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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Take Back the Holidays
    Annie Leonard
    Holiday 2012
    It’s that special time of year: chestnuts roasting on an open fire, festive lights, family and friends ... plus shop-’til-you drop stress, billions in credit-card debt and 4 million tons of wrapping paper and shopping bags sent to the dump.

    Ugh. How did the holiday season go from being a time of celebration and renewal to the nadir of frenzied commercialism and consumption? Between Black Friday – once simply known as the day after Thanksgiving – and Christmas, weekly updates of retail sales figures are reported as breathlessly as football scores and analyzed as the most important indicators of the health of the U.S. economy. In 2011, Americans spent $471 billion during the holiday season – one fifth of retail sales for the entire year. Christmas is the Super Bowl of Stuff. Christmas has been adopted by those of various faiths and the non-religious to be a time of family, friends and giving. But advertisers have adopted Christmas, too, as their holiday, but with more sinister results.

    It’s a deplorable situation, but not that surprising. This is the end result of an entire economic system based on the making, branding, selling and trashing of consumer goods. Advertising has created such a strong association between brands and holiday symbols that we sometimes have trouble distinguishing between authentic traditions and commercial hype.

    Eight in 10 Americans report that the holidays are a time of increased stress. That’s the bad news. The good news, according to the Center for a New American Dream, is more than 3 in 4 Americans wish that holidays were less materialistic. Nearly 9 in 10 believe that holidays should be more about family and caring for others, not giving and receiving gifts.

    The even better news is that this is one change we can make on our own. We don’t have to write a letter, sign a petition or join a movement to Take Back the Holidays™. Nor do we have to search for the perfect organic, nontoxic, recyclable, cruelty-free, fair-trade gift to show our loved ones how committed we are to sustainability. Whether we are religious believers or secular citizens, we can just opt out of the madness and look for more meaningful ways to celebrate the season.

    “Christmas should be something to enjoy rather than endure,” writes author and activist Bill McKibben. “Instead of an island of bustle, it should be an island of peace amid a busy life. We want so much more out of Christmas: more music, more companionship, more contemplation, more time outdoors, more love.” In Hundred Dollar Holiday, McKibben, a church-going Christian, describes what it’s like to set a $100 limit on holiday spending – gifts, decorations, even the holiday feast. Some of us might find that level of simplicity a challenge, at least to start, but surveys bear out that those are the things people want most.

    Time – especially time with friends – is one of the most valuable gifts we can give. We have more and cooler stuff than our parents and grandparents could have ever imagined, but we pay dearly. We spend more time working and shopping than they did and we spend much less time in leisure, on vacation and with friends. Giving time together reduces the amount of stress-inducing, useless stuff in everyone’s life, builds community and creates a catalog of memories to look back on. Give your kids a day at the beach for all their friends. Exchange lunch-dates with a friend. Babysit your best friends’ kids – maybe even overnight! Share a talent: give surfing lessons, tax prep or bike repair.

    My family opted out of the gift giving frenzy a decade ago, and nothing could inspire us to go back! On Thanksgiving, we put all family members’ names in a bowl and everyone pulls one. (Family members who aren’t there get their assignment later.) Then we each buy just one gift. No waiting in lengthy lines. No buying stuff that isn’t quite right to avoid showing up empty handed. This allows everyone to give and still receive, but without the stress, clutter or post-holiday credit card bills. An occasional new spouse in the family was skeptical at first, but once they taste the stress-free holidays, they want to spread it to their own relatives too.

    If you celebrate Hanukkah, the Center for a New American Dream suggests you shift the focus to avoid giving gifts for eight consecutive evenings: “Consider having a theme for each night: hosting a family party, working on a charity project together, making homemade presents or baked goods for others, playing games, etc. – with gift-giving as only one night’s focus.”

    And one final thought: cultivating new traditions and cultural norms takes time. And giving and receiving can be fun. I’m certainly not saying we should become Scrooge and ban all gifts overnight. Or repay gifts with lectures on impending ecological collapse or feelings of guilt. I’m suggesting we rethink how we celebrate the holidays to make sure that we’re living our values and thinking for ourselves – not just responding to marketing hype.

    How you choose to take back the holidays is up to you – that’s what it’s all about, creating and nurturing your own traditions. As with any gift, it’s the thought that counts. So this year, think hard about what really matters to you and your family and put that at the top of your holiday gift list.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    I'm already there. Fuck the mall. I've bought two gifts the last few years. One for my girlfriend and one for my son. I've also made gifts a few times, which seems to delight everyone involved.
    I'd like to see more people making gifts again.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
    Summoner of Crickets
    In Before the Lock

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    I hate malls. Comes from working in retail for 8 years, I guess. I still buy people books, music, and alcohol, and sometimes clothing, but no cheap crappy toys, electronics, DVDs, or things that are transitory or have no staying power.
    steve cortez


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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Not big on Christmas and cheap crap, but what I hate even more are sanctimonious handwavers who think "buying nothing" will benefit the earth in any way. Unless you're burning the money you would otherwise have spent on purchases, at some point all of your income gets spent on something. "Earn nothing" would at least be more consistent message, though not as catchy, and equally misguided.

