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What happened to my nomination? Did I not act quick enough? And BTW, it's "Supreme Overlord"
This seems strangely coincidental. Some years ago at work I was being moved into a very unique position for a civilian. I was going to be working as an Assistant Public Works Officer. This is a well defined military position through out the CEC. So to distinguish it as a civilian they needed to come up with another title. The leading candidate was/is Deputy Assistant Public Works Officer. This reminded me WAYYY too much of "The Office" and I pretty much refused to go by it. Me and some friends brainstormed and decided on "Supreme Overlord". As a joke I listed that on what I thought was some random gov't information website (milconnect). Next thing I know it shows up when ever you hoover over my work email address. I had no clue the website would populate the Global Email listing. Over the next few days I got several phone calls from people I know and didn't know saying how much it made them chuckle. I decided to leave it there just for the hell of it. Got nothing but chuckles for quite some time until some random Senior Manager took offense to it. I was told that I had to change it. After the prerequisite time pouting, I went back to milconnect and deleted it. Well surprise, surprise that one part of your Email title no longer is populated by milconnect and it wouldn't go away. We are going on about 10 years now and when ever some random Senior Manager feels threatened (every couple of years) by it, I simply "claim" that I have no clue how to change it.
Truth be told, the one time that my own management was serious about me changing it I got a hold of a guy at the right IT trouble desk that could do it. He chuckled so much that he created a work ticket for it that somehow just didn't resolve the issue. I think they have given up now that I only a few years from retirement. If/when they do ask me to change it I simply forward them the email with the Failed trouble ticket and tell them if they can figure out how to get it changed, have at it.