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Thread: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

  1. #61
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I like the choice. I also like that a bunch of impressive women were campaigning to be the choice. We'll need them to keep it up, because a bunch of men are overdue for their recliners.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by cny rider View Post
    Is this based on the Presidential debates or prior performance?
    Because she tanked in the polls after a couple of debates.
    Both as well as her presence on committees.

    Understood Rowdy. I had similar feelings about Hillary. She is not what I wanted.

    My comment in part comes from what happened in 2016. Huge numbers of people did not vote.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 08-11-2020 at 07:48 PM.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Walberg View Post
    Eric, are you saying this about Biden ?


    How can you possibly say that with a straight face and also support Tramp ?
    Pence and "Mother"

    Mike Pence’s Marriage and the Beliefs That Keep Women from Power | The New Yorker

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by chasea View Post
    Senile centrist perv and a cop. Great job everyone.

    The youth is so excited to eat this big bowl of shit.
    like it or not, Biden is who the voters turned out for and Harris ticks most of the VP boxes. If people want more liberal candidates to win nominations they need to pick them in the primaries. The "youths" haven't really turned out in the last couple election cycles.

    but, a Biden presidency is not the end of the world. The winner in November is going to get to fill at least 1, probably 2, and possibly up to 3 seats on the supreme court. I'd much rather have Biden be the one making those choices than Trump. A President Biden is also unlikely to veto any super progressive legislation that somehow made it's way through congress.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by zachateseverything View Post
    like it or not, Biden is who the voters turned out for and Harris ticks most of the VP boxes. If people want more liberal candidates to win nominations they need to pick them in the primaries. The "youths" haven't really turned out in the last couple election cycles.

    but, a Biden presidency is not the end of the world. The winner in November is going to get to fill at least 1, probably 2, and possibly up to 3 seats on the supreme court. I'd much rather have Biden be the one making those choices than Trump. A President Biden is also unlikely to veto any super progressive legislation that somehow made it's way through congress.

    Big picture - In an ideal situation for campaign talking points:
    VP candidate Harris can admit to making criminal justice mistakes, and pledge to head the effort at much needed reform.
    Biden would propose a healthcare plan idea that decouples the employer system, but without going as far as medicare for all.

    These are probably the only to policy ideas they need to be specific about.

    The rest of the reason they should get your vote is they aren't Trump, and it's time for the comedy shows to go back to
    making fun of things that don't matter, instead of being a daily news and headlines show. You all get hundreds of hours
    of your life back when the orange tweet storm no longer dominates your waking brain.

    I swear all Biden has to do to win is cross his heart and promise he'll never use twitter.

    EPOst hoc ergo propter hoc

  6. #66
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by rowdyhillrambler View Post
    The answer is yes-and I do have a hard time with that.

    Fundamentally I would say I am most closely a Green Anarchist, voting for a ‘leader’ gives me a bit of a bad taste... but I go in the box, hold my nose, pull the trigger-

    This time holding my nose might not be enough-
    Dude, you live in Tennessee - when do you breathe? My 80 year old aunt has lived in Nashville for over 50 years. She’s a liberal centrist, and she’s ready to shoot up the state house.
    Jorn Ake


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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    What’s her name? I’m guessing she knows my grandmother, 86 and sat on the porch drinking beer with her yesterday. I live 70 miles from here, in Nashville working for the past 2 weeks, my grandmother could burn the courthouse down and still have cornbread on the table for dinner.
    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

  8. #68
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I have a lot of respect for Kamala Harris. Those to the left of me call her a cop; but as she said just today, she fought to fix a broken system from within. You can't do that acting like Bernie Sanders, so of course she has a few D's on her report card.

    As Rebecca Solnit says, "voting is a chess move, not a valentine".
    Most of us over 40 get that.

    For the younger ones, when we design a system whereby you can vote on an app sitting at a red light that just turned green, they'll start voting too and maybe we'll get a progressive ticket.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by bcm119 View Post
    For the younger ones, when we design a system whereby you can vote on an app sitting at a red light that just turned green, they'll start voting too and maybe we'll get a progressive ticket.
    So you know durn well that that will never happen.

    But the GOP has seen the future, and they know that practically all the demographic trends are against them. That's why they try to pull off all the dirty tricks they do (e.g. gerrymandering).

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Oh. Thanks for the pointer. I get it now.
    I didn't know about this about Pence.
    It is worse than I thought.

    I was amused by this line from the New Yorker,
    "Trump may be blatantly irreligious and Pence exotically devout, but our President and Vice-President come together quite well in their stated inability to resist women."

