Bikes can be held together with epoxy, yet the framebuilders on VSalon have the gall to put them together with melted brass.
Suit jacket linings can be fused, yet a bespoke tailor will stitch one by hand.
Shoes can be stuck together with glue, yet there are stlll shoes put together in a different (and better) way.
These shoes, for instance. I pre-ordered these last month and they showed up earlier this week.
Fully leather lined, goodyear welted, cork and leather insoled, silicone impregnated canvas shoes. The quality is amazing, and yet they are so low key that no one would look at them twice. A resole or two, a new pair of laces now and then, and I may still be wearing these 5+ years from now.
What else is made so much better than it has to be that you almost feel guilty about it?