My wife and I - married in a registrar's office in the Bahamas to solve what we thought would be a pending visa issue - are having a proper family wedding in a few weeks. I've yet to figure out what to wear, though I was sure putting it off would usher in some kind of powerful inspiration.
It's an August wedding in the foothills outside Calgary: it may be hot-ish (30°C), it may be thunderstorming, it may be snowing. I'm not a tux guy, I don't think, though at some point I was headed down that path... I used to be so well put together. Then I moved to Calgary (from London, Paris, etc.), and it quit mattering entirely, and I quit caring, mostly.
Now I'm getting all anxious. I'm WIDE open to suggestion. If you were planning a southern-family-moved-north-style pigroast-family-drunkening wedding for yourself, what do you think you'd wear?