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Thread: The Outspoken Cyclist

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    Default The Outspoken Cyclist

    a note from e-RICHIE -
    i have invited Diane Lees to join not only the Smoked Out world but the V place community at large atmo. i know she's been reading here for a while and many of us have been guests on her radio show. i have come to believe that with oprah retiring and larry king nearing his 118th birthday, diane and The Outspoken Cyclist will become the next big thing on the airwaves. the numbers there already dwarf those of The View. i think we have finally found the replacement for long time FM queen of the night, alison steele. the big machers on the V BOD are happy diane conceded and has agreed to this.

    I’ve been invited to be Smoked Out so, here’s what I have to say. I’ve been in the bicycle business my entire adult life – okay, not ENTIRELY the entire… but since 1974. I started out not really knowing a 26” inner tube from a 27” and Presta vs. Schrader? Forget it! I was L-O-S-T. BUT, the bicycle captivated me. Not that I’d never seen one or ridden one; but, suddenly it was this work of art! And, I studied art (as well as a little journalism). I dived into learning about “the bicycle” and never looked back. I was particularly hooked on road bikes – and still am; although I’m a bit partial to tandems now too since I ride one!

    Around 1984, I somehow got into fitting people on their bikes. It just didn’t add up that people wanted to ride a lot and were in pain – a lot. So, I got this funky looking “Cinelli” blue (like the old Cinelli roller drums) Italian fitting machine – you could raise and lower the saddle; move the saddle fore and aft; you could extend the stem a bit and, that was it. But it made a difference and became the start of what has become what I call the “art of bicycle fitting”. It must work because I do tons of fittings and re-fittings and seem to have a good success rate. The newest addition to my fitting repertoire is the work I’m doing with the feet-shoes-cleats interface. It’s very cool to have someone come in with pain and go out feeling great!

    So, the shop is HubBub Custom Bicycles. We’re located in Ne Ohio. My partner is Brian Jenks, who is a long time member of VS, (and as far as I am concerned, one of the best damned bicycle techs on the planet! That is another story and some day, maybe you’ll want to smoke him out! Oh, and good luck with that; I can’t even get him to come on my radio show!)

    HubBub fits, designs, and builds custom bicycles – we don’t fabricate frames at this time. You want more info on us – we have a web site Hubbub Custom Bicycles, The Path to Fit Perfection, Cleveland, Ohio. Lots of stuff on there. We each have blogs but as luck would have it, have little time to work on them since we’re a two-person shop.

    So, along the way, I wrote a book about bicycle touring, became a certified yoga instructor, put on a bunch of events – biathlons, triathlons, and bike tours – wrote some stuff for both the trade and consumer, and then I was magically tapped to host a radio show in April, 2010. That show, Bicycling Today, was on an AM-Talk station in Youngstown, Ohio and it was the coolest thing – I doubt more than 10% of the listeners of that station knew ANYTHING about bicycles! So, what was so cool? That I learned a lot about radio and at the end of the 21 weekly shows, I was “ready for prime time” and got the gig I have now.

    The guy who works on the show with me, Greg Priddy, is a customer, a friend, and a wickedly good sound engineer. He’s an avid cyclist who did his first Calvin’s Challenge this year and of course is now hooked on long distance events. Meanwhile, he brought me into WJCU to talk with the station manager – only it turned out I already KNEW the station manager; I just didn’t know I knew. They had this Saturday evening slot available and gave me free reign to host and produce a show.

    To say that The Outspoken Cyclist is fun is barely scratching the surface. It’s a blast! I get to talk to fabulous people, learn about new things, and chat about bicycling – non-stop - for an hour ON THE AIR every week. The show is growing by leaps and bounds and my goal (I almost never have goals…) is to have it go “viral” – as in national – sometime in 2012.

