Disrupt, meaning reclassifying employees as contractors, so you can transfer capital equipment costs to them.
Productivity improvement, meaning paying for 40 hours of work, while expecting 55 hours.
Disrupt, meaning reclassifying employees as contractors, so you can transfer capital equipment costs to them.
Productivity improvement, meaning paying for 40 hours of work, while expecting 55 hours.
"Optics" used in place of appearances.
"Methodology" when method will suffice.
"Anxious" when eager is the appropriate word.
Will second the comment about "silo"; not just for farmers anymore - it has been 'repurposed' these days. (Guess that's another one there.)
Is it a buzzword when you add a syllable to preventive to make preventative, or just bad form?
Trod Harland, Pickle Expediter
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. — James Baldwin
And let's not forget the phrase, "Having said that,..."
Yeah I know what you just said.
Don't get me started.
Album reviews that use the word “sonically”.
I am a little upset I overlooked this. Maybe it’s because no-one diarised a reminder for me.
I can’t tell you what that does to my blood pressure!
Colin Mclelland
"Tell how I should think about that" or one of its derivatives.
One I like:
I said to her I said Jamie, you are not going out with that man.
I hear the double “said” structure a lot in NYC. It often precedes a particularly ripe piece of gossip and/or moment in a story. So if you are standing and swaying on the subway, and you hear this preamble, you might listen closer. Hilarious stuff often follows.
I'll admit that my annoyance with this one has more to do with my old field (lit crit) in which it originated, but then again that same field is as overburdened with jargon as any out there. wordsmiths gone wild
Thoughts and prayers
Brand summit
"Impact" and "Impactful". I am all confused in this meeting. I can't tell if we're talking about teeth, bowels or what.