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Thread: 2020 Political Chatter

  1. #141
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?

  2. #142
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    Dude - this isn't the "Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)" thread. PS

  3. #143
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    Have you thought about why half of voters nationally and the majority of voters in the majority of states , went for Trump and mostly only the urban voters support Democrats?
    Because racism and xenophobia are always a hot commodity, and one that is very profitable for some.

    An aspiring politician told me once something I'll never forget: "In politics you play on people's darkest feelings".

  4. #144
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    As someone who lives just on the boundary of the Berkeley bubble (literally on the county line between Berkeley and NorCal version of the OC,) I can tell you that Berkeley is a myth.
    It's as white as any other American suburb, only with a "BLACK LIVE MATTERS" graffiti. But if you have almost no Blacks, and effectively drive out the rest of them, does it matter what you stencil your roads with?

    Robert Reich makes nice YouTube videos, than goes against building a fourplexes and duplexes in his street, because if there's one group everyone in America really hates is the poor.

  5. #145
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    The same applies to folks who live East of Eden and South of Fargo.
    La Cheeserie!

  6. #146
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    So out of about half the voting eligible citizens who are democrats and anti Trump, and who hope to vote him out in November , how is it that you ended up with Biden and Harris as your best shots ? Are these really your best people ?
    i dont vote for people, its not a popularity contest, its not "americas next top model". you are looking at this wrong, but it ok, thats what they want you to do, not pay attention to policy, and instead get caught up in nonsense.

    i vote on policy, not tribalism and ego. and one team has a vastly superior environmental and social policy, so that makes voting for the humans representing that policy quite easy considering the other side doesnt know what the environment even is...
    have a nice day
    Matt Zilliox

  7. #147
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    more ignorance? wow, you are on a roll today. do tell, how does the rest of America live? i didnt know there was one way, i thought there were many. this tribalism crap is dull man. these blanket statements are naive. I know 14 people in Kansas, 12 of them "vote Berkeley"
    Matt Zilliox

  8. #148
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    I was and am a Cruz guy, and I considered voting against Trump , but I saw how a good man was treated by Democrats led by Harris during Supreme Court nomination hearings, how Democrats created an impeachment process out of nothing , the Russian probe , the speech ripping by Pelosi after a perfectly nice speech, the riots in the streets, the burnings and lootings , the covid responses when I don’t think the Democrats would have done anything different , all that and more , and I have reconsidered.

    Have you thought about why half of voters nationally and the majority of voters in the majority of states , went for Trump and mostly only the urban voters support Democrats?
    what good man are you referring to? the koolaid man? you choose to ignore so much that has actually happened, these are headlines...
    Matt Zilliox

  9. #149
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Had the same conversation with my pops recently.. He starts railing about how the government gets to go to the gym but not the public, and how that shows that the democrats are corrupt and can't be trusted, and I'm like....really? with everything going on, what matters is some silly human mistakes about access to stairmasters?

    This election is about taking a stand for human decency, progress, and a future worth living. All the rest is a carefully crafted circus sideshow meant to keep the most ignorant in our society voting against their self-interest in favor of supporting oligarchs and fundamentalist nutcases.

    Also, Matt, great to hear from you - my fingers have been crossed that you are making it through this okay..
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  10. #150
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    ah the distinction without a difference effort. So, Trump may have not literally said "nazis are fine people", but he DID say there were fine people on the side that was populated with neo-nazis and white supremacists. That on its face is ridiculous and abhorrent. No one remains at a demonstration with nazi symbols and racist chants by accident. They are not fine. I just can't endorse someone who has those views.

    When the GOP fields a candidate that isn't blatantly misogynistic, racist, and elitist in his private words, and his private and public ACTIONS, versus the BS talking-heads marketing and scripted sound bites, then I'll consider voting GOP again.

  11. #151
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    I was and am a Cruz guy, and I considered voting against Trump , but I saw how a good man was treated by Democrats led by Harris during Supreme Court nomination hearings, how Democrats created an impeachment process out of nothing , the Russian probe , the speech ripping by Pelosi after a perfectly nice speech, the riots in the streets, the burnings and lootings , the covid responses when I don’t think the Democrats would have done anything different , all that and more , and I have reconsidered.

    Have you thought about why half of voters nationally and the majority of voters in the majority of states , went for Trump and mostly only the urban voters support Democrats?
    There's lots of stuff in here that makes zero sense. I'll only tackle the "covid responses". There are close to 200,000 of your people dead. Think about that number. A modern western nation has suffered almost 200,000 deaths. The highest of any country in the world. And what did Trump do? He called it out as a hoax. He said it would one day disappear. He suggested drinking bleach. He bragged about how well the US was doing. His leadership has been so hopelessly moronic and stupid on this issue that it beggars belief that anyone with a brain would even think about voting for him.

    I'll say it again. 200,000 dead. That's 66 times the number who died in September 11. The response to that action was swift and while there is a lot of debate about the means and methods involved, $5 trillion was spent following three thousand people being killed by terrorists in two planes. Yet in response to a pandemic the moron in chief suggests drinking bleach.

  12. #152
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Day View Post
    First, that did not happen.