    So, I guess you need to know a couple of vitals? I’m a girl; I love animals and especially our dog Cassie; I grow indoor plants (that are taking over the house); I don’t like to cook; and, I am Outspoken! Thanks for reading. Hope you get a chance to hear the show. Oh, and a very important closing here… I would especially like to thank Richard Sachs (ATMO rules) and my partner Brian for “smokin’ me out!”

    Here are a couple of links that might interest you:
    Direct link to the main page for the radio show each week:
    The Outspoken Cyclist « WJCU

    Direct link to the show where I am the guest and interviewee (with more background, etc):
    The Outspoken Cyclist – 1/1/2011 « WJCU

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Diane, so great to have you aboard! Now you are in the hot seat ;-)
    Mike Zanconato
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Welcome aboard! So as a long time avid cyclist... who's the stoker and who's the captain? Seriously! My wife and I are both huge riders and neither of us thinks we could relinquish control of the helm. Oh! Is your show broadcasted over the internets and if so, link it!-Chris
    Last edited by Dornbox; 07-13-2011 at 08:31 AM.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Quote Originally Posted by Dornbox View Post
    Oh! Is your show broadcasted over the internets and if so, link it!-Chris
    well hello teresa atmo -

    Quote Originally Posted by The Outspoken Cyclist View Post
    Here are a couple of links that might interest you:
    Direct link to the main page for the radio show each week:
    The Outspoken Cyclist « WJCU

    Direct link to the show where I am the guest and interviewee (with more background, etc):
    The Outspoken Cyclist – 1/1/2011 « WJCU

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Welcome Diane. I've enjoyed listening to some of your interviews and chatter over the interweb. Somehow it seems odd to have a talk show about something other than celebrity or politics, in a very good way. Refreshing talk radio. Maybe not an oxymoron now. Nice to know that you have caught our disease as well.
    Tom Kellogg
    Rides bikes, used to make 'em too.
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    Steel Cross, X-7, Crank Bros, Concour Lite, Nemesis, Grifo
    Steel Piste, D-A Piste, PD-7400, Concour lite, Zipp 404

    Shortest TFC Member (5'6 3/4") & shrinking

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Last edited by Dornbox; 07-13-2011 at 10:06 AM.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Hi Diane, I really enjoy listening to The Outspoken Cyclist. I've never really enjoyed most talk radio, but can't seem to get enough of your show. Last weekend saw 4 hours of me just sitting and listening to past episodes.

    Do you have a wish list of people you'd like to interview on the show?
    steve cortez


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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Do I have a LIST? Good question. What seems to happen is that the shows sort of just fall into place as news, people, and information filters in to me. I do have a calendar of guests going into late August right now and I tick off a few hopefuls when I can snag them. I am always open to suggestions - authors, builders, characters welcome (hence, Richard! :-)

    Thanks for listening. It's just about the nicest thing people say to me in recent months.



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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Cool. I rode the Hubbub campy-shimano RD cable modification for several years before finally swapping all my bikes over to campy wheels.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Let's start with a "gimme". Do bikes matter?

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Okay - do bikes matter? Well, if they didn't neither would this forum... so that's a reasonable place to start, no?

    I could go into "engineer" mode and ask questions back to you such as; do bikes matter to me? are bikes relevant? and if so, to whom and for what reason(s)? and you see where this can go. (PS - I'm NOT an engineer - I just live with one!)

    Can we just assume then that bikes DO matter. They matter to those who build them, ride them, sell them, repair them, and just plain love them, like I do. (although I fit into a couple of the other categories too)

    Now, if you are going to ask why they matter - here is my stock answer about the question "why"? Why never matters! Why is a so what. Because when you start to dissect why you end up in some circular discussion and someone will take side A and someone else will take side B and, we could just be out riding our bikes!

    Was that what you were looking for in an answer???