    I take it back Eric. Sorry.
    Mark Walberg
    Building bike frames for fun since 1973.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Walberg View Post
    I was amused by this line from the New Yorker,
    "Trump may be blatantly irreligious and Pence exotically devout, but our President and Vice-President come together quite well in their stated inability to resist women."
    To say nothing of the last two sentences of the piece (I will not repeat them) that are certainly of the "nudge-nudge, wink-wink" variety.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Yet again proud and grateful to be part of this V thing.

    Participatory Democracy. I'll just leave there there.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I think Kamala Harris’ political campaign in the primaries was an amateur effort. Her sister was her primary advisor and the advice seemed to be that she should run scared of her political record. No one is successful that way. She will have a different approach now, because she has been selected precisely for that record and will be much more comfortable.

    There’s an old joke about a Catholic and a Unitarian coming to a fork in the road on the way to heaven with a sign and two arrows. The Catholic follows the arrow that says “This way to heaven” and the Unitarian follows the arrow that says “This way to a discussion of heaven.”

    Substitute Republican and Democrat and Presidency into that scenario and you’ll get what I’m saying.

    Eyes on the prize.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Never allow despair to have the last word.
    Jay Dwight

  15. #75
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    This presidential election cycle sucks. But keeping to Harris, I doubt she is going to be as loyal as Biden would like.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mabouya View Post
    But the GOP has seen the future, and they know that practically all the demographic trends are against them. That's why they try to pull off all the dirty tricks they do (e.g. gerrymandering).
    Hate to break it to you, but democrats are pretty good at it too.

    Maryland's 3rd congressional district - Wikipedia

    Gerrymandering is terrible and leads to greater divisions.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Walberg View Post
    Eric, are you saying this about Biden ?


    How can you possibly say that with a straight face and also support Tramp ?
    I can say it with a straight face, though I'm pretty sure that she's too old for Joe's tastes. But neither edoz nor I have said anything about supporting Trump.

    Trump, Pence, Biden, Harris. I could come up with a more likeable quartet by randomly picking four names from the <insert city of your choice> phonebook. I'd almost certainly trust those people more. I might even be willing to vote for a couple of them.
    Eat one live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you all day.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I have a bad taste in my mouth about this entire election. Beginning at my local level living in the middle of a cornfield and a city whose citizens can't mind their own business to the governor of Iowa being a giant piece of human garbage (who isn't even up for election) and now this general election ticket. The only positives so far have been the primary victories of AOC, Tlaib, and Omar to show that at least somewhere progressives are holding true. God knows most of the US is still stuck in 1950.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    That people are equating both tickets is insanity. Biden has foreign policy chops, and an understanding of the sausage making involved in governing a big and diverse country. Harris is massively educated and understands the tensions between the “blue lives matter” voter and the “Black lives matter” block. Both deserve representation.

    Biden has a history of hugging too long, but so do my in-laws. It creeps me out, and some of my wife’s aunts even go in for the kiss with a hug. Add to that, they are from Pennsylvania. Biden even apologized, doesn’t have histories of multiple wives, isn’t grabbing women in the crotch, and doesn’t call them “nasty”.

    Trump isn’t in the same league...we effectively have trade wars with Canada on metals...let that sink in...Canada. We are incompetent in fighting a virus; from testing to PPE procurement and distribution, there is an abdication of responsibility. I’ll hold off on the children in cages, the meetings with North Korea, the pulling out of climate change treaties, the pulling out of Iranian nuclear agreements, efforts to use foreign governments in Ukraine to influence our election, passing a budget cut for “pass through” real estate profits, the defunding of WHO, pardoning Roger Stone, firing the AG in NYC, the privatization or the Brooks Range in AK and Bears Ears in UT...the list is endless.

    You folks who are bitching about the Democratic ticket not meeting your lofty Liberal standards risk spreading the same dispassionate fungus that infected the Clinton campaign. Don’t for a second think Trump and Pence want you to feel “blah” about the competition. Suppressing the vote, just a little bit, is their only path to reelection. They want a “bad taste in your mouth” so you don’t feel that rod going up your ass.
    Jason Babcock

  20. #80
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by bcm119 View Post
    As Rebecca Solnit says, "voting is a chess move, not a valentine".
    Most of us over 40 get that.
    This is a good line.

    It's important, too, to remember that the United States is a country filled with centerists. I get to have my voice, my positions and my beliefs. But so does everyone else.

    So you want the best available candidates, or do you want to whine that your candidate didn't make the cut? Because those are your choices.

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