    There are so many ways to spend money that have either neutral or positive impacts on our environments. "Buy nothing" of course, does nothing.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacques View Post
    Not big on Christmas and cheap crap, but what I hate even more are sanctimonious handwavers who think "buying nothing" will benefit the earth in any way. Unless you're burning the money you would otherwise have spent on purchases, at some point all of your income gets spent on something. "Earn nothing" would at least be more consistent message, though not as catchy, and equally misguided.

    There are so many ways to spend money that have either neutral or positive impacts on our environments. "Buy nothing" of course, does nothing.
    I'll make you happy, how about consume less? I can spend my money on planting trees, cleaning the beaches, removing toxic ground at former industrial sites.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    The article might have more punch if clicking on it didn't result in a pop up advert, and it wasn't published in a for-profit publication.

    As a guy who sells stuff professionally, and who's social circles are mostly made up by makers and sellers of stuff, I question this sort of campaign. Rather then buy nothing, I'd be more supportive of buying smart, durable goods made by people you want to support and who's work you react to. Buy for people you love and respect, and rather then swamping them in disposable cheap items, buy them items that are as real and genuine as your love for them. It's not about the "stuff", but the stuff is a fine symbol for what is important.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Brilliant Mr. Eric, brilliant

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Couldn't do it this year. The past years I've made cocktail bitters, vanilla extract and syrups, fruit preserves, pickles... but this year my wife and I looked at each other and just shook our heads. Time wasn't going to cooperate, and it was going to be like most peoples' mall stress x 1000.

    So everyone either got books or booze, mostly from independent presses/distilleries.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    I was dumb enough to drive past one of the malls yesterday. Cars backed up for 500yds, clogging the intersection at the entrance, and cars trolling around the packed parking lot looking for a space. Fortunately, I just cruised on past.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
    Summoner of Crickets
    In Before the Lock

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Estlund View Post
    The article might have more punch if clicking on it didn't result in a pop up advert, and it wasn't published in a for-profit publication.

    As a guy who sells stuff professionally, and who's social circles are mostly made up by makers and sellers of stuff, I question this sort of campaign. Rather then buy nothing, I'd be more supportive of buying smart, durable goods made by people you want to support and who's work you react to. Buy for people you love and respect, and rather then swamping them in disposable cheap items, buy them items that are as real and genuine as your love for them. It's not about the "stuff", but the stuff is a fine symbol for what is important.
    gangnam style

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    My family has turned the focus towards experiences rather than more stuff.
    I do a calendar of photos from the current year most years.

    For the foodie UK contingent, gift certs to restaurants that are "soon to be" Michelin starred, wine, USA microbrews, etc.
    My wife has promised to start playing tennis with me again, and her dad gave me a hand me down racket that he could never get comfortable with. (he talks about tennis rackets like we talk about bikes, so I gather this racket is the equivalent of a 57cm when he should be riding a 56...)

    On this side of the pond, an art museum membership for my mom, a Dutch oven for my sister, etc.
    Though I did buy my dad a pretty cool Betsy Ross era American flag.
    my name is Matt

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    some of us try much harder.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Estlund View Post
    The article might have more punch if clicking on it didn't result in a pop up advert, and it wasn't published in a for-profit publication.

    As a guy who sells stuff professionally, and who's social circles are mostly made up by makers and sellers of stuff, I question this sort of campaign. Rather then buy nothing, I'd be more supportive of buying smart, durable goods made by people you want to support and who's work you react to. Buy for people you love and respect, and rather then swamping them in disposable cheap items, buy them items that are as real and genuine as your love for them. It's not about the "stuff", but the stuff is a fine symbol for what is important.
    Print isn't quite for-profit these days. Journalism is an institution we desperately need.

    The guy in the article agrees with you. He's for supporting people that make stuff.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    My wife did most of the Christmas shopping this year at garage sales... I don't think we've stepped foot in the local mall since taking my daughter to a movie some 2 months ago.

    Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Seeing the stress it causes people it is pretty easy to become cynical. I've witnessed parents compensating for their own life experience by making sure the pile under the tree is large for their children.
    For some time I have asked that people either send me some sort of food or drink or make a donation to charity in my name. I send cards and baked goods to my friends and family. I would love to see a reactionary movement against the hyper-consumerism that dominates this time of year, where people use their resources and time to help those who are less fortunate, you know the "spirt of Christmas" and all that.

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    The whole notion of doing something because everyone else is is not something I easily wrap my head around.

    Just a side note - what if the spirit of giving went back to the original X-mas, where the rich gave to those who had nothing?
    KIVA loan, anyone?

    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    The whole notion of doing something because everyone else is is not something I easily wrap my head around.

    Just a side note - what if the spirit of giving went back to the original X-mas, where the rich gave to those who had nothing?
    KIVA loan, anyone?

    - Garro.
    My wife and I gave KIVA loans for all of our relatives this year.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Ugh. I hate these proclamations. If you want to spend your holidays buying things, than do it. If you would rather spend your holidays doing something else, than do it. Either way, why do we have to proclaim it a movement and advertise it? Stop bugging me with information that I don't need.

    Shut up, get down from you podium, and live your life.

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    Default Re: Buy Nothing

    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    KIVA loan, anyone?

    - Garro.
    I've been rolling one over for a year or so. I just got a $1.83 repayment email a couple of days ago about Edwin in Colombia with his metal shop.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
    Summoner of Crickets
    In Before the Lock

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