    Second, have you considered leaving the Berkeley bubble and seeing how the rest of America lives?
    Grew up in a rural North Carolina county that voted 80% for Trump in 2016. The casual cruelty so many of them support in their politics is often vastly at odds with how I see them treat their friends and neighbors. Small town America is pretty great, but too often votes against its own economic interest through race baiting and culture war bug fuckery. Neoliberalism has not done them any favors the last 30 or so years so I get why they're loathe to vote for the Democrat, but the current President's cult of personality is an attraction I'll never fully grok.

    He called Neo Nazis marching to defend Confederate statues very fine people. The very same people who the night before Heather Heyer was vehicularly homcided by same white supremacists were marching in the streets with torches shouting that "The Jews will not replace us."

    And again, these were people marching in defense of a statue dedicated to a General who fought to defend chattel slavery.

    So yeah, he said it. It's on tape. Neo Nazis and white supremacists are not "very fine people."

  13. #153
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    There's lots of stuff in here that makes zero sense. I'll only tackle the "covid responses". There are close to 200,000 of your people dead. Think about that number. A modern western nation has suffered almost 200,000 deaths. The highest of any country in the world. And what did Trump do? He called it out as a hoax. He said it would one day disappear. He suggested drinking bleach. He bragged about how well the US was doing. His leadership has been so hopelessly moronic and stupid on this issue that it beggars belief that anyone with a brain would even think about voting for him.

    I'll say it again. 200,000 dead. That's 66 times the number who died in September 11. The response to that action was swift and while there is a lot of debate about the means and methods involved, $5 trillion was spent following three thousand people being killed by terrorists in two planes. Yet in response to a pandemic the moron in chief suggests drinking bleach.
    Given the latest forecasts, we're track to lose a World War II's worth of Americans to this by New Years Day. Compress four years of American death into 8 months. That takes some next level negligence.

  14. #154
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by theflashunc View Post
    Given the latest forecasts, we're track to lose a World War II's worth of Americans to this by New Years Day. Compress four years of American death into 8 months. That takes some next level negligence.
    That doesn't add up.

    110 days left in the year, deaths currently averaging 750 per day and trending down. Hopefully the total for the year will be under 300k.

    US deaths in WW2 about 420k.
    Mark Kelly

  15. #155
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    There's lots of stuff in here that makes zero sense. I'll only tackle the "covid responses". There are close to 200,000 of your people dead. Think about that number. A modern western nation has suffered almost 200,000 deaths. The highest of any country in the world. And what did Trump do? He called it out as a hoax. He said it would one day disappear. He suggested drinking bleach. He bragged about how well the US was doing. His leadership has been so hopelessly moronic and stupid on this issue that it beggars belief that anyone with a brain would even think about voting for him.

    I'll say it again. 200,000 dead. That's 66 times the number who died in September 11. The response to that action was swift and while there is a lot of debate about the means and methods involved, $5 trillion was spent following three thousand people being killed by terrorists in two planes. Yet in response to a pandemic the moron in chief suggests drinking bleach.
    I agree with most of this, except for the “hopelessly moronic and stupid” bit. Pre-Woodward revelations, I would have agreed. Post-Woodward, it’s clear that this was intentional. If the piece of shit was CEO of a US company and this happened on his watch, he’d be sued for civil negligence and prosecuted for criminal negligence, possibly even homicide. As it stands, he is immune from prosecution for this (even when / if he is no longer in office). Ain’t America great?

  16. #156
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    ... Yet in response to a pandemic the moron in chief suggests drinking bleach
    Oh be fair. Only a moron would suggest drinking bleach. That stuff will kill you. I thought he said you should inject it.
    Colin Mclelland

  17. #157
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Clean39T View Post
    Had the same conversation with my pops recently.. He starts railing about how the government gets to go to the gym but not the public, and how that shows that the democrats are corrupt and can't be trusted, and I'm like....really? with everything going on, what matters is some silly human mistakes about access to stairmasters?

    This election is about taking a stand for human decency, progress, and a future worth living. All the rest is a carefully crafted circus sideshow meant to keep the most ignorant in our society voting against their self-interest in favor of supporting oligarchs and fundamentalist nutcases.

    Also, Matt, great to hear from you - my fingers have been crossed that you are making it through this okay..
    thanks bud, Im not sure im okay, but im making it through alive, haha.
    stay safe out there, the worlds literally on fire
    Matt Zilliox

  18. #158
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    The WWII level of deaths I believe come from this:
    Of course it's a "model" with lots of variables.

    And we all know what the pervert thinks of models.

    Pence looks so forlorn, probably knowing he'll be getting a talking to from Mother.
    And the rubes will say, "that never happened", he didn't say that, he was being sarcastic."

  19. #159
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    thanks bud, Im not sure im okay, but im making it through alive, haha.
    stay safe out there, the worlds literally on fire
    "Okay" is such a relative concept these days - I can't see the buildings across the river (call it 200yds), but I have four purifiers running and every crevice I can find taped up to keep the 2.5s out, so I guess I'm "okay" too.. blimey.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  20. #160
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kelly View Post
    That doesn't add up.

    110 days left in the year, deaths currently averaging 750 per day and trending down. Hopefully the total for the year will be under 300k.

    US deaths in WW2 about 420k.



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