail ride in that area.

    Where was Tiny Town? I've not heard of it. Bees...would like to see 'em run portable scales on that one, you had it made---once you got off Monteagle and had the driver's seat repaired. (pucker joke).

    Here's where we were.

    See that squiggly line up at the top middle, that's Roark's Cove Road. 900' in too few miles. No cars, great climb. All the big hills right around here are simply the transitions between major geologic features: the Nashville Basin, Highland Rim, and Cumberland Plateau. So, you're going to do a 400-500' climb or a 800-1000' climb and that's it. What they lack in elevation change, they make up for in intensity. Or ride the trails where every molehill is a monster.

    Here's on of my new faves:
    Last edited by WadePatton; 11-05-2010 at 09:32 PM. Reason: sometimes

  18. #78
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    I'd love to ride down there, someday I'll pay that shop of your's a visit. Tiny Town was a little Union 76 truckstop up on the top of the mountain.

  19. #79
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    I quite anticipate having some WPV-sponsored and directed events in the next few years. More when that develops.

    My cat still needs a name. I'll get some more catmug shots up before i select one and smash a bottle---wait, he has no bow...guess i'll shoot him with the hose again. He likes that, makes him run real fast and away. But he comes back, like Super Fun Ball. (SNL 1982-ish)

    Gravel on my drive and a mailbox this last week. I brazed up my mailbox support frame. Learned how to preserve saw blades when cutting hardened steel. I rubbed the teeth right off the first blade-before i realized the stuff was tougher than usual.

    Big party in the 'hood last night. The big Trek store LBS owner was supposed to come out as his bro (same mother) was playing in the band. So I rolled in on my roadie, three beers in the bag yo. Big bags rule.

  20. #80
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    Default Re: Wade Patton Velo

    Hey I'm done hunting for the season. Put two in the freezer and got a great trophy buck as well. I hunt for food and tradition, the trophy thing just happens...well for me it took nearly 30 years. Was an early rut, mid-day buck, I was on the ground moving stealthily when one of his 2-doe harem snapped a twig and got my attention. One of the does spotted me, but I held fast. Then, I got a glimpse of Mr. Buck and feverishly waited motionless (as did he) 11 minutes to get the shot.

    Took in some other hides too. In the process of making natural bark-tanned leather from 'em. Learning as I go, and it's looking good.

    Yeah, heck yeah--deerskin cycling gloves!

    Now to get back to rolling.

    I traded for a fork jig, waiting for that and some dropouts to get into the next frame--which will be for me. After that we'll see.

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