Last edited by Too Tall; 01-03-2021 at 09:33 PM.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
This just came across some feed I see....this would be beyond cool to see.....and it is clearly bike related!
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel
Somewhat related: I've stopped countless times, either while on a bike or motorcycle or while driving my car, to move road kill to the side. I know that it's crazy, but I do it for two reasons 1) So any vulture, crow, or whatever critter that stops for a snack isn't itself hit, and 2) Because I feel sorry for the victim, I want to spare the poor thing the indignity of being ground to dust by car and truck tires.
That's a very light colored barred owl too. But yellow beak so not much else it could be with that shape and pattern.
We found a dead white-footed mouse on one of the paths through the middle of our woods a couple days ago. Didn't occur to me that someone could have dropped their lunch. Or dinner. Or midnight snack.
you've got to stop feeding them
Jay Dwight
Proof that you do indeed live in an enchanted forest.
Mike Noble
I was walking my dogs a few years ago and they took a particular interest in a cave. Inside I caught sight of two gold rings suspended in the gloom, not six feet away. I hustled them on.
They take awhile to come around, luckily.
Jay Dwight
A few years back on the regular Weds night MTB ride I was 3rd in line, following right behind my buddy Trent, when he hit a small owl. Or it hit him. Owl was on the ground eating something. First rider spooked it, and as it tried to take flight it connected with Trent's handlebar, and it tumbled through the air past me. We all stopped, shined our lights around, found him on the ground, he sat up, shook it off, flew up onto a low branch, shook it off again, stared at us for a minute then flew off. Pretty cool.
I've also followed a much larger owl down the same trail for about 30ft or so at night, that was really cool. He/she was ~10ft in front of me flying at eye level.
Dustin Gaddis
Why do people feel the need to list all of their bikes in their signature?
Realized this morning I forgot to take down the suet feeders. They haven't had suet since the end of February as the squirrels had discovered them and were going through the two bricks I put out in about an hour or so. It was fun to watch the red-tailed hawk try to snatch a fat-filled squirrel off the tree, but I ran out of suet bricks and didn't get more. So the feeders were just sitting there empty, screwed to a pine tree.
Except when I got out there to take them down this morning, there was only half left of each one. It wasn't unlatched or just the door missing - the whole front half, hinge and all, was torn off the tree. Like biting a Tootsie-Pop.
Found the front parts about 10 feet away. Kind of rusty so it happened at least a week ago. 03/28/2021 around 4AM sounds about right.
Time to review best practices with food, compost and trash.
Last edited by j44ke; 04-05-2021 at 08:52 PM.
that puts things into perspective
Jay Dwight
I'm thinking maybe no more suet next winter. The squirrels are still hungover from all the fat they ate, and while the woodpeckers liked it, I don't like the idea of a bear getting comfortable 20' from our house. There wasn't any suet in the feeders, just a lot of leftover smears. But they have amazing noses, so he could have smelled it from the neighbor's house. I think we'll move the compost down the hill a bit also, though it doesn't look like he bothered that at all.
I laughed and laughed earlier this year when I saw the ad for the suet feeder where you could put in two blocks at once.
The squirrels had taped it to my window.
Tom Ambros
More bear stuff:
Watch a grizzly on a treadmill !!!
I think this is the same vid as posted above but detours the pay wall:
The older I get the faster I was Brian Clare