    TOC (aka the outspoken cyclist)
    Last edited by The Outspoken Cyclist; 07-14-2011 at 10:35 AM.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    I'll wager if you were to explain what VSalon is to a group of people who are not bicycle-holics they would cock their heads to one side as if to say "get a life". We do not matter thank goodness or I'd know it from the daily offers to buy this place for $1,000,000 ;) Bicycles do not matter either, thank the lord however they are so many things to such an wide range of people that they are an fascination to me and many here. Thus we have an Salon where makers, industry, collaborators, clients and lookers who will never throw a leg over a bike are present and talking about bicycles. Also, VSalon is a terrific way to waste some time ;)

    Do bicycles matter? Locally they do, beyond this in an greater context of transportation / sports or industry I'm afraid not.

    Again, thank goodness bicycles do not matter or we'd have to hang ferns in your bicycle shop and serve sandwiches with the crusts removed at TDF.

    Your turn.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 07-14-2011 at 11:05 AM.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    I'll bid $1,000,001 ... is it a deal? As for - get a life - this IS the life! And a good life it is... :-)

    Meanwhile, would you like to know who is on the show this week? Or, do you just want to wait for the story and news at 11?

    Truly, I think this forum is a fabulous resource and for those of us "addicted" to cycling in all its forms, it's tough to find a better group with whom to commiserate our addiction.


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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    (snicker) I only play contrarian on TV.
    HECK yes, who is on the show? Tell all.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Good Morning VSalonistas! The Outspoken Cyclist show for July 16th will be aired at 5:30pm EDT - it will also stream live at that time. The podcast will upload and become available at 6:30pm EDT on the web site (link below) as well as iTunes.

    Whether you are into bicycle advocacy or not, I believe that everyone is and/or can become an advocate for cycling - on any and all levels. This week, we have Tim Blumenthal, the Executive Director of Bikes Belong - a non-profit advocacy group that was originally formed by/for the "traditional" bike industry and, while still very much supported by some of the big guns, speaks to the grass roots level participant as well as does a fair share of lobbying on behalf of those who already ride or want to ride and for some reason cannot or will not (when you hear the interview with Tim you'll get the drift). We also have Barbara McCann, who is Executive Director of Complete Streets, which takes a different tact and coordinates a lot of efforts to make the streets accessible and safe for cyclists, pedestrians, and the disabled. Both great people with lots to say. We have news (as always) and banter (as always!).

    Hope you'll tune in this week:

    That is all! :-) Have a great weekend everyone.
    Last edited by The Outspoken Cyclist; 07-15-2011 at 11:28 AM. Reason: spelling, punctuation

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Quote Originally Posted by The Outspoken Cyclist View Post
    Reason: spelling, punctuation
    yo diane atmo - how has life changed since getting Smoked Out, huh? i mean, are the network satellite trucks
    camped outside the shop wondering about TOC? can you go to the market without getting asked about the radio
    show or V place? let us know. replies will be spotty for a day or so because the V BOD machers are here for an
    extended sweat lodge but we will be monitoring your thread.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
    are the network satellite trucks
    camped outside the shop wondering about TOC?
    i wondered what all the helicopters were for this morning
    Brian Jenks

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Atmo - "shvitz for me" :-)

    Life hasn't changed too much yet - waiting for the folks at NPR, MSNBC, APR, etc. to stop banging on my door at 3:00am asking if I'll move to their stations! Sheesh - I'm pretty okay with WJCU - they've been good to me.

    Seriously though? (as if anyone wants a serious answer, really) - I am honored and humbled! I totally appreciate being "smoked out". It's a great experience.

    Meanwhile, don't forget Vsaolinstas - if you've got a good story, know someone who needs to be "guested" on the radio, or what-ever... contact The Outspoken Cyclist!

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    Quote Originally Posted by The Outspoken Cyclist View Post
    Meanwhile, don't forget Vsaolinstas - if you've got a good story, know someone who needs to be "guested" on the radio, or what-ever... contact The Outspoken Cyclist!

    while we were toweling down a moment ago i chatted with josh about an appearance on
    TOC atmo. i think he's ready for his close up and looking forward to the oral experience.

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    Default Re: The Outspoken Cyclist

    So it shall be! Don't try to hide Josh... I've got your number. TOC

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