Can someone give a comprehensive " How to post pictures". Be kind as I am a computer illiterate.
Can someone give a comprehensive " How to post pictures". Be kind as I am a computer illiterate.
Hey Bill,
I'm not sure if this may have been covered elsewhere, but I'll try to give you a step-by-step tutorial in my reply here (take note of the red circles in the pictures below):
Step 1:
In replying to a post, "Go Advanced" to access picture posting tools.
Step 2:
You will now see the full set of editing tools. Go ahead and hit the "Attachment" icon.
Step 3:
The "Manage Attachments" window will pop-up. Click on the "Add Files" tab on the upper right corner of this window.
Step 4:
In the drop-down menu, click on "Select Files".
Step 5:
Locate the pictures on your computer. Remember you can select multiple picture files by holding down the Ctrl key (on your keyboard).
Step 6:
After you have selected the picture file(s), go ahead and "Upload Files".
Step 7:
It will take a moment before the files appear in the "Attachments" panel. Once they do, click "Insert Inline" to place them in the body of your post.
Step 8:
The attached picture(s) will look like the following in your post editing panel. Click on "Preview Post" at any time to see your draft.
Step 9:
If you need to add more pictures, find the "Manage Attachments" tab to re-launch the window.
I hope this helps, and I look forward to seeing pictures of your frames!
Great tutorial.
I'm going to have to look at it close and figure out the way to link to my Picassa albums. I'm always having to delete old photos, which isn't good for threads when people search or go back.
Now if someone could explain how the "Advanced Search" function works, there would be no mysteries left in the world...
There is a picture icon right above where I'm typing this that will allow you to link to a image URL. If you put your mouse over it you will get a pop-up saying "Insert Image".
There's a far easier way. Post the image somewhere, e.g. flickr. Then copy the URL of the photo. On flickr, you need to go to "View All Sizes" and right click inside the appropriately sized image to capture the URL. Click on the "Insert Image" link (to the right of the globe and to the left of the film strip) and paste in the URL.
Here's a photo I took earlier today:
More photos of this vehicle: "Art Car" at Art on the Avenue
I think the benefit of storing your images on websites like flickr, photobucket, etc. is that you can also link to the images elsewhere (on other forums, for example). Its less direct than posting directly here as an attachment, but much more versatile in the end.
When I link to my Picasa pages it doesn't seem to work for me. Below I'll "insert image" and paste in the link to a photo. I tried but then deleted the post previously because it came up with a question mark. When I clicked on the question mark it took me to my photo though, offsite.
If anyone knows how I can fix this let me know. I'm already heavily entrenched in Picasa, and would not like to change to another photo server.
I am having the same issue, only it seems to be sizing. This is what happens when I try to link to a flickr image using the insert inline icon:
another try
Last edited by metalheart; 12-16-2011 at 12:55 AM.
What i did the second try above was to right click on the image in flicker and select "copy image address" whereas the first try i did a manual copy of the URL and pasted it in .... mysteries
I hope this helps:
* "Go Advanced"
*Type at least 6 characters
*open up another tab (to picasa)
*find the (picasa) image you want to post
*Right click (control + click on mac) on the image you want
*Click on "view image" on the dialog box that appears
*Copy the URL at the top
*go back to VS tab
*click on the "insert image" icon
*paste URL into dialog box that appears
Should work. Basically, once you get the image to show it's own URL (image appears on it's own page alone) you've got the goods.
To recap in another way:
I went to this (your) page:
I "right clicked" on the image, hit "view image" which opened up the image on it's own page and copied the URL from the top of the page.
This is the URL (of the picture) that I pasted into the "insert image" field for the image below:
This is the result:
Good luck. If you have any questions call me tomorrow.
Tyler Evans :: Framebuilder :: Firefly Bicycles :: Boston, Mass
Thanks Tyler, let's see if this works.
Great! Thanks for the help. I knew I was close.
Last edited by Craig Ryan; 12-16-2011 at 07:40 AM.
Pulling this thread from mothballs because I could use some help. I've been uploading from Flickr using the Manage Attachments function. Never could get it to upload directly from my computer using Browse. I often get an error message saying the image file size is too large, and I go back to Flickr and grab the link for the next smallest image. In a recent attempt it accepted one 500x500 image but rejected a second, presumably based on file size not dimensions.
How are you sizing your images on Flickr (or what method are you using in general) to upload large images into posts? Some people here have pics in posts that take up the entire message'd ya do that?
I edit with Aperture and use the Share Command to send directly to Flickr. This method doesn't allow me to adjust file size. I must be missing something. Thanks for the help.
Just grab the HTML/BBCode link and paste it in. That's all you need to do. You can adjust size in the dropdown box below.
Picture of Flickr on Flickr by Cody Wms, on Flickr
Yup. I get that. But if I go beyond 500x500, the Salon uploader complains that the file is too big. Or should I skip the uploader/Manage Attachments function and paste the HTML directly into the reply box?
For example, how did he get these images into the reply without it complaining about image size?
Last edited by Bobonli; 03-27-2013 at 04:02 PM. Reason: spelling
IMG_7372 by Dorman Cyclery, on Flickr
Just seeing if I can do it 'cause I'm an idiot.