You walk into a upscale salad/persian/peruvian/american/whatever restaurant and order the felafel plate for $12. It is a great plate of food, or I would not be there for crying out loud. These are typically self-seating restaurants, some are very nice places. Here is the rub, the cashier asks you if you want a drink. I say "yes, tap water is fine" and am summarily given what amounts to a methadone cup. They have handed me a ridiculously tiny cup to splash water into from the Orange Crush soda/water machine that taints it with nasty soda but WAIT it gets worse folks. I'm a polite fellow, I smile and say "can I please have a large cup, I'm quite thirsty" and most of the time I'm refused summarily or asked to pay the going price for a large soda. Dewd.
What grates your grits pard?